
258 lines
12 KiB

//! NOTE: this file is autogenerated, DO NOT MODIFY
// Section: Constants (0)
// Section: Types (5)
pub const PFN_D3D11ON12_CREATE_DEVICE = switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
param0: ?*IUnknown,
param1: u32,
param2: ?[*]const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL,
FeatureLevels: u32,
param4: ?[*]?*IUnknown,
NumQueues: u32,
param6: u32,
param7: ?*?*ID3D11Device,
param8: ?*?*ID3D11DeviceContext,
param9: ?*D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
param0: ?*IUnknown,
param1: u32,
param2: ?[*]const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL,
FeatureLevels: u32,
param4: ?[*]?*IUnknown,
NumQueues: u32,
param6: u32,
param7: ?*?*ID3D11Device,
param8: ?*?*ID3D11DeviceContext,
param9: ?*D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
} ;
pub const D3D11_RESOURCE_FLAGS = extern struct {
BindFlags: u32,
MiscFlags: u32,
CPUAccessFlags: u32,
StructureByteStride: u32,
// This COM type is Agile, not sure what that means
const IID_ID3D11On12Device_Value = Guid.initString("85611e73-70a9-490e-9614-a9e302777904");
pub const IID_ID3D11On12Device = &IID_ID3D11On12Device_Value;
pub const ID3D11On12Device = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
CreateWrappedResource: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ID3D11On12Device,
pResource12: ?*IUnknown,
pFlags11: ?*const D3D11_RESOURCE_FLAGS,
riid: ?*const Guid,
ppResource11: ?*?*anyopaque,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ID3D11On12Device,
pResource12: ?*IUnknown,
pFlags11: ?*const D3D11_RESOURCE_FLAGS,
riid: ?*const Guid,
ppResource11: ?*?*anyopaque,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ReleaseWrappedResources: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ID3D11On12Device,
ppResources: [*]?*ID3D11Resource,
NumResources: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ID3D11On12Device,
ppResources: [*]?*ID3D11Resource,
NumResources: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
AcquireWrappedResources: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ID3D11On12Device,
ppResources: [*]?*ID3D11Resource,
NumResources: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ID3D11On12Device,
ppResources: [*]?*ID3D11Resource,
NumResources: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ID3D11On12Device_CreateWrappedResource(self: *const T, pResource12: ?*IUnknown, pFlags11: ?*const D3D11_RESOURCE_FLAGS, InState: D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES, OutState: D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES, riid: ?*const Guid, ppResource11: ?*?*anyopaque) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ID3D11On12Device.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CreateWrappedResource(@as(*const ID3D11On12Device, @ptrCast(self)), pResource12, pFlags11, InState, OutState, riid, ppResource11);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ID3D11On12Device_ReleaseWrappedResources(self: *const T, ppResources: [*]?*ID3D11Resource, NumResources: u32) callconv(.Inline) void {
return @as(*const ID3D11On12Device.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ReleaseWrappedResources(@as(*const ID3D11On12Device, @ptrCast(self)), ppResources, NumResources);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ID3D11On12Device_AcquireWrappedResources(self: *const T, ppResources: [*]?*ID3D11Resource, NumResources: u32) callconv(.Inline) void {
return @as(*const ID3D11On12Device.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AcquireWrappedResources(@as(*const ID3D11On12Device, @ptrCast(self)), ppResources, NumResources);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows10.0.18362'
// This COM type is Agile, not sure what that means
const IID_ID3D11On12Device1_Value = Guid.initString("bdb64df4-ea2f-4c70-b861-aaab1258bb5d");
pub const IID_ID3D11On12Device1 = &IID_ID3D11On12Device1_Value;
pub const ID3D11On12Device1 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: ID3D11On12Device.VTable,
GetD3D12Device: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ID3D11On12Device1,
riid: ?*const Guid,
ppvDevice: ?*?*anyopaque,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ID3D11On12Device1,
riid: ?*const Guid,
ppvDevice: ?*?*anyopaque,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace ID3D11On12Device.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ID3D11On12Device1_GetD3D12Device(self: *const T, riid: ?*const Guid, ppvDevice: ?*?*anyopaque) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ID3D11On12Device1.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetD3D12Device(@as(*const ID3D11On12Device1, @ptrCast(self)), riid, ppvDevice);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows10.0.19041'
// This COM type is Agile, not sure what that means
const IID_ID3D11On12Device2_Value = Guid.initString("dc90f331-4740-43fa-866e-67f12cb58223");
pub const IID_ID3D11On12Device2 = &IID_ID3D11On12Device2_Value;
pub const ID3D11On12Device2 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: ID3D11On12Device1.VTable,
UnwrapUnderlyingResource: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ID3D11On12Device2,
pResource11: ?*ID3D11Resource,
pCommandQueue: ?*ID3D12CommandQueue,
riid: ?*const Guid,
ppvResource12: ?*?*anyopaque,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ID3D11On12Device2,
pResource11: ?*ID3D11Resource,
pCommandQueue: ?*ID3D12CommandQueue,
riid: ?*const Guid,
ppvResource12: ?*?*anyopaque,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ReturnUnderlyingResource: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ID3D11On12Device2,
pResource11: ?*ID3D11Resource,
NumSync: u32,
pSignalValues: [*]u64,
ppFences: [*]?*ID3D12Fence,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ID3D11On12Device2,
pResource11: ?*ID3D11Resource,
NumSync: u32,
pSignalValues: [*]u64,
ppFences: [*]?*ID3D12Fence,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace ID3D11On12Device1.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ID3D11On12Device2_UnwrapUnderlyingResource(self: *const T, pResource11: ?*ID3D11Resource, pCommandQueue: ?*ID3D12CommandQueue, riid: ?*const Guid, ppvResource12: ?*?*anyopaque) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ID3D11On12Device2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).UnwrapUnderlyingResource(@as(*const ID3D11On12Device2, @ptrCast(self)), pResource11, pCommandQueue, riid, ppvResource12);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ID3D11On12Device2_ReturnUnderlyingResource(self: *const T, pResource11: ?*ID3D11Resource, NumSync: u32, pSignalValues: [*]u64, ppFences: [*]?*ID3D12Fence) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ID3D11On12Device2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ReturnUnderlyingResource(@as(*const ID3D11On12Device2, @ptrCast(self)), pResource11, NumSync, pSignalValues, ppFences);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// Section: Functions (1)
pub extern "d3d11" fn D3D11On12CreateDevice(
pDevice: ?*IUnknown,
Flags: u32,
pFeatureLevels: ?[*]const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL,
FeatureLevels: u32,
ppCommandQueues: ?[*]?*IUnknown,
NumQueues: u32,
NodeMask: u32,
ppDevice: ?*?*ID3D11Device,
ppImmediateContext: ?*?*ID3D11DeviceContext,
pChosenFeatureLevel: ?*D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT;
// Section: Unicode Aliases (0)
const thismodule = @This();
pub usingnamespace switch (@import("../zig.zig").unicode_mode) {
.ansi => struct {
.wide => struct {
.unspecified => if (@import("builtin").is_test) struct {
} else struct {
// Section: Imports (10)
const Guid = @import("../zig.zig").Guid;
const D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES = @import("../graphics/direct3d12.zig").D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES;
const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL = @import("../graphics/direct3d.zig").D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL;
const HRESULT = @import("../foundation.zig").HRESULT;
const ID3D11Device = @import("../graphics/direct3d11.zig").ID3D11Device;
const ID3D11DeviceContext = @import("../graphics/direct3d11.zig").ID3D11DeviceContext;
const ID3D11Resource = @import("../graphics/direct3d11.zig").ID3D11Resource;
const ID3D12CommandQueue = @import("../graphics/direct3d12.zig").ID3D12CommandQueue;
const ID3D12Fence = @import("../graphics/direct3d12.zig").ID3D12Fence;
const IUnknown = @import("../system/com.zig").IUnknown;
test {
// The following '_ = <FuncPtrType>' lines are a workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4476
if (@hasDecl(@This(), "PFN_D3D11ON12_CREATE_DEVICE")) { _ = PFN_D3D11ON12_CREATE_DEVICE; }
comptime @import("std").meta.declarations(@This()).len * 3
// reference all the pub declarations
if (!@import("builtin").is_test) return;
inline for (comptime @import("std").meta.declarations(@This())) |decl| {
_ = @field(@This(), decl.name);