
6378 lines
358 KiB

//! NOTE: this file is autogenerated, DO NOT MODIFY
// Section: Constants (4)
pub const NETCON_MAX_NAME_LEN = @as(u32, 256);
pub const S_OBJECT_NO_LONGER_VALID = @import("../zig.zig").typedConst(HRESULT, @as(i32, 2));
pub const NETISO_GEID_FOR_WDAG = @as(u32, 1);
pub const NETISO_GEID_FOR_NEUTRAL_AWARE = @as(u32, 2);
// Section: Types (97)
const CLSID_UPnPNAT_Value = Guid.initString("ae1e00aa-3fd5-403c-8a27-2bbdc30cd0e1");
pub const CLSID_UPnPNAT = &CLSID_UPnPNAT_Value;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_IUPnPNAT_Value = Guid.initString("b171c812-cc76-485a-94d8-b6b3a2794e99");
pub const IID_IUPnPNAT = &IID_IUPnPNAT_Value;
pub const IUPnPNAT = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_StaticPortMappingCollection: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IUPnPNAT,
ppSPMs: ?*?*IStaticPortMappingCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IUPnPNAT,
ppSPMs: ?*?*IStaticPortMappingCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_DynamicPortMappingCollection: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IUPnPNAT,
ppDPMs: ?*?*IDynamicPortMappingCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IUPnPNAT,
ppDPMs: ?*?*IDynamicPortMappingCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_NATEventManager: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IUPnPNAT,
ppNEM: ?*?*INATEventManager,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IUPnPNAT,
ppNEM: ?*?*INATEventManager,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IUPnPNAT_get_StaticPortMappingCollection(self: *const T, ppSPMs: ?*?*IStaticPortMappingCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IUPnPNAT.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_StaticPortMappingCollection(@as(*const IUPnPNAT, @ptrCast(self)), ppSPMs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IUPnPNAT_get_DynamicPortMappingCollection(self: *const T, ppDPMs: ?*?*IDynamicPortMappingCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IUPnPNAT.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_DynamicPortMappingCollection(@as(*const IUPnPNAT, @ptrCast(self)), ppDPMs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IUPnPNAT_get_NATEventManager(self: *const T, ppNEM: ?*?*INATEventManager) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IUPnPNAT.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_NATEventManager(@as(*const IUPnPNAT, @ptrCast(self)), ppNEM);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INATEventManager_Value = Guid.initString("624bd588-9060-4109-b0b0-1adbbcac32df");
pub const IID_INATEventManager = &IID_INATEventManager_Value;
pub const INATEventManager = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_ExternalIPAddressCallback: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INATEventManager,
pUnk: ?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INATEventManager,
pUnk: ?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_NumberOfEntriesCallback: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INATEventManager,
pUnk: ?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INATEventManager,
pUnk: ?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INATEventManager_put_ExternalIPAddressCallback(self: *const T, pUnk: ?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INATEventManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_ExternalIPAddressCallback(@as(*const INATEventManager, @ptrCast(self)), pUnk);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INATEventManager_put_NumberOfEntriesCallback(self: *const T, pUnk: ?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INATEventManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_NumberOfEntriesCallback(@as(*const INATEventManager, @ptrCast(self)), pUnk);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INATExternalIPAddressCallback_Value = Guid.initString("9c416740-a34e-446f-ba06-abd04c3149ae");
pub const IID_INATExternalIPAddressCallback = &IID_INATExternalIPAddressCallback_Value;
pub const INATExternalIPAddressCallback = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
NewExternalIPAddress: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INATExternalIPAddressCallback,
bstrNewExternalIPAddress: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INATExternalIPAddressCallback,
bstrNewExternalIPAddress: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INATExternalIPAddressCallback_NewExternalIPAddress(self: *const T, bstrNewExternalIPAddress: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INATExternalIPAddressCallback.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).NewExternalIPAddress(@as(*const INATExternalIPAddressCallback, @ptrCast(self)), bstrNewExternalIPAddress);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INATNumberOfEntriesCallback_Value = Guid.initString("c83a0a74-91ee-41b6-b67a-67e0f00bbd78");
pub const IID_INATNumberOfEntriesCallback = &IID_INATNumberOfEntriesCallback_Value;
pub const INATNumberOfEntriesCallback = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
NewNumberOfEntries: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INATNumberOfEntriesCallback,
lNewNumberOfEntries: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INATNumberOfEntriesCallback,
lNewNumberOfEntries: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INATNumberOfEntriesCallback_NewNumberOfEntries(self: *const T, lNewNumberOfEntries: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INATNumberOfEntriesCallback.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).NewNumberOfEntries(@as(*const INATNumberOfEntriesCallback, @ptrCast(self)), lNewNumberOfEntries);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_IDynamicPortMappingCollection_Value = Guid.initString("b60de00f-156e-4e8d-9ec1-3a2342c10899");
pub const IID_IDynamicPortMappingCollection = &IID_IDynamicPortMappingCollection_Value;
pub const IDynamicPortMappingCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMappingCollection,
pVal: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMappingCollection,
pVal: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMappingCollection,
bstrRemoteHost: ?BSTR,
lExternalPort: i32,
bstrProtocol: ?BSTR,
ppDPM: ?*?*IDynamicPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMappingCollection,
bstrRemoteHost: ?BSTR,
lExternalPort: i32,
bstrProtocol: ?BSTR,
ppDPM: ?*?*IDynamicPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMappingCollection,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMappingCollection,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Remove: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMappingCollection,
bstrRemoteHost: ?BSTR,
lExternalPort: i32,
bstrProtocol: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMappingCollection,
bstrRemoteHost: ?BSTR,
lExternalPort: i32,
bstrProtocol: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Add: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMappingCollection,
bstrRemoteHost: ?BSTR,
lExternalPort: i32,
bstrProtocol: ?BSTR,
lInternalPort: i32,
bstrInternalClient: ?BSTR,
bEnabled: i16,
bstrDescription: ?BSTR,
lLeaseDuration: i32,
ppDPM: ?*?*IDynamicPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMappingCollection,
bstrRemoteHost: ?BSTR,
lExternalPort: i32,
bstrProtocol: ?BSTR,
lInternalPort: i32,
bstrInternalClient: ?BSTR,
bEnabled: i16,
bstrDescription: ?BSTR,
lLeaseDuration: i32,
ppDPM: ?*?*IDynamicPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMappingCollection_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMappingCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const IDynamicPortMappingCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMappingCollection_get_Item(self: *const T, bstrRemoteHost: ?BSTR, lExternalPort: i32, bstrProtocol: ?BSTR, ppDPM: ?*?*IDynamicPortMapping) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMappingCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Item(@as(*const IDynamicPortMappingCollection, @ptrCast(self)), bstrRemoteHost, lExternalPort, bstrProtocol, ppDPM);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMappingCollection_get_Count(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMappingCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const IDynamicPortMappingCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMappingCollection_Remove(self: *const T, bstrRemoteHost: ?BSTR, lExternalPort: i32, bstrProtocol: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMappingCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Remove(@as(*const IDynamicPortMappingCollection, @ptrCast(self)), bstrRemoteHost, lExternalPort, bstrProtocol);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMappingCollection_Add(self: *const T, bstrRemoteHost: ?BSTR, lExternalPort: i32, bstrProtocol: ?BSTR, lInternalPort: i32, bstrInternalClient: ?BSTR, bEnabled: i16, bstrDescription: ?BSTR, lLeaseDuration: i32, ppDPM: ?*?*IDynamicPortMapping) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMappingCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Add(@as(*const IDynamicPortMappingCollection, @ptrCast(self)), bstrRemoteHost, lExternalPort, bstrProtocol, lInternalPort, bstrInternalClient, bEnabled, bstrDescription, lLeaseDuration, ppDPM);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_IDynamicPortMapping_Value = Guid.initString("4fc80282-23b6-4378-9a27-cd8f17c9400c");
pub const IID_IDynamicPortMapping = &IID_IDynamicPortMapping_Value;
pub const IDynamicPortMapping = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ExternalIPAddress: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RemoteHost: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ExternalPort: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Protocol: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_InternalPort: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_InternalClient: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Description: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_LeaseDuration: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
RenewLease: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
lLeaseDurationDesired: i32,
pLeaseDurationReturned: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
lLeaseDurationDesired: i32,
pLeaseDurationReturned: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
EditInternalClient: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
bstrInternalClient: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
bstrInternalClient: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Enable: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
vb: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
vb: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
EditDescription: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
bstrDescription: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
bstrDescription: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
EditInternalPort: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
lInternalPort: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDynamicPortMapping,
lInternalPort: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_get_ExternalIPAddress(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ExternalIPAddress(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_get_RemoteHost(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RemoteHost(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_get_ExternalPort(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ExternalPort(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_get_Protocol(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Protocol(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_get_InternalPort(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_InternalPort(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_get_InternalClient(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_InternalClient(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_get_Enabled(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Enabled(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_get_Description(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Description(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_get_LeaseDuration(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_LeaseDuration(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_RenewLease(self: *const T, lLeaseDurationDesired: i32, pLeaseDurationReturned: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RenewLease(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), lLeaseDurationDesired, pLeaseDurationReturned);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_EditInternalClient(self: *const T, bstrInternalClient: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EditInternalClient(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), bstrInternalClient);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_Enable(self: *const T, vb: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Enable(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), vb);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_EditDescription(self: *const T, bstrDescription: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EditDescription(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), bstrDescription);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDynamicPortMapping_EditInternalPort(self: *const T, lInternalPort: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDynamicPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EditInternalPort(@as(*const IDynamicPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), lInternalPort);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_IStaticPortMappingCollection_Value = Guid.initString("cd1f3e77-66d6-4664-82c7-36dbb641d0f1");
pub const IID_IStaticPortMappingCollection = &IID_IStaticPortMappingCollection_Value;
pub const IStaticPortMappingCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMappingCollection,
pVal: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMappingCollection,
pVal: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMappingCollection,
lExternalPort: i32,
bstrProtocol: ?BSTR,
ppSPM: ?*?*IStaticPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMappingCollection,
lExternalPort: i32,
bstrProtocol: ?BSTR,
ppSPM: ?*?*IStaticPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMappingCollection,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMappingCollection,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Remove: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMappingCollection,
lExternalPort: i32,
bstrProtocol: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMappingCollection,
lExternalPort: i32,
bstrProtocol: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Add: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMappingCollection,
lExternalPort: i32,
bstrProtocol: ?BSTR,
lInternalPort: i32,
bstrInternalClient: ?BSTR,
bEnabled: i16,
bstrDescription: ?BSTR,
ppSPM: ?*?*IStaticPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMappingCollection,
lExternalPort: i32,
bstrProtocol: ?BSTR,
lInternalPort: i32,
bstrInternalClient: ?BSTR,
bEnabled: i16,
bstrDescription: ?BSTR,
ppSPM: ?*?*IStaticPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMappingCollection_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMappingCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const IStaticPortMappingCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMappingCollection_get_Item(self: *const T, lExternalPort: i32, bstrProtocol: ?BSTR, ppSPM: ?*?*IStaticPortMapping) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMappingCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Item(@as(*const IStaticPortMappingCollection, @ptrCast(self)), lExternalPort, bstrProtocol, ppSPM);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMappingCollection_get_Count(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMappingCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const IStaticPortMappingCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMappingCollection_Remove(self: *const T, lExternalPort: i32, bstrProtocol: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMappingCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Remove(@as(*const IStaticPortMappingCollection, @ptrCast(self)), lExternalPort, bstrProtocol);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMappingCollection_Add(self: *const T, lExternalPort: i32, bstrProtocol: ?BSTR, lInternalPort: i32, bstrInternalClient: ?BSTR, bEnabled: i16, bstrDescription: ?BSTR, ppSPM: ?*?*IStaticPortMapping) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMappingCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Add(@as(*const IStaticPortMappingCollection, @ptrCast(self)), lExternalPort, bstrProtocol, lInternalPort, bstrInternalClient, bEnabled, bstrDescription, ppSPM);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_IStaticPortMapping_Value = Guid.initString("6f10711f-729b-41e5-93b8-f21d0f818df1");
pub const IID_IStaticPortMapping = &IID_IStaticPortMapping_Value;
pub const IStaticPortMapping = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ExternalIPAddress: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ExternalPort: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_InternalPort: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Protocol: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_InternalClient: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Description: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
pVal: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
EditInternalClient: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
bstrInternalClient: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
bstrInternalClient: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Enable: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
vb: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
vb: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
EditDescription: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
bstrDescription: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
bstrDescription: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
EditInternalPort: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
lInternalPort: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStaticPortMapping,
lInternalPort: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMapping_get_ExternalIPAddress(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ExternalIPAddress(@as(*const IStaticPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMapping_get_ExternalPort(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ExternalPort(@as(*const IStaticPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMapping_get_InternalPort(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_InternalPort(@as(*const IStaticPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMapping_get_Protocol(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Protocol(@as(*const IStaticPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMapping_get_InternalClient(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_InternalClient(@as(*const IStaticPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMapping_get_Enabled(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Enabled(@as(*const IStaticPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMapping_get_Description(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Description(@as(*const IStaticPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMapping_EditInternalClient(self: *const T, bstrInternalClient: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EditInternalClient(@as(*const IStaticPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), bstrInternalClient);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMapping_Enable(self: *const T, vb: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Enable(@as(*const IStaticPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), vb);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMapping_EditDescription(self: *const T, bstrDescription: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EditDescription(@as(*const IStaticPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), bstrDescription);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStaticPortMapping_EditInternalPort(self: *const T, lInternalPort: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStaticPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EditInternalPort(@as(*const IStaticPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), lInternalPort);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const CLSID_NetSharingManager_Value = Guid.initString("5c63c1ad-3956-4ff8-8486-40034758315b");
pub const CLSID_NetSharingManager = &CLSID_NetSharingManager_Value;
const IID_IEnumNetConnection_Value = Guid.initString("c08956a0-1cd3-11d1-b1c5-00805fc1270e");
pub const IID_IEnumNetConnection = &IID_IEnumNetConnection_Value;
pub const IEnumNetConnection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Next: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetConnection,
celt: u32,
rgelt: [*]?*INetConnection,
pceltFetched: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetConnection,
celt: u32,
rgelt: [*]?*INetConnection,
pceltFetched: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Skip: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetConnection,
celt: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetConnection,
celt: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Reset: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Clone: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetConnection,
ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetConnection,
ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetConnection_Next(self: *const T, celt: u32, rgelt: [*]?*INetConnection, pceltFetched: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Next(@as(*const IEnumNetConnection, @ptrCast(self)), celt, rgelt, pceltFetched);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetConnection_Skip(self: *const T, celt: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Skip(@as(*const IEnumNetConnection, @ptrCast(self)), celt);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetConnection_Reset(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Reset(@as(*const IEnumNetConnection, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetConnection_Clone(self: *const T, ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetConnection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Clone(@as(*const IEnumNetConnection, @ptrCast(self)), ppenum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
pub const NETCON_CHARACTERISTIC_FLAGS = enum(i32) {
NONE = 0,
BRANDED = 128,
SHARED = 256,
BRIDGED = 512,
DEFAULT = 2048,
RESERVED = 32768,
WIFI_DIRECT = 262144,
LAN_MASK = 15728640,
pub const NETCON_STATUS = enum(i32) {
pub const NETCON_TYPE = enum(i32) {
LAN = 3,
PHONE = 4,
pub const NETCON_MEDIATYPE = enum(i32) {
NONE = 0,
ISDN = 2,
LAN = 3,
PHONE = 4,
PPPOE = 6,
pub const NETCON_PROPERTIES = extern struct {
guidId: Guid,
pszwName: ?PWSTR,
pszwDeviceName: ?PWSTR,
dwCharacter: u32,
clsidThisObject: Guid,
clsidUiObject: Guid,
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INetConnection_Value = Guid.initString("c08956a1-1cd3-11d1-b1c5-00805fc1270e");
pub const IID_INetConnection = &IID_INetConnection_Value;
pub const INetConnection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Connect: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Disconnect: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Delete: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Duplicate: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
pszwDuplicateName: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppCon: ?*?*INetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
pszwDuplicateName: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppCon: ?*?*INetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetProperties: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetUiObjectClassId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
pclsid: ?*Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
pclsid: ?*Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Rename: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
pszwNewName: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnection,
pszwNewName: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnection_Connect(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Connect(@as(*const INetConnection, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnection_Disconnect(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Disconnect(@as(*const INetConnection, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnection_Delete(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Delete(@as(*const INetConnection, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnection_Duplicate(self: *const T, pszwDuplicateName: ?[*:0]const u16, ppCon: ?*?*INetConnection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Duplicate(@as(*const INetConnection, @ptrCast(self)), pszwDuplicateName, ppCon);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnection_GetProperties(self: *const T, ppProps: ?*?*NETCON_PROPERTIES) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetProperties(@as(*const INetConnection, @ptrCast(self)), ppProps);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnection_GetUiObjectClassId(self: *const T, pclsid: ?*Guid) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetUiObjectClassId(@as(*const INetConnection, @ptrCast(self)), pclsid);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnection_Rename(self: *const T, pszwNewName: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Rename(@as(*const INetConnection, @ptrCast(self)), pszwNewName);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
pub const NETCONMGR_ENUM_FLAGS = enum(i32) {
const IID_INetConnectionManager_Value = Guid.initString("c08956a2-1cd3-11d1-b1c5-00805fc1270e");
pub const IID_INetConnectionManager = &IID_INetConnectionManager_Value;
pub const INetConnectionManager = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
EnumConnections: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnectionManager,
ppEnum: ?*?*IEnumNetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnectionManager,
ppEnum: ?*?*IEnumNetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnectionManager_EnumConnections(self: *const T, Flags: NETCONMGR_ENUM_FLAGS, ppEnum: ?*?*IEnumNetConnection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnectionManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EnumConnections(@as(*const INetConnectionManager, @ptrCast(self)), Flags, ppEnum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
pub const NETCONUI_CONNECT_FLAGS = enum(i32) {
NO_UI = 1,
const IID_INetConnectionConnectUi_Value = Guid.initString("c08956a3-1cd3-11d1-b1c5-00805fc1270e");
pub const IID_INetConnectionConnectUi = &IID_INetConnectionConnectUi_Value;
pub const INetConnectionConnectUi = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
SetConnection: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnectionConnectUi,
pCon: ?*INetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnectionConnectUi,
pCon: ?*INetConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Connect: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnectionConnectUi,
hwndParent: ?HWND,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnectionConnectUi,
hwndParent: ?HWND,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Disconnect: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnectionConnectUi,
hwndParent: ?HWND,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnectionConnectUi,
hwndParent: ?HWND,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnectionConnectUi_SetConnection(self: *const T, pCon: ?*INetConnection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnectionConnectUi.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetConnection(@as(*const INetConnectionConnectUi, @ptrCast(self)), pCon);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnectionConnectUi_Connect(self: *const T, hwndParent: ?HWND, dwFlags: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnectionConnectUi.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Connect(@as(*const INetConnectionConnectUi, @ptrCast(self)), hwndParent, dwFlags);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnectionConnectUi_Disconnect(self: *const T, hwndParent: ?HWND, dwFlags: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnectionConnectUi.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Disconnect(@as(*const INetConnectionConnectUi, @ptrCast(self)), hwndParent, dwFlags);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_IEnumNetSharingPortMapping_Value = Guid.initString("c08956b0-1cd3-11d1-b1c5-00805fc1270e");
pub const IID_IEnumNetSharingPortMapping = &IID_IEnumNetSharingPortMapping_Value;
pub const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Next: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping,
celt: u32,
rgVar: [*]VARIANT,
pceltFetched: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping,
celt: u32,
rgVar: [*]VARIANT,
pceltFetched: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Skip: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping,
celt: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping,
celt: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Reset: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Clone: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping,
ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping,
ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingPortMapping_Next(self: *const T, celt: u32, rgVar: [*]VARIANT, pceltFetched: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Next(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), celt, rgVar, pceltFetched);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingPortMapping_Skip(self: *const T, celt: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Skip(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), celt);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingPortMapping_Reset(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Reset(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingPortMapping_Clone(self: *const T, ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetSharingPortMapping) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Clone(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), ppenum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INetSharingPortMappingProps_Value = Guid.initString("24b7e9b5-e38f-4685-851b-00892cf5f940");
pub const IID_INetSharingPortMappingProps = &IID_INetSharingPortMappingProps_Value;
pub const INetSharingPortMappingProps = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pbstrName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pbstrName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IPProtocol: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pucIPProt: ?*u8,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pucIPProt: ?*u8,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ExternalPort: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pusPort: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pusPort: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_InternalPort: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pusPort: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pusPort: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Options: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pdwOptions: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pdwOptions: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_TargetName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pbstrTargetName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pbstrTargetName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_TargetIPAddress: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pbstrTargetIPAddress: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pbstrTargetIPAddress: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pbool: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingProps,
pbool: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMappingProps_get_Name(self: *const T, pbstrName: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Name(@as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps, @ptrCast(self)), pbstrName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMappingProps_get_IPProtocol(self: *const T, pucIPProt: ?*u8) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IPProtocol(@as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps, @ptrCast(self)), pucIPProt);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMappingProps_get_ExternalPort(self: *const T, pusPort: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ExternalPort(@as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps, @ptrCast(self)), pusPort);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMappingProps_get_InternalPort(self: *const T, pusPort: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_InternalPort(@as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps, @ptrCast(self)), pusPort);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMappingProps_get_Options(self: *const T, pdwOptions: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Options(@as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps, @ptrCast(self)), pdwOptions);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMappingProps_get_TargetName(self: *const T, pbstrTargetName: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_TargetName(@as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps, @ptrCast(self)), pbstrTargetName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMappingProps_get_TargetIPAddress(self: *const T, pbstrTargetIPAddress: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_TargetIPAddress(@as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps, @ptrCast(self)), pbstrTargetIPAddress);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMappingProps_get_Enabled(self: *const T, pbool: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Enabled(@as(*const INetSharingPortMappingProps, @ptrCast(self)), pbool);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INetSharingPortMapping_Value = Guid.initString("c08956b1-1cd3-11d1-b1c5-00805fc1270e");
pub const IID_INetSharingPortMapping = &IID_INetSharingPortMapping_Value;
pub const INetSharingPortMapping = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
Disable: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Enable: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Properties: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMapping,
ppNSPMP: ?*?*INetSharingPortMappingProps,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMapping,
ppNSPMP: ?*?*INetSharingPortMappingProps,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Delete: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMapping_Disable(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Disable(@as(*const INetSharingPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMapping_Enable(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Enable(@as(*const INetSharingPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMapping_get_Properties(self: *const T, ppNSPMP: ?*?*INetSharingPortMappingProps) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Properties(@as(*const INetSharingPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)), ppNSPMP);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMapping_Delete(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMapping.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Delete(@as(*const INetSharingPortMapping, @ptrCast(self)));
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection_Value = Guid.initString("c08956b8-1cd3-11d1-b1c5-00805fc1270e");
pub const IID_IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection = &IID_IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection_Value;
pub const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Next: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection,
celt: u32,
rgVar: [*]VARIANT,
pceltFetched: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection,
celt: u32,
rgVar: [*]VARIANT,
pceltFetched: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Skip: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection,
celt: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection,
celt: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Reset: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Clone: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection,
ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection,
ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection_Next(self: *const T, celt: u32, rgVar: [*]VARIANT, pceltFetched: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Next(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection, @ptrCast(self)), celt, rgVar, pceltFetched);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection_Skip(self: *const T, celt: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Skip(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection, @ptrCast(self)), celt);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection_Reset(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Reset(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection_Clone(self: *const T, ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Clone(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingEveryConnection, @ptrCast(self)), ppenum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection_Value = Guid.initString("c08956b4-1cd3-11d1-b1c5-00805fc1270e");
pub const IID_IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection = &IID_IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection_Value;
pub const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Next: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection,
celt: u32,
rgVar: [*]VARIANT,
pceltFetched: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection,
celt: u32,
rgVar: [*]VARIANT,
pceltFetched: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Skip: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection,
celt: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection,
celt: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Reset: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Clone: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection,
ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection,
ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection_Next(self: *const T, celt: u32, rgVar: [*]VARIANT, pceltFetched: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Next(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection, @ptrCast(self)), celt, rgVar, pceltFetched);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection_Skip(self: *const T, celt: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Skip(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection, @ptrCast(self)), celt);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection_Reset(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Reset(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection_Clone(self: *const T, ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Clone(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingPublicConnection, @ptrCast(self)), ppenum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection_Value = Guid.initString("c08956b5-1cd3-11d1-b1c5-00805fc1270e");
pub const IID_IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection = &IID_IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection_Value;
pub const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Next: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection,
celt: u32,
rgVar: [*]VARIANT,
pCeltFetched: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection,
celt: u32,
rgVar: [*]VARIANT,
pCeltFetched: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Skip: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection,
celt: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection,
celt: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Reset: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Clone: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection,
ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection,
ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection_Next(self: *const T, celt: u32, rgVar: [*]VARIANT, pCeltFetched: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Next(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection, @ptrCast(self)), celt, rgVar, pCeltFetched);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection_Skip(self: *const T, celt: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Skip(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection, @ptrCast(self)), celt);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection_Reset(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Reset(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection_Clone(self: *const T, ppenum: ?*?*IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Clone(@as(*const IEnumNetSharingPrivateConnection, @ptrCast(self)), ppenum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INetSharingPortMappingCollection_Value = Guid.initString("02e4a2de-da20-4e34-89c8-ac22275a010b");
pub const IID_INetSharingPortMappingCollection = &IID_INetSharingPortMappingCollection_Value;
pub const INetSharingPortMappingCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingCollection,
pVal: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingCollection,
pVal: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingCollection,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPortMappingCollection,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMappingCollection_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMappingCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const INetSharingPortMappingCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPortMappingCollection_get_Count(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPortMappingCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const INetSharingPortMappingCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INetConnectionProps_Value = Guid.initString("f4277c95-ce5b-463d-8167-5662d9bcaa72");
pub const IID_INetConnectionProps = &IID_INetConnectionProps_Value;
pub const INetConnectionProps = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Guid: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnectionProps,
pbstrGuid: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnectionProps,
pbstrGuid: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnectionProps,
pbstrName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnectionProps,
pbstrName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_DeviceName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnectionProps,
pbstrDeviceName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnectionProps,
pbstrDeviceName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Status: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnectionProps,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnectionProps,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_MediaType: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnectionProps,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnectionProps,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Characteristics: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetConnectionProps,
pdwFlags: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetConnectionProps,
pdwFlags: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnectionProps_get_Guid(self: *const T, pbstrGuid: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnectionProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Guid(@as(*const INetConnectionProps, @ptrCast(self)), pbstrGuid);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnectionProps_get_Name(self: *const T, pbstrName: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnectionProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Name(@as(*const INetConnectionProps, @ptrCast(self)), pbstrName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnectionProps_get_DeviceName(self: *const T, pbstrDeviceName: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnectionProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_DeviceName(@as(*const INetConnectionProps, @ptrCast(self)), pbstrDeviceName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnectionProps_get_Status(self: *const T, pStatus: ?*NETCON_STATUS) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnectionProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Status(@as(*const INetConnectionProps, @ptrCast(self)), pStatus);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnectionProps_get_MediaType(self: *const T, pMediaType: ?*NETCON_MEDIATYPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnectionProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_MediaType(@as(*const INetConnectionProps, @ptrCast(self)), pMediaType);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetConnectionProps_get_Characteristics(self: *const T, pdwFlags: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetConnectionProps.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Characteristics(@as(*const INetConnectionProps, @ptrCast(self)), pdwFlags);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
pub const SHARINGCONNECTIONTYPE = enum(i32) {
UBLIC = 0,
pub const SHARINGCONNECTION_ENUM_FLAGS = enum(i32) {
pub const ICS_TARGETTYPE = enum(i32) {
NAME = 0,
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INetSharingConfiguration_Value = Guid.initString("c08956b6-1cd3-11d1-b1c5-00805fc1270e");
pub const IID_INetSharingConfiguration = &IID_INetSharingConfiguration_Value;
pub const INetSharingConfiguration = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_SharingEnabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
pbEnabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
pbEnabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_SharingConnectionType: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DisableSharing: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
EnableSharing: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_InternetFirewallEnabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
pbEnabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
pbEnabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DisableInternetFirewall: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
EnableInternetFirewall: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_EnumPortMappings: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
ppColl: ?*?*INetSharingPortMappingCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
ppColl: ?*?*INetSharingPortMappingCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
AddPortMapping: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
bstrName: ?BSTR,
ucIPProtocol: u8,
usExternalPort: u16,
usInternalPort: u16,
dwOptions: u32,
bstrTargetNameOrIPAddress: ?BSTR,
ppMapping: ?*?*INetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
bstrName: ?BSTR,
ucIPProtocol: u8,
usExternalPort: u16,
usInternalPort: u16,
dwOptions: u32,
bstrTargetNameOrIPAddress: ?BSTR,
ppMapping: ?*?*INetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
RemovePortMapping: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
pMapping: ?*INetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingConfiguration,
pMapping: ?*INetSharingPortMapping,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingConfiguration_get_SharingEnabled(self: *const T, pbEnabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingConfiguration.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_SharingEnabled(@as(*const INetSharingConfiguration, @ptrCast(self)), pbEnabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingConfiguration_get_SharingConnectionType(self: *const T, pType: ?*SHARINGCONNECTIONTYPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingConfiguration.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_SharingConnectionType(@as(*const INetSharingConfiguration, @ptrCast(self)), pType);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingConfiguration_DisableSharing(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingConfiguration.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DisableSharing(@as(*const INetSharingConfiguration, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingConfiguration_EnableSharing(self: *const T, Type: SHARINGCONNECTIONTYPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingConfiguration.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EnableSharing(@as(*const INetSharingConfiguration, @ptrCast(self)), Type);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingConfiguration_get_InternetFirewallEnabled(self: *const T, pbEnabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingConfiguration.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_InternetFirewallEnabled(@as(*const INetSharingConfiguration, @ptrCast(self)), pbEnabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingConfiguration_DisableInternetFirewall(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingConfiguration.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DisableInternetFirewall(@as(*const INetSharingConfiguration, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingConfiguration_EnableInternetFirewall(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingConfiguration.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EnableInternetFirewall(@as(*const INetSharingConfiguration, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingConfiguration_get_EnumPortMappings(self: *const T, Flags: SHARINGCONNECTION_ENUM_FLAGS, ppColl: ?*?*INetSharingPortMappingCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingConfiguration.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_EnumPortMappings(@as(*const INetSharingConfiguration, @ptrCast(self)), Flags, ppColl);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingConfiguration_AddPortMapping(self: *const T, bstrName: ?BSTR, ucIPProtocol: u8, usExternalPort: u16, usInternalPort: u16, dwOptions: u32, bstrTargetNameOrIPAddress: ?BSTR, eTargetType: ICS_TARGETTYPE, ppMapping: ?*?*INetSharingPortMapping) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingConfiguration.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddPortMapping(@as(*const INetSharingConfiguration, @ptrCast(self)), bstrName, ucIPProtocol, usExternalPort, usInternalPort, dwOptions, bstrTargetNameOrIPAddress, eTargetType, ppMapping);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingConfiguration_RemovePortMapping(self: *const T, pMapping: ?*INetSharingPortMapping) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingConfiguration.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RemovePortMapping(@as(*const INetSharingConfiguration, @ptrCast(self)), pMapping);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection_Value = Guid.initString("33c4643c-7811-46fa-a89a-768597bd7223");
pub const IID_INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection = &IID_INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection_Value;
pub const INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection,
pVal: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection,
pVal: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection_get_Count(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection_Value = Guid.initString("7d7a6355-f372-4971-a149-bfc927be762a");
pub const IID_INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection = &IID_INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection_Value;
pub const INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection,
pVal: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection,
pVal: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection_get_Count(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection_Value = Guid.initString("38ae69e0-4409-402a-a2cb-e965c727f840");
pub const IID_INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection = &IID_INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection_Value;
pub const INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection,
pVal: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection,
pVal: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection,
pVal: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, pVal: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection_get_Count(self: *const T, pVal: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pVal);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
const IID_INetSharingManager_Value = Guid.initString("c08956b7-1cd3-11d1-b1c5-00805fc1270e");
pub const IID_INetSharingManager = &IID_INetSharingManager_Value;
pub const INetSharingManager = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_SharingInstalled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingManager,
pbInstalled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingManager,
pbInstalled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_EnumPublicConnections: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingManager,
ppColl: ?*?*INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingManager,
ppColl: ?*?*INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_EnumPrivateConnections: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingManager,
ppColl: ?*?*INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingManager,
ppColl: ?*?*INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingManager,
pNetConnection: ?*INetConnection,
ppNetSharingConfiguration: ?*?*INetSharingConfiguration,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingManager,
pNetConnection: ?*INetConnection,
ppNetSharingConfiguration: ?*?*INetSharingConfiguration,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_EnumEveryConnection: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingManager,
ppColl: ?*?*INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingManager,
ppColl: ?*?*INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_NetConnectionProps: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetSharingManager,
pNetConnection: ?*INetConnection,
ppProps: ?*?*INetConnectionProps,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetSharingManager,
pNetConnection: ?*INetConnection,
ppProps: ?*?*INetConnectionProps,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingManager_get_SharingInstalled(self: *const T, pbInstalled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_SharingInstalled(@as(*const INetSharingManager, @ptrCast(self)), pbInstalled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingManager_get_EnumPublicConnections(self: *const T, Flags: SHARINGCONNECTION_ENUM_FLAGS, ppColl: ?*?*INetSharingPublicConnectionCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_EnumPublicConnections(@as(*const INetSharingManager, @ptrCast(self)), Flags, ppColl);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingManager_get_EnumPrivateConnections(self: *const T, Flags: SHARINGCONNECTION_ENUM_FLAGS, ppColl: ?*?*INetSharingPrivateConnectionCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_EnumPrivateConnections(@as(*const INetSharingManager, @ptrCast(self)), Flags, ppColl);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingManager_get_INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection(self: *const T, pNetConnection: ?*INetConnection, ppNetSharingConfiguration: ?*?*INetSharingConfiguration) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection(@as(*const INetSharingManager, @ptrCast(self)), pNetConnection, ppNetSharingConfiguration);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingManager_get_EnumEveryConnection(self: *const T, ppColl: ?*?*INetSharingEveryConnectionCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_EnumEveryConnection(@as(*const INetSharingManager, @ptrCast(self)), ppColl);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetSharingManager_get_NetConnectionProps(self: *const T, pNetConnection: ?*INetConnection, ppProps: ?*?*INetConnectionProps) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetSharingManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_NetConnectionProps(@as(*const INetSharingManager, @ptrCast(self)), pNetConnection, ppProps);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const CLSID_NetFwRule_Value = Guid.initString("2c5bc43e-3369-4c33-ab0c-be9469677af4");
pub const CLSID_NetFwRule = &CLSID_NetFwRule_Value;
const CLSID_NetFwOpenPort_Value = Guid.initString("0ca545c6-37ad-4a6c-bf92-9f7610067ef5");
pub const CLSID_NetFwOpenPort = &CLSID_NetFwOpenPort_Value;
const CLSID_NetFwAuthorizedApplication_Value = Guid.initString("ec9846b3-2762-4a6b-a214-6acb603462d2");
pub const CLSID_NetFwAuthorizedApplication = &CLSID_NetFwAuthorizedApplication_Value;
const CLSID_NetFwPolicy2_Value = Guid.initString("e2b3c97f-6ae1-41ac-817a-f6f92166d7dd");
pub const CLSID_NetFwPolicy2 = &CLSID_NetFwPolicy2_Value;
const CLSID_NetFwProduct_Value = Guid.initString("9d745ed8-c514-4d1d-bf42-751fed2d5ac7");
pub const CLSID_NetFwProduct = &CLSID_NetFwProduct_Value;
const CLSID_NetFwProducts_Value = Guid.initString("cc19079b-8272-4d73-bb70-cdb533527b61");
pub const CLSID_NetFwProducts = &CLSID_NetFwProducts_Value;
const CLSID_NetFwMgr_Value = Guid.initString("304ce942-6e39-40d8-943a-b913c40c9cd4");
pub const CLSID_NetFwMgr = &CLSID_NetFwMgr_Value;
pub const NET_FW_POLICY_TYPE = enum(i32) {
GROUP = 0,
LOCAL = 1,
pub const NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE = enum(i32) {
pub const NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2 = enum(i32) {
ALL = 2147483647,
pub const NET_FW_IP_VERSION = enum(i32) {
V4 = 0,
V6 = 1,
ANY = 2,
MAX = 3,
pub const NET_FW_SCOPE = enum(i32) {
ALL = 0,
MAX = 3,
pub const NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL = enum(i32) {
TCP = 6,
UDP = 17,
ANY = 256,
pub const NET_FW_SERVICE_TYPE = enum(i32) {
UPNP = 1,
NONE = 3,
pub const NET_FW_RULE_DIRECTION = enum(i32) {
IN = 1,
OUT = 2,
MAX = 3,
pub const NET_FW_ACTION = enum(i32) {
BLOCK = 0,
ALLOW = 1,
MAX = 2,
pub const NET_FW_MODIFY_STATE = enum(i32) {
OK = 0,
pub const NET_FW_RULE_CATEGORY = enum(i32) {
BOOT = 0,
MAX = 4,
pub const NET_FW_EDGE_TRAVERSAL_TYPE = enum(i32) {
DENY = 0,
ALLOW = 1,
pub const NET_FW_AUTHENTICATE_TYPE = enum(i32) {
NONE = 0,
pub const NETISO_FLAG = enum(i32) {
MAX = 2,
pub const INET_FIREWALL_AC_CREATION_TYPE = enum(i32) {
NONE = 0,
MAX = 4,
pub const INET_FIREWALL_AC_CHANGE_TYPE = enum(i32) {
MAX = 3,
pub const INET_FIREWALL_AC_CAPABILITIES = extern struct {
count: u32,
capabilities: ?*SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES,
pub const INET_FIREWALL_AC_BINARIES = extern struct {
count: u32,
binaries: ?*?PWSTR,
pub const INET_FIREWALL_AC_CHANGE = extern struct {
appContainerSid: ?*SID,
userSid: ?*SID,
displayName: ?PWSTR,
Anonymous: extern union {
pub const INET_FIREWALL_APP_CONTAINER = extern struct {
appContainerSid: ?*SID,
userSid: ?*SID,
appContainerName: ?PWSTR,
displayName: ?PWSTR,
description: ?PWSTR,
workingDirectory: ?PWSTR,
packageFullName: ?PWSTR,
pub const PAC_CHANGES_CALLBACK_FN = switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
context: ?*anyopaque,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
else => *const fn(
context: ?*anyopaque,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
} ;
pub const NETISO_ERROR_TYPE = enum(i32) {
NONE = 0,
MAX = 4,
pub const PNETISO_EDP_ID_CALLBACK_FN = switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
context: ?*anyopaque,
wszEnterpriseId: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwErr: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
else => *const fn(
context: ?*anyopaque,
wszEnterpriseId: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwErr: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
} ;
pub const _tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ORIGIN_TYPE = enum(i32) {
LOCAL = 1,
MDM = 2,
pub const _tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS0 = extern struct {
id: Guid,
keyword: ?[*:0]const u16,
flags: u32,
addresses: ?[*:0]const u16,
pub const _tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_DATA0 = extern struct {
dynamicKeywordAddress: _tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS0,
schemaVersion: u16,
pub const _tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_FLAGS = enum(i32) {
E = 1,
pub const _tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_ENUM_FLAGS = enum(i32) {
ALL = 3,
pub const PFN_FWADDDYNAMICKEYWORDADDRESS0 = switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
dynamicKeywordAddress: ?*const _tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS0,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32,
else => *const fn(
dynamicKeywordAddress: ?*const _tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS0,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32,
} ;
pub const PFN_FWDELETEDYNAMICKEYWORDADDRESS0 = switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
dynamicKeywordAddressId: Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32,
else => *const fn(
dynamicKeywordAddressId: Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32,
} ;
pub const PFN_FWENUMDYNAMICKEYWORDADDRESSESBYTYPE0 = switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
flags: u32,
dynamicKeywordAddressData: ?*?*_tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_DATA0,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32,
else => *const fn(
flags: u32,
dynamicKeywordAddressData: ?*?*_tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_DATA0,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32,
} ;
pub const PFN_FWENUMDYNAMICKEYWORDADDRESSBYID0 = switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
dynamicKeywordAddressId: Guid,
dynamicKeywordAddressData: ?*?*_tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_DATA0,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32,
else => *const fn(
dynamicKeywordAddressId: Guid,
dynamicKeywordAddressData: ?*?*_tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_DATA0,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32,
} ;
pub const PFN_FWFREEDYNAMICKEYWORDADDRESSDATA0 = switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
dynamicKeywordAddressData: ?*_tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_DATA0,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32,
else => *const fn(
dynamicKeywordAddressData: ?*_tag_FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_DATA0,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32,
} ;
pub const PFN_FWUPDATEDYNAMICKEYWORDADDRESS0 = switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
dynamicKeywordAddressId: Guid,
updatedAddresses: ?[*:0]const u16,
append: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32,
else => *const fn(
dynamicKeywordAddressId: Guid,
updatedAddresses: ?[*:0]const u16,
append: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32,
} ;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwRemoteAdminSettings_Value = Guid.initString("d4becddf-6f73-4a83-b832-9c66874cd20e");
pub const IID_INetFwRemoteAdminSettings = &IID_INetFwRemoteAdminSettings_Value;
pub const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IpVersion: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
ipVersion: ?*NET_FW_IP_VERSION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
ipVersion: ?*NET_FW_IP_VERSION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_IpVersion: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Scope: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
scope: ?*NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
scope: ?*NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Scope: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
scope: NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
scope: NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RemoteAddresses: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_RemoteAddresses: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
remoteAddrs: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
remoteAddrs: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRemoteAdminSettings_get_IpVersion(self: *const T, ipVersion: ?*NET_FW_IP_VERSION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IpVersion(@as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings, @ptrCast(self)), ipVersion);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRemoteAdminSettings_put_IpVersion(self: *const T, ipVersion: NET_FW_IP_VERSION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_IpVersion(@as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings, @ptrCast(self)), ipVersion);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRemoteAdminSettings_get_Scope(self: *const T, scope: ?*NET_FW_SCOPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Scope(@as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings, @ptrCast(self)), scope);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRemoteAdminSettings_put_Scope(self: *const T, scope: NET_FW_SCOPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Scope(@as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings, @ptrCast(self)), scope);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRemoteAdminSettings_get_RemoteAddresses(self: *const T, remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RemoteAddresses(@as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings, @ptrCast(self)), remoteAddrs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRemoteAdminSettings_put_RemoteAddresses(self: *const T, remoteAddrs: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_RemoteAddresses(@as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings, @ptrCast(self)), remoteAddrs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRemoteAdminSettings_get_Enabled(self: *const T, enabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Enabled(@as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRemoteAdminSettings_put_Enabled(self: *const T, enabled: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Enabled(@as(*const INetFwRemoteAdminSettings, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwIcmpSettings_Value = Guid.initString("a6207b2e-7cdd-426a-951e-5e1cbc5afead");
pub const IID_INetFwIcmpSettings = &IID_INetFwIcmpSettings_Value;
pub const INetFwIcmpSettings = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AllowRedirect: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AllowRedirect: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AllowInboundEchoRequest: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AllowInboundEchoRequest: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AllowOutboundTimeExceeded: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AllowOutboundTimeExceeded: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AllowOutboundParameterProblem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AllowOutboundParameterProblem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AllowOutboundSourceQuench: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AllowOutboundSourceQuench: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AllowInboundRouterRequest: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AllowInboundRouterRequest: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AllowInboundTimestampRequest: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AllowInboundTimestampRequest: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AllowInboundMaskRequest: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AllowInboundMaskRequest: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AllowOutboundPacketTooBig: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AllowOutboundPacketTooBig: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwIcmpSettings,
allow: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_get_AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable(self: *const T, allow: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_put_AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable(self: *const T, allow: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AllowOutboundDestinationUnreachable(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_get_AllowRedirect(self: *const T, allow: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AllowRedirect(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_put_AllowRedirect(self: *const T, allow: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AllowRedirect(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_get_AllowInboundEchoRequest(self: *const T, allow: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AllowInboundEchoRequest(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_put_AllowInboundEchoRequest(self: *const T, allow: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AllowInboundEchoRequest(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_get_AllowOutboundTimeExceeded(self: *const T, allow: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AllowOutboundTimeExceeded(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_put_AllowOutboundTimeExceeded(self: *const T, allow: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AllowOutboundTimeExceeded(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_get_AllowOutboundParameterProblem(self: *const T, allow: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AllowOutboundParameterProblem(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_put_AllowOutboundParameterProblem(self: *const T, allow: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AllowOutboundParameterProblem(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_get_AllowOutboundSourceQuench(self: *const T, allow: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AllowOutboundSourceQuench(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_put_AllowOutboundSourceQuench(self: *const T, allow: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AllowOutboundSourceQuench(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_get_AllowInboundRouterRequest(self: *const T, allow: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AllowInboundRouterRequest(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_put_AllowInboundRouterRequest(self: *const T, allow: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AllowInboundRouterRequest(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_get_AllowInboundTimestampRequest(self: *const T, allow: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AllowInboundTimestampRequest(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_put_AllowInboundTimestampRequest(self: *const T, allow: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AllowInboundTimestampRequest(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_get_AllowInboundMaskRequest(self: *const T, allow: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AllowInboundMaskRequest(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_put_AllowInboundMaskRequest(self: *const T, allow: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AllowInboundMaskRequest(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_get_AllowOutboundPacketTooBig(self: *const T, allow: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AllowOutboundPacketTooBig(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwIcmpSettings_put_AllowOutboundPacketTooBig(self: *const T, allow: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AllowOutboundPacketTooBig(@as(*const INetFwIcmpSettings, @ptrCast(self)), allow);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwOpenPort_Value = Guid.initString("e0483ba0-47ff-4d9c-a6d6-7741d0b195f7");
pub const IID_INetFwOpenPort = &IID_INetFwOpenPort_Value;
pub const INetFwOpenPort = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
name: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
name: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
name: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
name: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IpVersion: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
ipVersion: ?*NET_FW_IP_VERSION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
ipVersion: ?*NET_FW_IP_VERSION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_IpVersion: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Protocol: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
ipProtocol: ?*NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
ipProtocol: ?*NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Protocol: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Port: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
portNumber: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
portNumber: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Port: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
portNumber: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
portNumber: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Scope: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
scope: ?*NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
scope: ?*NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Scope: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
scope: NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
scope: NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RemoteAddresses: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_RemoteAddresses: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
remoteAddrs: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
remoteAddrs: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_BuiltIn: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
builtIn: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPort,
builtIn: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_get_Name(self: *const T, name: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Name(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_put_Name(self: *const T, name: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Name(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_get_IpVersion(self: *const T, ipVersion: ?*NET_FW_IP_VERSION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IpVersion(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), ipVersion);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_put_IpVersion(self: *const T, ipVersion: NET_FW_IP_VERSION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_IpVersion(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), ipVersion);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_get_Protocol(self: *const T, ipProtocol: ?*NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Protocol(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), ipProtocol);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_put_Protocol(self: *const T, ipProtocol: NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Protocol(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), ipProtocol);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_get_Port(self: *const T, portNumber: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Port(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), portNumber);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_put_Port(self: *const T, portNumber: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Port(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), portNumber);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_get_Scope(self: *const T, scope: ?*NET_FW_SCOPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Scope(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), scope);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_put_Scope(self: *const T, scope: NET_FW_SCOPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Scope(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), scope);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_get_RemoteAddresses(self: *const T, remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RemoteAddresses(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), remoteAddrs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_put_RemoteAddresses(self: *const T, remoteAddrs: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_RemoteAddresses(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), remoteAddrs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_get_Enabled(self: *const T, enabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Enabled(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_put_Enabled(self: *const T, enabled: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Enabled(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPort_get_BuiltIn(self: *const T, builtIn: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPort.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_BuiltIn(@as(*const INetFwOpenPort, @ptrCast(self)), builtIn);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwOpenPorts_Value = Guid.initString("c0e9d7fa-e07e-430a-b19a-090ce82d92e2");
pub const IID_INetFwOpenPorts = &IID_INetFwOpenPorts_Value;
pub const INetFwOpenPorts = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPorts,
count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPorts,
count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Add: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPorts,
port: ?*INetFwOpenPort,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPorts,
port: ?*INetFwOpenPort,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Remove: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPorts,
portNumber: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPorts,
portNumber: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPorts,
portNumber: i32,
openPort: ?*?*INetFwOpenPort,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPorts,
portNumber: i32,
openPort: ?*?*INetFwOpenPort,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPorts,
newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwOpenPorts,
newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPorts_get_Count(self: *const T, count: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPorts.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const INetFwOpenPorts, @ptrCast(self)), count);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPorts_Add(self: *const T, port: ?*INetFwOpenPort) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPorts.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Add(@as(*const INetFwOpenPorts, @ptrCast(self)), port);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPorts_Remove(self: *const T, portNumber: i32, ipProtocol: NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPorts.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Remove(@as(*const INetFwOpenPorts, @ptrCast(self)), portNumber, ipProtocol);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPorts_Item(self: *const T, portNumber: i32, ipProtocol: NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL, openPort: ?*?*INetFwOpenPort) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPorts.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Item(@as(*const INetFwOpenPorts, @ptrCast(self)), portNumber, ipProtocol, openPort);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwOpenPorts_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwOpenPorts.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const INetFwOpenPorts, @ptrCast(self)), newEnum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwService_Value = Guid.initString("79fd57c8-908e-4a36-9888-d5b3f0a444cf");
pub const IID_INetFwService = &IID_INetFwService_Value;
pub const INetFwService = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
name: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
name: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Type: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Customized: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
customized: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
customized: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IpVersion: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
ipVersion: ?*NET_FW_IP_VERSION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
ipVersion: ?*NET_FW_IP_VERSION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_IpVersion: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Scope: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
scope: ?*NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
scope: ?*NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Scope: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
scope: NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
scope: NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RemoteAddresses: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_RemoteAddresses: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
remoteAddrs: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
remoteAddrs: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_GloballyOpenPorts: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
openPorts: ?*?*INetFwOpenPorts,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwService,
openPorts: ?*?*INetFwOpenPorts,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwService_get_Name(self: *const T, name: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwService.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Name(@as(*const INetFwService, @ptrCast(self)), name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwService_get_Type(self: *const T, type_: ?*NET_FW_SERVICE_TYPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwService.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Type(@as(*const INetFwService, @ptrCast(self)), type_);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwService_get_Customized(self: *const T, customized: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwService.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Customized(@as(*const INetFwService, @ptrCast(self)), customized);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwService_get_IpVersion(self: *const T, ipVersion: ?*NET_FW_IP_VERSION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwService.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IpVersion(@as(*const INetFwService, @ptrCast(self)), ipVersion);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwService_put_IpVersion(self: *const T, ipVersion: NET_FW_IP_VERSION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwService.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_IpVersion(@as(*const INetFwService, @ptrCast(self)), ipVersion);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwService_get_Scope(self: *const T, scope: ?*NET_FW_SCOPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwService.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Scope(@as(*const INetFwService, @ptrCast(self)), scope);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwService_put_Scope(self: *const T, scope: NET_FW_SCOPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwService.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Scope(@as(*const INetFwService, @ptrCast(self)), scope);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwService_get_RemoteAddresses(self: *const T, remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwService.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RemoteAddresses(@as(*const INetFwService, @ptrCast(self)), remoteAddrs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwService_put_RemoteAddresses(self: *const T, remoteAddrs: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwService.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_RemoteAddresses(@as(*const INetFwService, @ptrCast(self)), remoteAddrs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwService_get_Enabled(self: *const T, enabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwService.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Enabled(@as(*const INetFwService, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwService_put_Enabled(self: *const T, enabled: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwService.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Enabled(@as(*const INetFwService, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwService_get_GloballyOpenPorts(self: *const T, openPorts: ?*?*INetFwOpenPorts) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwService.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_GloballyOpenPorts(@as(*const INetFwService, @ptrCast(self)), openPorts);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwServices_Value = Guid.initString("79649bb4-903e-421b-94c9-79848e79f6ee");
pub const IID_INetFwServices = &IID_INetFwServices_Value;
pub const INetFwServices = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwServices,
count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwServices,
count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwServices,
service: ?*?*INetFwService,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwServices,
service: ?*?*INetFwService,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwServices,
newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwServices,
newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwServices_get_Count(self: *const T, count: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwServices.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const INetFwServices, @ptrCast(self)), count);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwServices_Item(self: *const T, svcType: NET_FW_SERVICE_TYPE, service: ?*?*INetFwService) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwServices.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Item(@as(*const INetFwServices, @ptrCast(self)), svcType, service);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwServices_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwServices.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const INetFwServices, @ptrCast(self)), newEnum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwAuthorizedApplication_Value = Guid.initString("b5e64ffa-c2c5-444e-a301-fb5e00018050");
pub const IID_INetFwAuthorizedApplication = &IID_INetFwAuthorizedApplication_Value;
pub const INetFwAuthorizedApplication = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
name: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
name: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
name: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
name: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ProcessImageFileName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
imageFileName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
imageFileName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_ProcessImageFileName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
imageFileName: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
imageFileName: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IpVersion: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
ipVersion: ?*NET_FW_IP_VERSION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
ipVersion: ?*NET_FW_IP_VERSION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_IpVersion: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Scope: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
scope: ?*NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
scope: ?*NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Scope: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
scope: NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
scope: NET_FW_SCOPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RemoteAddresses: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_RemoteAddresses: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
remoteAddrs: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
remoteAddrs: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplication_get_Name(self: *const T, name: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Name(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication, @ptrCast(self)), name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplication_put_Name(self: *const T, name: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Name(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication, @ptrCast(self)), name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplication_get_ProcessImageFileName(self: *const T, imageFileName: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ProcessImageFileName(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication, @ptrCast(self)), imageFileName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplication_put_ProcessImageFileName(self: *const T, imageFileName: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_ProcessImageFileName(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication, @ptrCast(self)), imageFileName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplication_get_IpVersion(self: *const T, ipVersion: ?*NET_FW_IP_VERSION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IpVersion(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication, @ptrCast(self)), ipVersion);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplication_put_IpVersion(self: *const T, ipVersion: NET_FW_IP_VERSION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_IpVersion(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication, @ptrCast(self)), ipVersion);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplication_get_Scope(self: *const T, scope: ?*NET_FW_SCOPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Scope(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication, @ptrCast(self)), scope);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplication_put_Scope(self: *const T, scope: NET_FW_SCOPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Scope(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication, @ptrCast(self)), scope);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplication_get_RemoteAddresses(self: *const T, remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RemoteAddresses(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication, @ptrCast(self)), remoteAddrs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplication_put_RemoteAddresses(self: *const T, remoteAddrs: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_RemoteAddresses(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication, @ptrCast(self)), remoteAddrs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplication_get_Enabled(self: *const T, enabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Enabled(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplication_put_Enabled(self: *const T, enabled: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Enabled(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplication, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwAuthorizedApplications_Value = Guid.initString("644efd52-ccf9-486c-97a2-39f352570b30");
pub const IID_INetFwAuthorizedApplications = &IID_INetFwAuthorizedApplications_Value;
pub const INetFwAuthorizedApplications = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplications,
count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplications,
count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Add: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplications,
app: ?*INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplications,
app: ?*INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Remove: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplications,
imageFileName: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplications,
imageFileName: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplications,
imageFileName: ?BSTR,
app: ?*?*INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplications,
imageFileName: ?BSTR,
app: ?*?*INetFwAuthorizedApplication,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplications,
newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwAuthorizedApplications,
newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplications_get_Count(self: *const T, count: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplications.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplications, @ptrCast(self)), count);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplications_Add(self: *const T, app: ?*INetFwAuthorizedApplication) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplications.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Add(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplications, @ptrCast(self)), app);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplications_Remove(self: *const T, imageFileName: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplications.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Remove(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplications, @ptrCast(self)), imageFileName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplications_Item(self: *const T, imageFileName: ?BSTR, app: ?*?*INetFwAuthorizedApplication) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplications.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Item(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplications, @ptrCast(self)), imageFileName, app);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwAuthorizedApplications_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplications.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const INetFwAuthorizedApplications, @ptrCast(self)), newEnum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwRule_Value = Guid.initString("af230d27-baba-4e42-aced-f524f22cfce2");
pub const IID_INetFwRule = &IID_INetFwRule_Value;
pub const INetFwRule = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
name: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
name: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
name: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
name: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Description: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
desc: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
desc: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Description: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
desc: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
desc: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ApplicationName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
imageFileName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
imageFileName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_ApplicationName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
imageFileName: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
imageFileName: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ServiceName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
serviceName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
serviceName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_ServiceName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
serviceName: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
serviceName: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Protocol: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
protocol: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
protocol: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Protocol: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
protocol: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
protocol: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_LocalPorts: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
portNumbers: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
portNumbers: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_LocalPorts: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
portNumbers: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
portNumbers: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RemotePorts: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
portNumbers: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
portNumbers: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_RemotePorts: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
portNumbers: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
portNumbers: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_LocalAddresses: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
localAddrs: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
localAddrs: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_LocalAddresses: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
localAddrs: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
localAddrs: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RemoteAddresses: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_RemoteAddresses: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
remoteAddrs: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
remoteAddrs: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IcmpTypesAndCodes: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
icmpTypesAndCodes: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
icmpTypesAndCodes: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_IcmpTypesAndCodes: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
icmpTypesAndCodes: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
icmpTypesAndCodes: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Direction: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Direction: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Interfaces: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
interfaces: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
interfaces: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Interfaces: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
interfaces: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
interfaces: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_InterfaceTypes: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
interfaceTypes: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
interfaceTypes: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_InterfaceTypes: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
interfaceTypes: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
interfaceTypes: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Grouping: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
context: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
context: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Grouping: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
context: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
context: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Profiles: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
profileTypesBitmask: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
profileTypesBitmask: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Profiles: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
profileTypesBitmask: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
profileTypesBitmask: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_EdgeTraversal: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_EdgeTraversal: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Action: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
action: ?*NET_FW_ACTION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
action: ?*NET_FW_ACTION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Action: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
action: NET_FW_ACTION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule,
action: NET_FW_ACTION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_Name(self: *const T, name: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Name(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_Name(self: *const T, name: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Name(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_Description(self: *const T, desc: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Description(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), desc);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_Description(self: *const T, desc: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Description(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), desc);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_ApplicationName(self: *const T, imageFileName: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ApplicationName(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), imageFileName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_ApplicationName(self: *const T, imageFileName: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_ApplicationName(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), imageFileName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_ServiceName(self: *const T, serviceName: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ServiceName(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), serviceName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_ServiceName(self: *const T, serviceName: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_ServiceName(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), serviceName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_Protocol(self: *const T, protocol: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Protocol(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), protocol);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_Protocol(self: *const T, protocol: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Protocol(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), protocol);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_LocalPorts(self: *const T, portNumbers: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_LocalPorts(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), portNumbers);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_LocalPorts(self: *const T, portNumbers: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_LocalPorts(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), portNumbers);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_RemotePorts(self: *const T, portNumbers: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RemotePorts(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), portNumbers);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_RemotePorts(self: *const T, portNumbers: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_RemotePorts(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), portNumbers);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_LocalAddresses(self: *const T, localAddrs: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_LocalAddresses(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), localAddrs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_LocalAddresses(self: *const T, localAddrs: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_LocalAddresses(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), localAddrs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_RemoteAddresses(self: *const T, remoteAddrs: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RemoteAddresses(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), remoteAddrs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_RemoteAddresses(self: *const T, remoteAddrs: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_RemoteAddresses(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), remoteAddrs);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_IcmpTypesAndCodes(self: *const T, icmpTypesAndCodes: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IcmpTypesAndCodes(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), icmpTypesAndCodes);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_IcmpTypesAndCodes(self: *const T, icmpTypesAndCodes: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_IcmpTypesAndCodes(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), icmpTypesAndCodes);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_Direction(self: *const T, dir: ?*NET_FW_RULE_DIRECTION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Direction(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), dir);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_Direction(self: *const T, dir: NET_FW_RULE_DIRECTION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Direction(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), dir);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_Interfaces(self: *const T, interfaces: ?*VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Interfaces(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), interfaces);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_Interfaces(self: *const T, interfaces: VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Interfaces(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), interfaces);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_InterfaceTypes(self: *const T, interfaceTypes: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_InterfaceTypes(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), interfaceTypes);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_InterfaceTypes(self: *const T, interfaceTypes: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_InterfaceTypes(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), interfaceTypes);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_Enabled(self: *const T, enabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Enabled(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_Enabled(self: *const T, enabled: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Enabled(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_Grouping(self: *const T, context: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Grouping(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), context);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_Grouping(self: *const T, context: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Grouping(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), context);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_Profiles(self: *const T, profileTypesBitmask: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Profiles(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), profileTypesBitmask);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_Profiles(self: *const T, profileTypesBitmask: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Profiles(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), profileTypesBitmask);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_EdgeTraversal(self: *const T, enabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_EdgeTraversal(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_EdgeTraversal(self: *const T, enabled: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_EdgeTraversal(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_get_Action(self: *const T, action: ?*NET_FW_ACTION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Action(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), action);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule_put_Action(self: *const T, action: NET_FW_ACTION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Action(@as(*const INetFwRule, @ptrCast(self)), action);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.1'
const IID_INetFwRule2_Value = Guid.initString("9c27c8da-189b-4dde-89f7-8b39a316782c");
pub const IID_INetFwRule2 = &IID_INetFwRule2_Value;
pub const INetFwRule2 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: INetFwRule.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_EdgeTraversalOptions: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule2,
lOptions: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule2,
lOptions: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_EdgeTraversalOptions: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule2,
lOptions: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule2,
lOptions: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace INetFwRule.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule2_get_EdgeTraversalOptions(self: *const T, lOptions: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_EdgeTraversalOptions(@as(*const INetFwRule2, @ptrCast(self)), lOptions);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule2_put_EdgeTraversalOptions(self: *const T, lOptions: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_EdgeTraversalOptions(@as(*const INetFwRule2, @ptrCast(self)), lOptions);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows8.0'
const IID_INetFwRule3_Value = Guid.initString("b21563ff-d696-4222-ab46-4e89b73ab34a");
pub const IID_INetFwRule3 = &IID_INetFwRule3_Value;
pub const INetFwRule3 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: INetFwRule2.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_LocalAppPackageId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszPackageId: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszPackageId: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_LocalAppPackageId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszPackageId: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszPackageId: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_LocalUserOwner: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserOwner: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserOwner: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_LocalUserOwner: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserOwner: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserOwner: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_LocalUserAuthorizedList: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserAuthList: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserAuthList: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_LocalUserAuthorizedList: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserAuthList: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserAuthList: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RemoteUserAuthorizedList: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserAuthList: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserAuthList: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_RemoteUserAuthorizedList: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserAuthList: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserAuthList: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RemoteMachineAuthorizedList: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserAuthList: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserAuthList: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_RemoteMachineAuthorizedList: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserAuthList: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
wszUserAuthList: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_SecureFlags: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
lOptions: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
lOptions: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_SecureFlags: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
lOptions: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRule3,
lOptions: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace INetFwRule2.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule3_get_LocalAppPackageId(self: *const T, wszPackageId: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_LocalAppPackageId(@as(*const INetFwRule3, @ptrCast(self)), wszPackageId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule3_put_LocalAppPackageId(self: *const T, wszPackageId: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_LocalAppPackageId(@as(*const INetFwRule3, @ptrCast(self)), wszPackageId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule3_get_LocalUserOwner(self: *const T, wszUserOwner: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_LocalUserOwner(@as(*const INetFwRule3, @ptrCast(self)), wszUserOwner);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule3_put_LocalUserOwner(self: *const T, wszUserOwner: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_LocalUserOwner(@as(*const INetFwRule3, @ptrCast(self)), wszUserOwner);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule3_get_LocalUserAuthorizedList(self: *const T, wszUserAuthList: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_LocalUserAuthorizedList(@as(*const INetFwRule3, @ptrCast(self)), wszUserAuthList);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule3_put_LocalUserAuthorizedList(self: *const T, wszUserAuthList: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_LocalUserAuthorizedList(@as(*const INetFwRule3, @ptrCast(self)), wszUserAuthList);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule3_get_RemoteUserAuthorizedList(self: *const T, wszUserAuthList: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RemoteUserAuthorizedList(@as(*const INetFwRule3, @ptrCast(self)), wszUserAuthList);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule3_put_RemoteUserAuthorizedList(self: *const T, wszUserAuthList: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_RemoteUserAuthorizedList(@as(*const INetFwRule3, @ptrCast(self)), wszUserAuthList);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule3_get_RemoteMachineAuthorizedList(self: *const T, wszUserAuthList: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RemoteMachineAuthorizedList(@as(*const INetFwRule3, @ptrCast(self)), wszUserAuthList);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule3_put_RemoteMachineAuthorizedList(self: *const T, wszUserAuthList: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_RemoteMachineAuthorizedList(@as(*const INetFwRule3, @ptrCast(self)), wszUserAuthList);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule3_get_SecureFlags(self: *const T, lOptions: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_SecureFlags(@as(*const INetFwRule3, @ptrCast(self)), lOptions);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRule3_put_SecureFlags(self: *const T, lOptions: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRule3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_SecureFlags(@as(*const INetFwRule3, @ptrCast(self)), lOptions);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwRules_Value = Guid.initString("9c4c6277-5027-441e-afae-ca1f542da009");
pub const IID_INetFwRules = &IID_INetFwRules_Value;
pub const INetFwRules = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRules,
count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRules,
count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Add: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRules,
rule: ?*INetFwRule,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRules,
rule: ?*INetFwRule,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Remove: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRules,
name: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRules,
name: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRules,
name: ?BSTR,
rule: ?*?*INetFwRule,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRules,
name: ?BSTR,
rule: ?*?*INetFwRule,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwRules,
newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwRules,
newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRules_get_Count(self: *const T, count: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRules.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const INetFwRules, @ptrCast(self)), count);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRules_Add(self: *const T, rule: ?*INetFwRule) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRules.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Add(@as(*const INetFwRules, @ptrCast(self)), rule);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRules_Remove(self: *const T, name: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRules.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Remove(@as(*const INetFwRules, @ptrCast(self)), name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRules_Item(self: *const T, name: ?BSTR, rule: ?*?*INetFwRule) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRules.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Item(@as(*const INetFwRules, @ptrCast(self)), name, rule);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwRules_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwRules.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const INetFwRules, @ptrCast(self)), newEnum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwServiceRestriction_Value = Guid.initString("8267bbe3-f890-491c-b7b6-2db1ef0e5d2b");
pub const IID_INetFwServiceRestriction = &IID_INetFwServiceRestriction_Value;
pub const INetFwServiceRestriction = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
RestrictService: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwServiceRestriction,
serviceName: ?BSTR,
appName: ?BSTR,
restrictService: i16,
serviceSidRestricted: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwServiceRestriction,
serviceName: ?BSTR,
appName: ?BSTR,
restrictService: i16,
serviceSidRestricted: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ServiceRestricted: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwServiceRestriction,
serviceName: ?BSTR,
appName: ?BSTR,
serviceRestricted: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwServiceRestriction,
serviceName: ?BSTR,
appName: ?BSTR,
serviceRestricted: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Rules: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwServiceRestriction,
rules: ?*?*INetFwRules,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwServiceRestriction,
rules: ?*?*INetFwRules,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwServiceRestriction_RestrictService(self: *const T, serviceName: ?BSTR, appName: ?BSTR, restrictService: i16, serviceSidRestricted: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwServiceRestriction.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RestrictService(@as(*const INetFwServiceRestriction, @ptrCast(self)), serviceName, appName, restrictService, serviceSidRestricted);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwServiceRestriction_ServiceRestricted(self: *const T, serviceName: ?BSTR, appName: ?BSTR, serviceRestricted: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwServiceRestriction.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ServiceRestricted(@as(*const INetFwServiceRestriction, @ptrCast(self)), serviceName, appName, serviceRestricted);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwServiceRestriction_get_Rules(self: *const T, rules: ?*?*INetFwRules) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwServiceRestriction.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Rules(@as(*const INetFwServiceRestriction, @ptrCast(self)), rules);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwProfile_Value = Guid.initString("174a0dda-e9f9-449d-993b-21ab667ca456");
pub const IID_INetFwProfile = &IID_INetFwProfile_Value;
pub const INetFwProfile = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Type: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_FirewallEnabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_FirewallEnabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ExceptionsNotAllowed: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
notAllowed: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
notAllowed: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_ExceptionsNotAllowed: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
notAllowed: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
notAllowed: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_NotificationsDisabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
disabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
disabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_NotificationsDisabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
disabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
disabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
disabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
disabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
disabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
disabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RemoteAdminSettings: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
remoteAdminSettings: ?*?*INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
remoteAdminSettings: ?*?*INetFwRemoteAdminSettings,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IcmpSettings: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
icmpSettings: ?*?*INetFwIcmpSettings,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
icmpSettings: ?*?*INetFwIcmpSettings,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_GloballyOpenPorts: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
openPorts: ?*?*INetFwOpenPorts,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
openPorts: ?*?*INetFwOpenPorts,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Services: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
services: ?*?*INetFwServices,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
services: ?*?*INetFwServices,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AuthorizedApplications: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
apps: ?*?*INetFwAuthorizedApplications,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProfile,
apps: ?*?*INetFwAuthorizedApplications,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_get_Type(self: *const T, type_: ?*NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Type(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), type_);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_get_FirewallEnabled(self: *const T, enabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_FirewallEnabled(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_put_FirewallEnabled(self: *const T, enabled: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_FirewallEnabled(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_get_ExceptionsNotAllowed(self: *const T, notAllowed: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ExceptionsNotAllowed(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), notAllowed);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_put_ExceptionsNotAllowed(self: *const T, notAllowed: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_ExceptionsNotAllowed(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), notAllowed);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_get_NotificationsDisabled(self: *const T, disabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_NotificationsDisabled(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), disabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_put_NotificationsDisabled(self: *const T, disabled: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_NotificationsDisabled(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), disabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_get_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled(self: *const T, disabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), disabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_put_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled(self: *const T, disabled: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), disabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_get_RemoteAdminSettings(self: *const T, remoteAdminSettings: ?*?*INetFwRemoteAdminSettings) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RemoteAdminSettings(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), remoteAdminSettings);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_get_IcmpSettings(self: *const T, icmpSettings: ?*?*INetFwIcmpSettings) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IcmpSettings(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), icmpSettings);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_get_GloballyOpenPorts(self: *const T, openPorts: ?*?*INetFwOpenPorts) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_GloballyOpenPorts(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), openPorts);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_get_Services(self: *const T, services: ?*?*INetFwServices) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Services(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), services);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProfile_get_AuthorizedApplications(self: *const T, apps: ?*?*INetFwAuthorizedApplications) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProfile.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AuthorizedApplications(@as(*const INetFwProfile, @ptrCast(self)), apps);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwPolicy_Value = Guid.initString("d46d2478-9ac9-4008-9dc7-5563ce5536cc");
pub const IID_INetFwPolicy = &IID_INetFwPolicy_Value;
pub const INetFwPolicy = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_CurrentProfile: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy,
profile: ?*?*INetFwProfile,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy,
profile: ?*?*INetFwProfile,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetProfileByType: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy,
profile: ?*?*INetFwProfile,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy,
profile: ?*?*INetFwProfile,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy_get_CurrentProfile(self: *const T, profile: ?*?*INetFwProfile) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_CurrentProfile(@as(*const INetFwPolicy, @ptrCast(self)), profile);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy_GetProfileByType(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE, profile: ?*?*INetFwProfile) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetProfileByType(@as(*const INetFwPolicy, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, profile);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwPolicy2_Value = Guid.initString("98325047-c671-4174-8d81-defcd3f03186");
pub const IID_INetFwPolicy2 = &IID_INetFwPolicy2_Value;
pub const INetFwPolicy2 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_CurrentProfileTypes: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileTypesBitmask: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileTypesBitmask: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_FirewallEnabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_FirewallEnabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
enabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ExcludedInterfaces: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
interfaces: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
interfaces: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_ExcludedInterfaces: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
interfaces: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
interfaces: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_BlockAllInboundTraffic: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
Block: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
Block: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_BlockAllInboundTraffic: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
Block: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
Block: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_NotificationsDisabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
disabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
disabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_NotificationsDisabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
disabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
disabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
disabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
disabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
disabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
disabled: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Rules: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
rules: ?*?*INetFwRules,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
rules: ?*?*INetFwRules,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ServiceRestriction: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
ServiceRestriction: ?*?*INetFwServiceRestriction,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
ServiceRestriction: ?*?*INetFwServiceRestriction,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
EnableRuleGroup: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileTypesBitmask: i32,
group: ?BSTR,
enable: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileTypesBitmask: i32,
group: ?BSTR,
enable: i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
IsRuleGroupEnabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileTypesBitmask: i32,
group: ?BSTR,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileTypesBitmask: i32,
group: ?BSTR,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
RestoreLocalFirewallDefaults: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_DefaultInboundAction: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
action: ?*NET_FW_ACTION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
action: ?*NET_FW_ACTION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_DefaultInboundAction: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
action: NET_FW_ACTION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
action: NET_FW_ACTION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_DefaultOutboundAction: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
action: ?*NET_FW_ACTION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
action: ?*NET_FW_ACTION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_DefaultOutboundAction: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
action: NET_FW_ACTION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2,
action: NET_FW_ACTION,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IsRuleGroupCurrentlyEnabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
group: ?BSTR,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
group: ?BSTR,
enabled: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_LocalPolicyModifyState: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
modifyState: ?*NET_FW_MODIFY_STATE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwPolicy2,
modifyState: ?*NET_FW_MODIFY_STATE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_get_CurrentProfileTypes(self: *const T, profileTypesBitmask: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_CurrentProfileTypes(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileTypesBitmask);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_get_FirewallEnabled(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, enabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_FirewallEnabled(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_put_FirewallEnabled(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, enabled: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_FirewallEnabled(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_get_ExcludedInterfaces(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, interfaces: ?*VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ExcludedInterfaces(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, interfaces);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_put_ExcludedInterfaces(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, interfaces: VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_ExcludedInterfaces(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, interfaces);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_get_BlockAllInboundTraffic(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, Block: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_BlockAllInboundTraffic(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, Block);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_put_BlockAllInboundTraffic(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, Block: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_BlockAllInboundTraffic(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, Block);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_get_NotificationsDisabled(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, disabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_NotificationsDisabled(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, disabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_put_NotificationsDisabled(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, disabled: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_NotificationsDisabled(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, disabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_get_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, disabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, disabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_put_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, disabled: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, disabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_get_Rules(self: *const T, rules: ?*?*INetFwRules) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Rules(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), rules);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_get_ServiceRestriction(self: *const T, ServiceRestriction: ?*?*INetFwServiceRestriction) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ServiceRestriction(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), ServiceRestriction);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_EnableRuleGroup(self: *const T, profileTypesBitmask: i32, group: ?BSTR, enable: i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EnableRuleGroup(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileTypesBitmask, group, enable);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_IsRuleGroupEnabled(self: *const T, profileTypesBitmask: i32, group: ?BSTR, enabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).IsRuleGroupEnabled(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileTypesBitmask, group, enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_RestoreLocalFirewallDefaults(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RestoreLocalFirewallDefaults(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_get_DefaultInboundAction(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, action: ?*NET_FW_ACTION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_DefaultInboundAction(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, action);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_put_DefaultInboundAction(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, action: NET_FW_ACTION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_DefaultInboundAction(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, action);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_get_DefaultOutboundAction(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, action: ?*NET_FW_ACTION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_DefaultOutboundAction(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, action);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_put_DefaultOutboundAction(self: *const T, profileType: NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2, action: NET_FW_ACTION) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_DefaultOutboundAction(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), profileType, action);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_get_IsRuleGroupCurrentlyEnabled(self: *const T, group: ?BSTR, enabled: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IsRuleGroupCurrentlyEnabled(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), group, enabled);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwPolicy2_get_LocalPolicyModifyState(self: *const T, modifyState: ?*NET_FW_MODIFY_STATE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwPolicy2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_LocalPolicyModifyState(@as(*const INetFwPolicy2, @ptrCast(self)), modifyState);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INetFwMgr_Value = Guid.initString("f7898af5-cac4-4632-a2ec-da06e5111af2");
pub const IID_INetFwMgr = &IID_INetFwMgr_Value;
pub const INetFwMgr = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_LocalPolicy: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwMgr,
localPolicy: ?*?*INetFwPolicy,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwMgr,
localPolicy: ?*?*INetFwPolicy,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_CurrentProfileType: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwMgr,
profileType: ?*NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwMgr,
profileType: ?*NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
RestoreDefaults: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwMgr,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwMgr,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
IsPortAllowed: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwMgr,
imageFileName: ?BSTR,
portNumber: i32,
localAddress: ?BSTR,
allowed: ?*VARIANT,
restricted: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwMgr,
imageFileName: ?BSTR,
portNumber: i32,
localAddress: ?BSTR,
allowed: ?*VARIANT,
restricted: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
IsIcmpTypeAllowed: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwMgr,
localAddress: ?BSTR,
type: u8,
allowed: ?*VARIANT,
restricted: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwMgr,
localAddress: ?BSTR,
type: u8,
allowed: ?*VARIANT,
restricted: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwMgr_get_LocalPolicy(self: *const T, localPolicy: ?*?*INetFwPolicy) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwMgr.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_LocalPolicy(@as(*const INetFwMgr, @ptrCast(self)), localPolicy);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwMgr_get_CurrentProfileType(self: *const T, profileType: ?*NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwMgr.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_CurrentProfileType(@as(*const INetFwMgr, @ptrCast(self)), profileType);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwMgr_RestoreDefaults(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwMgr.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RestoreDefaults(@as(*const INetFwMgr, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwMgr_IsPortAllowed(self: *const T, imageFileName: ?BSTR, ipVersion: NET_FW_IP_VERSION, portNumber: i32, localAddress: ?BSTR, ipProtocol: NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL, allowed: ?*VARIANT, restricted: ?*VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwMgr.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).IsPortAllowed(@as(*const INetFwMgr, @ptrCast(self)), imageFileName, ipVersion, portNumber, localAddress, ipProtocol, allowed, restricted);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwMgr_IsIcmpTypeAllowed(self: *const T, ipVersion: NET_FW_IP_VERSION, localAddress: ?BSTR, type_: u8, allowed: ?*VARIANT, restricted: ?*VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwMgr.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).IsIcmpTypeAllowed(@as(*const INetFwMgr, @ptrCast(self)), ipVersion, localAddress, type_, allowed, restricted);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.1'
const IID_INetFwProduct_Value = Guid.initString("71881699-18f4-458b-b892-3ffce5e07f75");
pub const IID_INetFwProduct = &IID_INetFwProduct_Value;
pub const INetFwProduct = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RuleCategories: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProduct,
ruleCategories: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProduct,
ruleCategories: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_RuleCategories: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProduct,
ruleCategories: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProduct,
ruleCategories: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_DisplayName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProduct,
displayName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProduct,
displayName: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_DisplayName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProduct,
displayName: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProduct,
displayName: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_PathToSignedProductExe: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProduct,
path: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProduct,
path: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProduct_get_RuleCategories(self: *const T, ruleCategories: ?*VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProduct.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RuleCategories(@as(*const INetFwProduct, @ptrCast(self)), ruleCategories);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProduct_put_RuleCategories(self: *const T, ruleCategories: VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProduct.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_RuleCategories(@as(*const INetFwProduct, @ptrCast(self)), ruleCategories);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProduct_get_DisplayName(self: *const T, displayName: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProduct.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_DisplayName(@as(*const INetFwProduct, @ptrCast(self)), displayName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProduct_put_DisplayName(self: *const T, displayName: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProduct.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_DisplayName(@as(*const INetFwProduct, @ptrCast(self)), displayName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProduct_get_PathToSignedProductExe(self: *const T, path: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProduct.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_PathToSignedProductExe(@as(*const INetFwProduct, @ptrCast(self)), path);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.1'
const IID_INetFwProducts_Value = Guid.initString("39eb36e0-2097-40bd-8af2-63a13b525362");
pub const IID_INetFwProducts = &IID_INetFwProducts_Value;
pub const INetFwProducts = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProducts,
count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProducts,
count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Register: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProducts,
product: ?*INetFwProduct,
registration: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProducts,
product: ?*INetFwProduct,
registration: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProducts,
index: i32,
product: ?*?*INetFwProduct,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProducts,
index: i32,
product: ?*?*INetFwProduct,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INetFwProducts,
newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const INetFwProducts,
newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProducts_get_Count(self: *const T, count: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProducts.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const INetFwProducts, @ptrCast(self)), count);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProducts_Register(self: *const T, product: ?*INetFwProduct, registration: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProducts.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Register(@as(*const INetFwProducts, @ptrCast(self)), product, registration);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProducts_Item(self: *const T, index: i32, product: ?*?*INetFwProduct) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProducts.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Item(@as(*const INetFwProducts, @ptrCast(self)), index, product);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INetFwProducts_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, newEnum: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INetFwProducts.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const INetFwProducts, @ptrCast(self)), newEnum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// Section: Functions (8)
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows8.0'
pub extern "api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0" fn NetworkIsolationSetupAppContainerBinaries(
applicationContainerSid: ?PSID,
packageFullName: ?[*:0]const u16,
packageFolder: ?[*:0]const u16,
displayName: ?[*:0]const u16,
bBinariesFullyComputed: BOOL,
binaries: [*]?PWSTR,
binariesCount: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows8.0'
pub extern "api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0" fn NetworkIsolationRegisterForAppContainerChanges(
flags: u32,
context: ?*anyopaque,
registrationObject: ?*?HANDLE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows8.0'
pub extern "api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0" fn NetworkIsolationUnregisterForAppContainerChanges(
registrationObject: ?HANDLE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows8.0'
pub extern "api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0" fn NetworkIsolationFreeAppContainers(
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows8.0'
pub extern "api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0" fn NetworkIsolationEnumAppContainers(
Flags: u32,
pdwNumPublicAppCs: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows8.0'
pub extern "api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0" fn NetworkIsolationGetAppContainerConfig(
pdwNumPublicAppCs: ?*u32,
appContainerSids: ?*?*SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows8.0'
pub extern "api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0" fn NetworkIsolationSetAppContainerConfig(
dwNumPublicAppCs: u32,
appContainerSids: [*]SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows8.0'
pub extern "api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0" fn NetworkIsolationDiagnoseConnectFailureAndGetInfo(
wszServerName: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// Section: Unicode Aliases (0)
const thismodule = @This();
pub usingnamespace switch (@import("../zig.zig").unicode_mode) {
.ansi => struct {
.wide => struct {
.unspecified => if (@import("builtin").is_test) struct {
} else struct {
// Section: Imports (13)
const Guid = @import("../zig.zig").Guid;
const BOOL = @import("../foundation.zig").BOOL;
const BSTR = @import("../foundation.zig").BSTR;
const HANDLE = @import("../foundation.zig").HANDLE;
const HRESULT = @import("../foundation.zig").HRESULT;
const HWND = @import("../foundation.zig").HWND;
const IDispatch = @import("../system/com.zig").IDispatch;
const IUnknown = @import("../system/com.zig").IUnknown;
const PSID = @import("../foundation.zig").PSID;
const PWSTR = @import("../foundation.zig").PWSTR;
const SID = @import("../security.zig").SID;
const SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES = @import("../security.zig").SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES;
const VARIANT = @import("../system/com.zig").VARIANT;
test {
// The following '_ = <FuncPtrType>' lines are a workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4476
comptime @import("std").meta.declarations(@This()).len * 3
// reference all the pub declarations
if (!@import("builtin").is_test) return;
inline for (comptime @import("std").meta.declarations(@This())) |decl| {
_ = @field(@This(), decl.name);