
2790 lines
170 KiB

//! NOTE: this file is autogenerated, DO NOT MODIFY
// Section: Constants (105)
pub const CGD_DEFAULT = @as(u32, 0);
pub const CGD_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY = @as(u32, 0);
pub const CGD_STRING_PROPERTY = @as(u32, 1);
pub const CGD_DATE_PROPERTY = @as(u32, 2);
pub const CGD_BINARY_PROPERTY = @as(u32, 4);
pub const CGD_ARRAY_NODE = @as(u32, 8);
pub const CLSID_ContactAggregationManager = Guid.initString("96c8ad95-c199-44de-b34e-ac33c442df39");
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_NOTES = "Notes";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_MAILER = "Mailer";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_GENDER = "Gender";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_CREATIONDATE = "CreationDate";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L2_CONTACTID = "/ContactID";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_VALUE = "/Value";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L1_NAMECOLLECTION = "NameCollection";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L2_NAME = "/Name";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_FORMATTEDNAME = "/FormattedName";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_PHONETIC = "/Phonetic";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_PREFIX = "/Prefix";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_TITLE = "/Title";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_GIVENNAME = "/GivenName";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_FAMILYNAME = "/FamilyName";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_MIDDLENAME = "/MiddleName";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_GENERATION = "/Generation";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_SUFFIX = "/Suffix";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_NICKNAME = "/NickName";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L1_POSITIONCOLLECTION = "PositionCollection";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L2_POSITION = "/Position";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_ORGANIZATION = "/Organization";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_COMPANY = "/Company";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_DEPARTMENT = "/Department";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_OFFICE = "/Office";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_JOB_TITLE = "/JobTitle";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_PROFESSION = "/Profession";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_ROLE = "/Role";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L1_PERSONCOLLECTION = "PersonCollection";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L2_PERSON = "/Person";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_PERSONID = "/PersonID";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L1_DATECOLLECTION = "DateCollection";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L2_DATE = "/Date";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L2_EMAILADDRESS = "/EmailAddress";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_ADDRESS = "/Address";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_TYPE = "/Type";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L1_CERTIFICATECOLLECTION = "CertificateCollection";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L2_CERTIFICATE = "/Certificate";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_THUMBPRINT = "/ThumbPrint";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L2_PHONENUMBER = "/PhoneNumber";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_NUMBER = "/Number";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_ALTERNATE = "/Alternate";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L2_PHYSICALADDRESS = "/PhysicalAddress";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_ADDRESSLABEL = "/AddressLabel";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_STREET = "/Street";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_LOCALITY = "/Locality";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_REGION = "/Region";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_POSTALCODE = "/PostalCode";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_COUNTRY = "/Country";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_POBOX = "/POBox";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_EXTENDEDADDRESS = "/ExtendedAddress";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_PROTOCOL = "/Protocol";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L1_URLCOLLECTION = "UrlCollection";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L2_URL = "/Url";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L1_PHOTOCOLLECTION = "PhotoCollection";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L2_PHOTO = "/Photo";
pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_L3_URL = "/Url";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_PREFERRED = "Preferred";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_PERSONAL = "Personal";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_BUSINESS = "Business";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_OTHER = "Other";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_VOICE = "Voice";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_MOBILE = "Mobile";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_CELLULAR = "Cellular";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_CAR = "Car";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_PAGER = "Pager";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_FAX = "Fax";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_VIDEO = "Video";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_MODEM = "Modem";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_AGENT = "Agent";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_DOMESTIC = "Domestic";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_INTERNATIONAL = "International";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_POSTAL = "Postal";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_PARCEL = "Parcel";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_PUB_LOGO = "Logo";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_WAB_SPOUSE = "wab:Spouse";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_WAB_CHILD = "wab:Child";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_WAB_MANAGER = "wab:Manager";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_WAB_ASSISTANT = "wab:Assistant";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_WAB_BIRTHDAY = "wab:Birthday";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_WAB_ANNIVERSARY = "wab:Anniversary";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_WAB_SOCIALNETWORK = "wab:SocialNetwork";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_WAB_SCHOOL = "wab:School";
pub const CONTACTLABEL_WAB_WISHLIST = "wab:WishList";
// Section: Types (21)
const CLSID_Contact_Value = Guid.initString("61b68808-8eee-4fd1-acb8-3d804c8db056");
pub const CLSID_Contact = &CLSID_Contact_Value;
const CLSID_ContactManager_Value = Guid.initString("7165c8ab-af88-42bd-86fd-5310b4285a02");
pub const CLSID_ContactManager = &CLSID_ContactManager_Value;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IContactManager_Value = Guid.initString("ad553d98-deb1-474a-8e17-fc0c2075b738");
pub const IID_IContactManager = &IID_IContactManager_Value;
pub const IContactManager = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Initialize: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactManager,
pszAppName: ?[*:0]const u16,
pszAppVersion: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactManager,
pszAppName: ?[*:0]const u16,
pszAppVersion: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Load: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactManager,
pszContactID: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppContact: ?*?*IContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactManager,
pszContactID: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppContact: ?*?*IContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
MergeContactIDs: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactManager,
pszNewContactID: ?[*:0]const u16,
pszOldContactID: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactManager,
pszNewContactID: ?[*:0]const u16,
pszOldContactID: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetMeContact: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactManager,
ppMeContact: ?*?*IContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactManager,
ppMeContact: ?*?*IContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetMeContact: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactManager,
pMeContact: ?*IContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactManager,
pMeContact: ?*IContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetContactCollection: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactManager,
ppContactCollection: ?*?*IContactCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactManager,
ppContactCollection: ?*?*IContactCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactManager_Initialize(self: *const T, pszAppName: ?[*:0]const u16, pszAppVersion: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Initialize(@as(*const IContactManager, @ptrCast(self)), pszAppName, pszAppVersion);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactManager_Load(self: *const T, pszContactID: ?[*:0]const u16, ppContact: ?*?*IContact) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Load(@as(*const IContactManager, @ptrCast(self)), pszContactID, ppContact);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactManager_MergeContactIDs(self: *const T, pszNewContactID: ?[*:0]const u16, pszOldContactID: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).MergeContactIDs(@as(*const IContactManager, @ptrCast(self)), pszNewContactID, pszOldContactID);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactManager_GetMeContact(self: *const T, ppMeContact: ?*?*IContact) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetMeContact(@as(*const IContactManager, @ptrCast(self)), ppMeContact);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactManager_SetMeContact(self: *const T, pMeContact: ?*IContact) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetMeContact(@as(*const IContactManager, @ptrCast(self)), pMeContact);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactManager_GetContactCollection(self: *const T, ppContactCollection: ?*?*IContactCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetContactCollection(@as(*const IContactManager, @ptrCast(self)), ppContactCollection);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IContactCollection_Value = Guid.initString("b6afa338-d779-11d9-8bde-f66bad1e3f3a");
pub const IID_IContactCollection = &IID_IContactCollection_Value;
pub const IContactCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Reset: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Next: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetCurrent: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactCollection,
ppContact: ?*?*IContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactCollection,
ppContact: ?*?*IContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactCollection_Reset(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Reset(@as(*const IContactCollection, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactCollection_Next(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Next(@as(*const IContactCollection, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactCollection_GetCurrent(self: *const T, ppContact: ?*?*IContact) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetCurrent(@as(*const IContactCollection, @ptrCast(self)), ppContact);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IContactProperties_Value = Guid.initString("70dd27dd-5cbd-46e8-bef0-23b6b346288f");
pub const IID_IContactProperties = &IID_IContactProperties_Value;
pub const IContactProperties = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
GetString: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
pszValue: [*:0]u16,
cchValue: u32,
pdwcchPropertyValueRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
pszValue: [*:0]u16,
cchValue: u32,
pdwcchPropertyValueRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetDate: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
pftDateTime: ?*FILETIME,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
pftDateTime: ?*FILETIME,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetBinary: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
pszContentType: [*:0]u16,
cchContentType: u32,
pdwcchContentTypeRequired: ?*u32,
ppStream: ?*?*IStream,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
pszContentType: [*:0]u16,
cchContentType: u32,
pdwcchContentTypeRequired: ?*u32,
ppStream: ?*?*IStream,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetLabels: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszArrayElementName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
pszLabels: [*:0]u16,
cchLabels: u32,
pdwcchLabelsRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszArrayElementName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
pszLabels: [*:0]u16,
cchLabels: u32,
pdwcchLabelsRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetString: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
pszValue: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
pszValue: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetDate: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
ftDateTime: FILETIME,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
ftDateTime: FILETIME,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetBinary: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
pszContentType: ?[*:0]const u16,
pStream: ?*IStream,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
pszContentType: ?[*:0]const u16,
pStream: ?*IStream,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetLabels: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszArrayElementName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
dwLabelCount: u32,
ppszLabels: [*]?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszArrayElementName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
dwLabelCount: u32,
ppszLabels: [*]?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CreateArrayNode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszArrayName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
fAppend: BOOL,
pszNewArrayElementName: [*:0]u16,
cchNewArrayElementName: u32,
pdwcchNewArrayElementNameRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszArrayName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
fAppend: BOOL,
pszNewArrayElementName: [*:0]u16,
cchNewArrayElementName: u32,
pdwcchNewArrayElementNameRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DeleteProperty: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DeleteArrayNode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszArrayElementName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszArrayElementName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DeleteLabels: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszArrayElementName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
pszArrayElementName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetPropertyCollection: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
ppPropertyCollection: ?*?*IContactPropertyCollection,
dwFlags: u32,
pszMultiValueName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwLabelCount: u32,
ppszLabels: [*]?PWSTR,
fAnyLabelMatches: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactProperties,
ppPropertyCollection: ?*?*IContactPropertyCollection,
dwFlags: u32,
pszMultiValueName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwLabelCount: u32,
ppszLabels: [*]?PWSTR,
fAnyLabelMatches: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_GetString(self: *const T, pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32, pszValue: [*:0]u16, cchValue: u32, pdwcchPropertyValueRequired: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetString(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pszPropertyName, dwFlags, pszValue, cchValue, pdwcchPropertyValueRequired);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_GetDate(self: *const T, pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32, pftDateTime: ?*FILETIME) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetDate(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pszPropertyName, dwFlags, pftDateTime);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_GetBinary(self: *const T, pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32, pszContentType: [*:0]u16, cchContentType: u32, pdwcchContentTypeRequired: ?*u32, ppStream: ?*?*IStream) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetBinary(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pszPropertyName, dwFlags, pszContentType, cchContentType, pdwcchContentTypeRequired, ppStream);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_GetLabels(self: *const T, pszArrayElementName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32, pszLabels: [*:0]u16, cchLabels: u32, pdwcchLabelsRequired: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetLabels(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pszArrayElementName, dwFlags, pszLabels, cchLabels, pdwcchLabelsRequired);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_SetString(self: *const T, pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32, pszValue: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetString(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pszPropertyName, dwFlags, pszValue);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_SetDate(self: *const T, pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32, ftDateTime: FILETIME) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetDate(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pszPropertyName, dwFlags, ftDateTime);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_SetBinary(self: *const T, pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32, pszContentType: ?[*:0]const u16, pStream: ?*IStream) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetBinary(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pszPropertyName, dwFlags, pszContentType, pStream);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_SetLabels(self: *const T, pszArrayElementName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32, dwLabelCount: u32, ppszLabels: [*]?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetLabels(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pszArrayElementName, dwFlags, dwLabelCount, ppszLabels);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_CreateArrayNode(self: *const T, pszArrayName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32, fAppend: BOOL, pszNewArrayElementName: [*:0]u16, cchNewArrayElementName: u32, pdwcchNewArrayElementNameRequired: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CreateArrayNode(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pszArrayName, dwFlags, fAppend, pszNewArrayElementName, cchNewArrayElementName, pdwcchNewArrayElementNameRequired);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_DeleteProperty(self: *const T, pszPropertyName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DeleteProperty(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pszPropertyName, dwFlags);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_DeleteArrayNode(self: *const T, pszArrayElementName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DeleteArrayNode(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pszArrayElementName, dwFlags);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_DeleteLabels(self: *const T, pszArrayElementName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DeleteLabels(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pszArrayElementName, dwFlags);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactProperties_GetPropertyCollection(self: *const T, ppPropertyCollection: ?*?*IContactPropertyCollection, dwFlags: u32, pszMultiValueName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwLabelCount: u32, ppszLabels: [*]?PWSTR, fAnyLabelMatches: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetPropertyCollection(@as(*const IContactProperties, @ptrCast(self)), ppPropertyCollection, dwFlags, pszMultiValueName, dwLabelCount, ppszLabels, fAnyLabelMatches);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IContact_Value = Guid.initString("f941b671-bda7-4f77-884a-f46462f226a7");
pub const IID_IContact = &IID_IContact_Value;
pub const IContact = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
GetContactID: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContact,
pszContactID: [*:0]u16,
cchContactID: u32,
pdwcchContactIDRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContact,
pszContactID: [*:0]u16,
cchContactID: u32,
pdwcchContactIDRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetPath: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContact,
pszPath: [*:0]u16,
cchPath: u32,
pdwcchPathRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContact,
pszPath: [*:0]u16,
cchPath: u32,
pdwcchPathRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CommitChanges: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContact,
dwCommitFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContact,
dwCommitFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContact_GetContactID(self: *const T, pszContactID: [*:0]u16, cchContactID: u32, pdwcchContactIDRequired: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetContactID(@as(*const IContact, @ptrCast(self)), pszContactID, cchContactID, pdwcchContactIDRequired);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContact_GetPath(self: *const T, pszPath: [*:0]u16, cchPath: u32, pdwcchPathRequired: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetPath(@as(*const IContact, @ptrCast(self)), pszPath, cchPath, pdwcchPathRequired);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContact_CommitChanges(self: *const T, dwCommitFlags: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CommitChanges(@as(*const IContact, @ptrCast(self)), dwCommitFlags);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IContactPropertyCollection_Value = Guid.initString("ffd3adf8-fa64-4328-b1b6-2e0db509cb3c");
pub const IID_IContactPropertyCollection = &IID_IContactPropertyCollection_Value;
pub const IContactPropertyCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Reset: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Next: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetPropertyName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
pszPropertyName: [*:0]u16,
cchPropertyName: u32,
pdwcchPropertyNameRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
pszPropertyName: [*:0]u16,
cchPropertyName: u32,
pdwcchPropertyNameRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetPropertyType: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
pdwType: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
pdwType: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetPropertyVersion: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
pdwVersion: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
pdwVersion: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetPropertyModificationDate: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
pftModificationDate: ?*FILETIME,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
pftModificationDate: ?*FILETIME,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetPropertyArrayElementID: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
pszArrayElementID: [*:0]u16,
cchArrayElementID: u32,
pdwcchArrayElementIDRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactPropertyCollection,
pszArrayElementID: [*:0]u16,
cchArrayElementID: u32,
pdwcchArrayElementIDRequired: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactPropertyCollection_Reset(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactPropertyCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Reset(@as(*const IContactPropertyCollection, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactPropertyCollection_Next(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactPropertyCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Next(@as(*const IContactPropertyCollection, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactPropertyCollection_GetPropertyName(self: *const T, pszPropertyName: [*:0]u16, cchPropertyName: u32, pdwcchPropertyNameRequired: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactPropertyCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetPropertyName(@as(*const IContactPropertyCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pszPropertyName, cchPropertyName, pdwcchPropertyNameRequired);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactPropertyCollection_GetPropertyType(self: *const T, pdwType: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactPropertyCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetPropertyType(@as(*const IContactPropertyCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pdwType);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactPropertyCollection_GetPropertyVersion(self: *const T, pdwVersion: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactPropertyCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetPropertyVersion(@as(*const IContactPropertyCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pdwVersion);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactPropertyCollection_GetPropertyModificationDate(self: *const T, pftModificationDate: ?*FILETIME) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactPropertyCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetPropertyModificationDate(@as(*const IContactPropertyCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pftModificationDate);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactPropertyCollection_GetPropertyArrayElementID(self: *const T, pszArrayElementID: [*:0]u16, cchArrayElementID: u32, pdwcchArrayElementIDRequired: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactPropertyCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetPropertyArrayElementID(@as(*const IContactPropertyCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pszArrayElementID, cchArrayElementID, pdwcchArrayElementIDRequired);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
LOCAL = 0,
pub const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB = extern struct {
dwCount: u32,
lpb: ?*u8,
const IID_IContactAggregationManager_Value = Guid.initString("1d865989-4b1f-4b60-8f34-c2ad468b2b50");
pub const IID_IContactAggregationManager = &IID_IContactAggregationManager_Value;
pub const IContactAggregationManager = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
GetVersionInfo: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
plMajorVersion: ?*i32,
plMinorVersion: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
plMajorVersion: ?*i32,
plMinorVersion: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CreateOrOpenGroup: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
pGroupName: ?[*:0]const u16,
pCreatedGroup: ?*BOOL,
ppGroup: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroup,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
pGroupName: ?[*:0]const u16,
pCreatedGroup: ?*BOOL,
ppGroup: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroup,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CreateExternalContact: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CreateServerPerson: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CreateServerContactLink: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppServerContactLink: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppServerContactLink: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Flush: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OpenAggregateContact: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
pItemId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregate,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
pItemId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregate,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OpenContact: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
pItemId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
pItemId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OpenServerContactLink: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
pItemId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
pItemId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OpenServerPerson: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
pItemId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
pItemId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Contacts: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppItems: ?*?*IContactAggregationContactCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppItems: ?*?*IContactAggregationContactCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AggregateContacts: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppAggregates: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregateCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppAggregates: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregateCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Groups: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppGroups: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroupCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppGroups: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroupCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ServerPersons: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppServerPersonCollection: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
ppServerPersonCollection: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ServerContactLinks: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
pPersonItemId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppServerContactLinkCollection: ?*?*IContactAggregationLinkCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationManager,
pPersonItemId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppServerContactLinkCollection: ?*?*IContactAggregationLinkCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_GetVersionInfo(self: *const T, plMajorVersion: ?*i32, plMinorVersion: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetVersionInfo(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), plMajorVersion, plMinorVersion);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_CreateOrOpenGroup(self: *const T, pGroupName: ?[*:0]const u16, options: CONTACT_AGGREGATION_CREATE_OR_OPEN_OPTIONS, pCreatedGroup: ?*BOOL, ppGroup: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroup) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CreateOrOpenGroup(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), pGroupName, options, pCreatedGroup, ppGroup);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_CreateExternalContact(self: *const T, ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CreateExternalContact(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), ppItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_CreateServerPerson(self: *const T, ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CreateServerPerson(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), ppServerPerson);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_CreateServerContactLink(self: *const T, ppServerContactLink: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CreateServerContactLink(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), ppServerContactLink);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_Flush(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Flush(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_OpenAggregateContact(self: *const T, pItemId: ?[*:0]const u16, ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregate) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OpenAggregateContact(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), pItemId, ppItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_OpenContact(self: *const T, pItemId: ?[*:0]const u16, ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OpenContact(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), pItemId, ppItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_OpenServerContactLink(self: *const T, pItemId: ?[*:0]const u16, ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OpenServerContactLink(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), pItemId, ppItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_OpenServerPerson(self: *const T, pItemId: ?[*:0]const u16, ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OpenServerPerson(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), pItemId, ppItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_get_Contacts(self: *const T, options: CONTACT_AGGREGATION_COLLECTION_OPTIONS, ppItems: ?*?*IContactAggregationContactCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Contacts(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), options, ppItems);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_get_AggregateContacts(self: *const T, options: CONTACT_AGGREGATION_COLLECTION_OPTIONS, ppAggregates: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregateCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AggregateContacts(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), options, ppAggregates);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_get_Groups(self: *const T, options: CONTACT_AGGREGATION_COLLECTION_OPTIONS, ppGroups: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroupCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Groups(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), options, ppGroups);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_get_ServerPersons(self: *const T, ppServerPersonCollection: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ServerPersons(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), ppServerPersonCollection);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationManager_get_ServerContactLinks(self: *const T, pPersonItemId: ?[*:0]const u16, ppServerContactLinkCollection: ?*?*IContactAggregationLinkCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationManager.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ServerContactLinks(@as(*const IContactAggregationManager, @ptrCast(self)), pPersonItemId, ppServerContactLinkCollection);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_IContactAggregationContact_Value = Guid.initString("1eb22e86-4c86-41f0-9f9f-c251e9fda6c3");
pub const IID_IContactAggregationContact = &IID_IContactAggregationContact_Value;
pub const IContactAggregationContact = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Delete: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Save: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
MoveToAggregate: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Unlink: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AccountId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
ppAccountId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
ppAccountId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AccountId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AggregateId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
ppAggregateId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
ppAggregateId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Id: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
ppItemId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
ppItemId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IsMe: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pIsMe: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pIsMe: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IsExternal: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pIsExternal: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pIsExternal: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_NetworkSourceId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pNetworkSourceId: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pNetworkSourceId: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_NetworkSourceId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
networkSourceId: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
networkSourceId: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_NetworkSourceIdString: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
ppNetworkSourceId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
ppNetworkSourceId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_NetworkSourceIdString: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pNetworkSourceId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pNetworkSourceId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RemoteObjectId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_RemoteObjectId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pRemoteObjectId: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pRemoteObjectId: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_SyncIdentityHash: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_SyncIdentityHash: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pSyncIdentityHash: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContact,
pSyncIdentityHash: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_Delete(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Delete(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_Save(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Save(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_MoveToAggregate(self: *const T, pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).MoveToAggregate(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), pAggregateId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_Unlink(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Unlink(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_get_AccountId(self: *const T, ppAccountId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AccountId(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), ppAccountId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_put_AccountId(self: *const T, pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AccountId(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), pAccountId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_get_AggregateId(self: *const T, ppAggregateId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AggregateId(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), ppAggregateId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_get_Id(self: *const T, ppItemId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Id(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), ppItemId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_get_IsMe(self: *const T, pIsMe: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IsMe(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), pIsMe);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_get_IsExternal(self: *const T, pIsExternal: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IsExternal(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), pIsExternal);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_get_NetworkSourceId(self: *const T, pNetworkSourceId: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_NetworkSourceId(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), pNetworkSourceId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_put_NetworkSourceId(self: *const T, networkSourceId: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_NetworkSourceId(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), networkSourceId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_get_NetworkSourceIdString(self: *const T, ppNetworkSourceId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_NetworkSourceIdString(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), ppNetworkSourceId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_put_NetworkSourceIdString(self: *const T, pNetworkSourceId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_NetworkSourceIdString(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), pNetworkSourceId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_get_RemoteObjectId(self: *const T, ppRemoteObjectId: ?*?*CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RemoteObjectId(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), ppRemoteObjectId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_put_RemoteObjectId(self: *const T, pRemoteObjectId: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_RemoteObjectId(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), pRemoteObjectId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_get_SyncIdentityHash(self: *const T, ppSyncIdentityHash: ?*?*CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_SyncIdentityHash(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), ppSyncIdentityHash);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContact_put_SyncIdentityHash(self: *const T, pSyncIdentityHash: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContact.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_SyncIdentityHash(@as(*const IContactAggregationContact, @ptrCast(self)), pSyncIdentityHash);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_IContactAggregationContactCollection_Value = Guid.initString("826e66fa-81de-43ca-a6fb-8c785cd996c6");
pub const IID_IContactAggregationContactCollection = &IID_IContactAggregationContactCollection_Value;
pub const IContactAggregationContactCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
FindFirst: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContactCollection,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContactCollection,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindNext: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContactCollection,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContactCollection,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindFirstByIdentityHash: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContactCollection,
pSourceType: ?[*:0]const u16,
pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16,
pIdentityHash: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContactCollection,
pSourceType: ?[*:0]const u16,
pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16,
pIdentityHash: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContactCollection,
pCount: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContactCollection,
pCount: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindFirstByRemoteId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContactCollection,
pSourceType: ?[*:0]const u16,
pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16,
pRemoteObjectId: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationContactCollection,
pSourceType: ?[*:0]const u16,
pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16,
pRemoteObjectId: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB,
ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContactCollection_FindFirst(self: *const T, ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContactCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirst(@as(*const IContactAggregationContactCollection, @ptrCast(self)), ppItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContactCollection_FindNext(self: *const T, ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContactCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindNext(@as(*const IContactAggregationContactCollection, @ptrCast(self)), ppItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContactCollection_FindFirstByIdentityHash(self: *const T, pSourceType: ?[*:0]const u16, pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16, pIdentityHash: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB, ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContactCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirstByIdentityHash(@as(*const IContactAggregationContactCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pSourceType, pAccountId, pIdentityHash, ppItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContactCollection_get_Count(self: *const T, pCount: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContactCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const IContactAggregationContactCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pCount);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationContactCollection_FindFirstByRemoteId(self: *const T, pSourceType: ?[*:0]const u16, pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16, pRemoteObjectId: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB, ppItem: ?*?*IContactAggregationContact) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationContactCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirstByRemoteId(@as(*const IContactAggregationContactCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pSourceType, pAccountId, pRemoteObjectId, ppItem);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_IContactAggregationAggregate_Value = Guid.initString("7ed1c814-cd30-43c8-9b8d-2e489e53d54b");
pub const IID_IContactAggregationAggregate = &IID_IContactAggregationAggregate_Value;
pub const IContactAggregationAggregate = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Save: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetComponentItems: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
pComponentItems: ?*?*IContactAggregationContactCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
pComponentItems: ?*?*IContactAggregationContactCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Link: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Groups: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
ppGroups: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroupCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
ppGroups: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroupCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AntiLink: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
ppAntiLink: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
ppAntiLink: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AntiLink: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
pAntiLink: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
pAntiLink: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_FavoriteOrder: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
pFavoriteOrder: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
pFavoriteOrder: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_FavoriteOrder: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
favoriteOrder: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
favoriteOrder: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Id: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
ppItemId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregate,
ppItemId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregate_Save(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Save(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregate_GetComponentItems(self: *const T, pComponentItems: ?*?*IContactAggregationContactCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetComponentItems(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate, @ptrCast(self)), pComponentItems);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregate_Link(self: *const T, pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Link(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate, @ptrCast(self)), pAggregateId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregate_get_Groups(self: *const T, options: CONTACT_AGGREGATION_COLLECTION_OPTIONS, ppGroups: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroupCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Groups(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate, @ptrCast(self)), options, ppGroups);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregate_get_AntiLink(self: *const T, ppAntiLink: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AntiLink(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate, @ptrCast(self)), ppAntiLink);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregate_put_AntiLink(self: *const T, pAntiLink: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AntiLink(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate, @ptrCast(self)), pAntiLink);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregate_get_FavoriteOrder(self: *const T, pFavoriteOrder: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_FavoriteOrder(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate, @ptrCast(self)), pFavoriteOrder);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregate_put_FavoriteOrder(self: *const T, favoriteOrder: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_FavoriteOrder(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate, @ptrCast(self)), favoriteOrder);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregate_get_Id(self: *const T, ppItemId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Id(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregate, @ptrCast(self)), ppItemId);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_IContactAggregationAggregateCollection_Value = Guid.initString("2359f3a6-3a68-40af-98db-0f9eb143c3bb");
pub const IID_IContactAggregationAggregateCollection = &IID_IContactAggregationAggregateCollection_Value;
pub const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
FindFirst: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection,
ppAggregate: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregate,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection,
ppAggregate: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregate,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindFirstByAntiLinkId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection,
pAntiLinkId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppAggregate: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregate,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection,
pAntiLinkId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppAggregate: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregate,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindNext: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection,
ppAggregate: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregate,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection,
ppAggregate: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregate,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection,
pCount: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection,
pCount: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregateCollection_FindFirst(self: *const T, ppAggregate: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregate) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirst(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection, @ptrCast(self)), ppAggregate);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregateCollection_FindFirstByAntiLinkId(self: *const T, pAntiLinkId: ?[*:0]const u16, ppAggregate: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregate) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirstByAntiLinkId(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pAntiLinkId, ppAggregate);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregateCollection_FindNext(self: *const T, ppAggregate: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregate) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindNext(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection, @ptrCast(self)), ppAggregate);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationAggregateCollection_get_Count(self: *const T, pCount: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const IContactAggregationAggregateCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pCount);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_IContactAggregationGroup_Value = Guid.initString("c93c545f-1284-499b-96af-07372af473e0");
pub const IID_IContactAggregationGroup = &IID_IContactAggregationGroup_Value;
pub const IContactAggregationGroup = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Delete: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Save: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Add: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Remove: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Members: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
ppAggregateContactCollection: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregateCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
ppAggregateContactCollection: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregateCollection,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_GlobalObjectId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
pGlobalObjectId: ?*Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
pGlobalObjectId: ?*Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_GlobalObjectId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
pGlobalObjectId: ?*const Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
pGlobalObjectId: ?*const Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Id: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
ppItemId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
ppItemId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
ppName: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
ppName: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
pName: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroup,
pName: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroup_Delete(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroup.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Delete(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroup, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroup_Save(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroup.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Save(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroup, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroup_Add(self: *const T, pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroup.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Add(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroup, @ptrCast(self)), pAggregateId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroup_Remove(self: *const T, pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroup.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Remove(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroup, @ptrCast(self)), pAggregateId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroup_get_Members(self: *const T, ppAggregateContactCollection: ?*?*IContactAggregationAggregateCollection) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroup.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Members(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroup, @ptrCast(self)), ppAggregateContactCollection);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroup_get_GlobalObjectId(self: *const T, pGlobalObjectId: ?*Guid) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroup.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_GlobalObjectId(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroup, @ptrCast(self)), pGlobalObjectId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroup_put_GlobalObjectId(self: *const T, pGlobalObjectId: ?*const Guid) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroup.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_GlobalObjectId(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroup, @ptrCast(self)), pGlobalObjectId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroup_get_Id(self: *const T, ppItemId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroup.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Id(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroup, @ptrCast(self)), ppItemId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroup_get_Name(self: *const T, ppName: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroup.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Name(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroup, @ptrCast(self)), ppName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroup_put_Name(self: *const T, pName: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroup.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Name(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroup, @ptrCast(self)), pName);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_IContactAggregationGroupCollection_Value = Guid.initString("20a19a9c-d2f3-4b83-9143-beffd2cc226d");
pub const IID_IContactAggregationGroupCollection = &IID_IContactAggregationGroupCollection_Value;
pub const IContactAggregationGroupCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
FindFirst: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroupCollection,
ppGroup: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroup,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroupCollection,
ppGroup: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroup,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindFirstByGlobalObjectId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroupCollection,
pGlobalObjectId: ?*const Guid,
ppGroup: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroup,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroupCollection,
pGlobalObjectId: ?*const Guid,
ppGroup: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroup,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindNext: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroupCollection,
ppGroup: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroup,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroupCollection,
ppGroup: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroup,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroupCollection,
pCount: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationGroupCollection,
pCount: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroupCollection_FindFirst(self: *const T, ppGroup: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroup) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroupCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirst(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroupCollection, @ptrCast(self)), ppGroup);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroupCollection_FindFirstByGlobalObjectId(self: *const T, pGlobalObjectId: ?*const Guid, ppGroup: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroup) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroupCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirstByGlobalObjectId(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroupCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pGlobalObjectId, ppGroup);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroupCollection_FindNext(self: *const T, ppGroup: ?*?*IContactAggregationGroup) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroupCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindNext(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroupCollection, @ptrCast(self)), ppGroup);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationGroupCollection_get_Count(self: *const T, pCount: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationGroupCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const IContactAggregationGroupCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pCount);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_IContactAggregationLink_Value = Guid.initString("b6813323-a183-4654-8627-79b30de3a0ec");
pub const IID_IContactAggregationLink = &IID_IContactAggregationLink_Value;
pub const IContactAggregationLink = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Delete: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Save: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AccountId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
ppAccountId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
ppAccountId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AccountId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Id: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
ppItemId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
ppItemId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IsLinkResolved: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pIsLinkResolved: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pIsLinkResolved: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_IsLinkResolved: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
isLinkResolved: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
isLinkResolved: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_NetworkSourceIdString: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
ppNetworkSourceId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
ppNetworkSourceId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_NetworkSourceIdString: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pNetworkSourceId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pNetworkSourceId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RemoteObjectId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_RemoteObjectId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pRemoteObjectId: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pRemoteObjectId: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ServerPerson: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
ppServerPersonId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
ppServerPersonId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_ServerPerson: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pServerPersonId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pServerPersonId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ServerPersonBaseline: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
ppServerPersonId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
ppServerPersonId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_ServerPersonBaseline: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pServerPersonId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pServerPersonId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_SyncIdentityHash: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_SyncIdentityHash: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pSyncIdentityHash: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLink,
pSyncIdentityHash: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_Delete(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Delete(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_Save(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Save(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_get_AccountId(self: *const T, ppAccountId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AccountId(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), ppAccountId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_put_AccountId(self: *const T, pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AccountId(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), pAccountId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_get_Id(self: *const T, ppItemId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Id(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), ppItemId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_get_IsLinkResolved(self: *const T, pIsLinkResolved: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IsLinkResolved(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), pIsLinkResolved);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_put_IsLinkResolved(self: *const T, isLinkResolved: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_IsLinkResolved(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), isLinkResolved);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_get_NetworkSourceIdString(self: *const T, ppNetworkSourceId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_NetworkSourceIdString(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), ppNetworkSourceId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_put_NetworkSourceIdString(self: *const T, pNetworkSourceId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_NetworkSourceIdString(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), pNetworkSourceId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_get_RemoteObjectId(self: *const T, ppRemoteObjectId: ?*?*CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RemoteObjectId(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), ppRemoteObjectId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_put_RemoteObjectId(self: *const T, pRemoteObjectId: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_RemoteObjectId(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), pRemoteObjectId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_get_ServerPerson(self: *const T, ppServerPersonId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ServerPerson(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), ppServerPersonId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_put_ServerPerson(self: *const T, pServerPersonId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_ServerPerson(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), pServerPersonId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_get_ServerPersonBaseline(self: *const T, ppServerPersonId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ServerPersonBaseline(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), ppServerPersonId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_put_ServerPersonBaseline(self: *const T, pServerPersonId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_ServerPersonBaseline(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), pServerPersonId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_get_SyncIdentityHash(self: *const T, ppSyncIdentityHash: ?*?*CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_SyncIdentityHash(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), ppSyncIdentityHash);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLink_put_SyncIdentityHash(self: *const T, pSyncIdentityHash: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_SyncIdentityHash(@as(*const IContactAggregationLink, @ptrCast(self)), pSyncIdentityHash);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_IContactAggregationLinkCollection_Value = Guid.initString("f8bc0e93-fb55-4f28-b9fa-b1c274153292");
pub const IID_IContactAggregationLinkCollection = &IID_IContactAggregationLinkCollection_Value;
pub const IContactAggregationLinkCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
FindFirst: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLinkCollection,
ppServerContactLink: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLinkCollection,
ppServerContactLink: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindFirstByRemoteId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLinkCollection,
pSourceType: ?[*:0]const u16,
pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppServerContactLink: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLinkCollection,
pSourceType: ?[*:0]const u16,
pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppServerContactLink: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindNext: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLinkCollection,
ppServerContactLink: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLinkCollection,
ppServerContactLink: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLinkCollection,
pCount: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationLinkCollection,
pCount: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLinkCollection_FindFirst(self: *const T, ppServerContactLink: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLinkCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirst(@as(*const IContactAggregationLinkCollection, @ptrCast(self)), ppServerContactLink);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLinkCollection_FindFirstByRemoteId(self: *const T, pSourceType: ?[*:0]const u16, pAccountId: ?[*:0]const u16, pRemoteId: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB, ppServerContactLink: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLinkCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirstByRemoteId(@as(*const IContactAggregationLinkCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pSourceType, pAccountId, pRemoteId, ppServerContactLink);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLinkCollection_FindNext(self: *const T, ppServerContactLink: ?*?*IContactAggregationLink) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLinkCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindNext(@as(*const IContactAggregationLinkCollection, @ptrCast(self)), ppServerContactLink);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationLinkCollection_get_Count(self: *const T, pCount: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationLinkCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const IContactAggregationLinkCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pCount);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_IContactAggregationServerPerson_Value = Guid.initString("7fdc3d4b-1b82-4334-85c5-25184ee5a5f2");
pub const IID_IContactAggregationServerPerson = &IID_IContactAggregationServerPerson_Value;
pub const IContactAggregationServerPerson = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Delete: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Save: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AggregateId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
ppAggregateId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
ppAggregateId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AggregateId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AntiLink: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
ppAntiLink: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
ppAntiLink: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AntiLink: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pAntiLink: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pAntiLink: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_AntiLinkBaseline: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
ppAntiLink: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
ppAntiLink: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_AntiLinkBaseline: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pAntiLink: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pAntiLink: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_FavoriteOrder: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pFavoriteOrder: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pFavoriteOrder: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_FavoriteOrder: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
favoriteOrder: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
favoriteOrder: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_FavoriteOrderBaseline: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pFavoriteOrder: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pFavoriteOrder: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_FavoriteOrderBaseline: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
favoriteOrder: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
favoriteOrder: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Groups: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Groups: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_GroupsBaseline: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_GroupsBaseline: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Id: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
ppId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
ppId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IsTombstone: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pIsTombstone: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pIsTombstone: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_IsTombstone: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
isTombstone: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
isTombstone: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_LinkedAggregateId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
ppLinkedAggregateId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
ppLinkedAggregateId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_LinkedAggregateId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pLinkedAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pLinkedAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ObjectId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
ppObjectId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
ppObjectId: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_ObjectId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pObjectId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPerson,
pObjectId: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_Delete(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Delete(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_Save(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Save(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_get_AggregateId(self: *const T, ppAggregateId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AggregateId(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), ppAggregateId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_put_AggregateId(self: *const T, pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AggregateId(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), pAggregateId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_get_AntiLink(self: *const T, ppAntiLink: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AntiLink(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), ppAntiLink);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_put_AntiLink(self: *const T, pAntiLink: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AntiLink(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), pAntiLink);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_get_AntiLinkBaseline(self: *const T, ppAntiLink: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_AntiLinkBaseline(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), ppAntiLink);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_put_AntiLinkBaseline(self: *const T, pAntiLink: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_AntiLinkBaseline(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), pAntiLink);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_get_FavoriteOrder(self: *const T, pFavoriteOrder: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_FavoriteOrder(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), pFavoriteOrder);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_put_FavoriteOrder(self: *const T, favoriteOrder: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_FavoriteOrder(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), favoriteOrder);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_get_FavoriteOrderBaseline(self: *const T, pFavoriteOrder: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_FavoriteOrderBaseline(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), pFavoriteOrder);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_put_FavoriteOrderBaseline(self: *const T, favoriteOrder: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_FavoriteOrderBaseline(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), favoriteOrder);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_get_Groups(self: *const T, pGroups: ?*?*CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Groups(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), pGroups);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_put_Groups(self: *const T, pGroups: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Groups(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), pGroups);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_get_GroupsBaseline(self: *const T, ppGroups: ?*?*CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_GroupsBaseline(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), ppGroups);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_put_GroupsBaseline(self: *const T, pGroups: ?*const CONTACT_AGGREGATION_BLOB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_GroupsBaseline(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), pGroups);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_get_Id(self: *const T, ppId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Id(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), ppId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_get_IsTombstone(self: *const T, pIsTombstone: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IsTombstone(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), pIsTombstone);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_put_IsTombstone(self: *const T, isTombstone: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_IsTombstone(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), isTombstone);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_get_LinkedAggregateId(self: *const T, ppLinkedAggregateId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_LinkedAggregateId(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), ppLinkedAggregateId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_put_LinkedAggregateId(self: *const T, pLinkedAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_LinkedAggregateId(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), pLinkedAggregateId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_get_ObjectId(self: *const T, ppObjectId: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ObjectId(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), ppObjectId);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPerson_put_ObjectId(self: *const T, pObjectId: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_ObjectId(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPerson, @ptrCast(self)), pObjectId);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection_Value = Guid.initString("4f730a4a-6604-47b6-a987-669ecf1e5751");
pub const IID_IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection = &IID_IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection_Value;
pub const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
FindFirst: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindFirstByServerId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
pServerId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
pServerId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindFirstByAggregateId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindFirstByLinkedAggregateId: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16,
ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindNext: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
pCount: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection,
pCount: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection_FindFirst(self: *const T, ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirst(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection, @ptrCast(self)), ppServerPerson);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection_FindFirstByServerId(self: *const T, pServerId: ?[*:0]const u16, ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirstByServerId(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pServerId, ppServerPerson);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection_FindFirstByAggregateId(self: *const T, pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16, ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirstByAggregateId(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pAggregateId, ppServerPerson);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection_FindFirstByLinkedAggregateId(self: *const T, pAggregateId: ?[*:0]const u16, ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindFirstByLinkedAggregateId(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pAggregateId, ppServerPerson);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection_FindNext(self: *const T, ppServerPerson: ?*?*IContactAggregationServerPerson) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindNext(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection, @ptrCast(self)), ppServerPerson);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection_get_Count(self: *const T, pCount: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const IContactAggregationServerPersonCollection, @ptrCast(self)), pCount);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// Section: Functions (0)
// Section: Unicode Aliases (0)
const thismodule = @This();
pub usingnamespace switch (@import("../zig.zig").unicode_mode) {
.ansi => struct {
.wide => struct {
.unspecified => if (@import("builtin").is_test) struct {
} else struct {
// Section: Imports (7)
const Guid = @import("../zig.zig").Guid;
const BOOL = @import("../foundation.zig").BOOL;
const FILETIME = @import("../foundation.zig").FILETIME;
const HRESULT = @import("../foundation.zig").HRESULT;
const IStream = @import("../system/com.zig").IStream;
const IUnknown = @import("../system/com.zig").IUnknown;
const PWSTR = @import("../foundation.zig").PWSTR;
test {
comptime @import("std").meta.declarations(@This()).len * 3
// reference all the pub declarations
if (!@import("builtin").is_test) return;
inline for (comptime @import("std").meta.declarations(@This())) |decl| {
_ = @field(@This(), decl.name);