
169 lines
5.7 KiB

//! NOTE: this file is autogenerated, DO NOT MODIFY
// Section: Constants (0)
// Section: Types (3)
pub const OVERLAPPED = extern struct {
Internal: usize,
InternalHigh: usize,
Anonymous: extern union {
Anonymous: extern struct {
Offset: u32,
OffsetHigh: u32,
Pointer: ?*anyopaque,
hEvent: ?HANDLE,
pub const OVERLAPPED_ENTRY = extern struct {
lpCompletionKey: usize,
lpOverlapped: ?*OVERLAPPED,
Internal: usize,
dwNumberOfBytesTransferred: u32,
pub const LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE = switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
dwErrorCode: u32,
dwNumberOfBytesTransfered: u32,
lpOverlapped: ?*OVERLAPPED,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
else => *const fn(
dwErrorCode: u32,
dwNumberOfBytesTransfered: u32,
lpOverlapped: ?*OVERLAPPED,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
} ;
// Section: Functions (11)
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
pub extern "kernel32" fn CreateIoCompletionPort(
FileHandle: ?HANDLE,
ExistingCompletionPort: ?HANDLE,
CompletionKey: usize,
NumberOfConcurrentThreads: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) ?HANDLE;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
pub extern "kernel32" fn GetQueuedCompletionStatus(
CompletionPort: ?HANDLE,
lpNumberOfBytesTransferred: ?*u32,
lpCompletionKey: ?*usize,
lpOverlapped: ?*?*OVERLAPPED,
dwMilliseconds: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) BOOL;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "kernel32" fn GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx(
CompletionPort: ?HANDLE,
lpCompletionPortEntries: [*]OVERLAPPED_ENTRY,
ulCount: u32,
ulNumEntriesRemoved: ?*u32,
dwMilliseconds: u32,
fAlertable: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) BOOL;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
pub extern "kernel32" fn PostQueuedCompletionStatus(
CompletionPort: ?HANDLE,
dwNumberOfBytesTransferred: u32,
dwCompletionKey: usize,
lpOverlapped: ?*OVERLAPPED,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) BOOL;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
pub extern "kernel32" fn DeviceIoControl(
hDevice: ?HANDLE,
dwIoControlCode: u32,
// TODO: what to do with BytesParamIndex 3?
lpInBuffer: ?*anyopaque,
nInBufferSize: u32,
// TODO: what to do with BytesParamIndex 5?
lpOutBuffer: ?*anyopaque,
nOutBufferSize: u32,
lpBytesReturned: ?*u32,
lpOverlapped: ?*OVERLAPPED,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) BOOL;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
pub extern "kernel32" fn GetOverlappedResult(
hFile: ?HANDLE,
lpOverlapped: ?*OVERLAPPED,
lpNumberOfBytesTransferred: ?*u32,
bWait: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) BOOL;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "kernel32" fn CancelIoEx(
hFile: ?HANDLE,
lpOverlapped: ?*OVERLAPPED,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) BOOL;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
pub extern "kernel32" fn CancelIo(
hFile: ?HANDLE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) BOOL;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows8.0'
pub extern "kernel32" fn GetOverlappedResultEx(
hFile: ?HANDLE,
lpOverlapped: ?*OVERLAPPED,
lpNumberOfBytesTransferred: ?*u32,
dwMilliseconds: u32,
bAlertable: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) BOOL;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "kernel32" fn CancelSynchronousIo(
hThread: ?HANDLE,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) BOOL;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows5.1.2600'
pub extern "kernel32" fn BindIoCompletionCallback(
FileHandle: ?HANDLE,
Flags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) BOOL;
// Section: Unicode Aliases (0)
const thismodule = @This();
pub usingnamespace switch (@import("../zig.zig").unicode_mode) {
.ansi => struct {
.wide => struct {
.unspecified => if (@import("builtin").is_test) struct {
} else struct {
// Section: Imports (2)
const BOOL = @import("../foundation.zig").BOOL;
const HANDLE = @import("../foundation.zig").HANDLE;
test {
// The following '_ = <FuncPtrType>' lines are a workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4476
comptime @import("std").meta.declarations(@This()).len * 3
// reference all the pub declarations
if (!@import("builtin").is_test) return;
inline for (comptime @import("std").meta.declarations(@This())) |decl| {
_ = @field(@This(), decl.name);