
6714 lines
332 KiB

//! NOTE: this file is autogenerated, DO NOT MODIFY
// Section: Constants (88)
pub const MMC_VER = @as(u32, 512);
pub const MMC_PROP_CHANGEAFFECTSUI = @as(u32, 1);
pub const MMC_PROP_MODIFIABLE = @as(u32, 2);
pub const MMC_PROP_REMOVABLE = @as(u32, 4);
pub const MMC_PROP_PERSIST = @as(u32, 8);
pub const MMCLV_AUTO = @as(i32, -1);
pub const MMCLV_NOPARAM = @as(i32, -2);
pub const MMCLV_NOICON = @as(i32, -1);
pub const MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_ICON = @as(u32, 0);
pub const MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_SMALLICON = @as(u32, 2);
pub const MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_LIST = @as(u32, 3);
pub const MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_REPORT = @as(u32, 1);
pub const MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_FILTERED = @as(u32, 4);
pub const MMCLV_NOPTR = @as(u32, 0);
pub const MMCLV_UPDATE_NOINVALIDATEALL = @as(u32, 1);
pub const MMCLV_UPDATE_NOSCROLL = @as(u32, 2);
pub const MMC_IMAGECALLBACK = @as(i32, -1);
pub const RDI_STR = @as(u32, 2);
pub const RDI_IMAGE = @as(u32, 4);
pub const RDI_STATE = @as(u32, 8);
pub const RDI_PARAM = @as(u32, 16);
pub const RDI_INDEX = @as(u32, 32);
pub const RDI_INDENT = @as(u32, 64);
pub const MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_NONE = @as(u32, 0);
pub const MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_NOLISTVIEWS = @as(u32, 1);
pub const MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_MULTISELECT = @as(u32, 2);
pub const MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_OWNERDATALIST = @as(u32, 4);
pub const MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_FILTERED = @as(u32, 8);
pub const MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_CREATENEW = @as(u32, 16);
pub const MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_USEFONTLINKING = @as(u32, 32);
pub const MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_LEXICAL_SORT = @as(u32, 128);
pub const MMC_PSO_NOAPPLYNOW = @as(u32, 1);
pub const MMC_PSO_HASHELP = @as(u32, 2);
pub const MMC_PSO_NEWWIZARDTYPE = @as(u32, 4);
pub const MMC_PSO_NO_PROPTITLE = @as(u32, 8);
pub const RFI_PARTIAL = @as(u32, 1);
pub const RFI_WRAP = @as(u32, 2);
pub const RSI_DESCENDING = @as(u32, 1);
pub const RSI_NOSORTICON = @as(u32, 2);
pub const SDI_STR = @as(u32, 2);
pub const SDI_IMAGE = @as(u32, 4);
pub const SDI_OPENIMAGE = @as(u32, 8);
pub const SDI_STATE = @as(u32, 16);
pub const SDI_PARAM = @as(u32, 32);
pub const SDI_CHILDREN = @as(u32, 64);
pub const SDI_PARENT = @as(u32, 0);
pub const SDI_PREVIOUS = @as(u32, 268435456);
pub const SDI_NEXT = @as(u32, 536870912);
pub const SDI_FIRST = @as(u32, 134217728);
pub const MMC_MULTI_SELECT_COOKIE = @as(i32, -2);
pub const MMC_WINDOW_COOKIE = @as(i32, -3);
pub const SPECIAL_COOKIE_MIN = @as(i32, -10);
pub const SPECIAL_COOKIE_MAX = @as(i32, -1);
pub const MMC_NW_OPTION_NONE = @as(u32, 0);
pub const MMC_NW_OPTION_NOSCOPEPANE = @as(u32, 1);
pub const MMC_NW_OPTION_NOTOOLBARS = @as(u32, 2);
pub const MMC_NW_OPTION_SHORTTITLE = @as(u32, 4);
pub const MMC_NW_OPTION_CUSTOMTITLE = @as(u32, 8);
pub const MMC_NW_OPTION_NOPERSIST = @as(u32, 16);
pub const MMC_NW_OPTION_NOACTIONPANE = @as(u32, 32);
pub const MMC_NODEID_SLOW_RETRIEVAL = @as(u32, 1);
pub const SPECIAL_DOBJ_MIN = @as(i32, -10);
pub const SPECIAL_DOBJ_MAX = @as(u32, 0);
pub const AUTO_WIDTH = @as(i32, -1);
pub const HIDE_COLUMN = @as(i32, -4);
pub const ILSIF_LEAVE_LARGE_ICON = @as(u32, 1073741824);
pub const ILSIF_LEAVE_SMALL_ICON = @as(u32, 536870912);
pub const HDI_HIDDEN = @as(u32, 1);
pub const RDCI_ScopeItem = @as(u32, 2147483648);
pub const RVTI_MISC_OPTIONS_NOLISTVIEWS = @as(u32, 1);
pub const RVTI_LIST_OPTIONS_NONE = @as(u32, 0);
pub const RVTI_LIST_OPTIONS_OWNERDATALIST = @as(u32, 2);
pub const RVTI_LIST_OPTIONS_MULTISELECT = @as(u32, 4);
pub const RVTI_LIST_OPTIONS_FILTERED = @as(u32, 8);
pub const RVTI_LIST_OPTIONS_USEFONTLINKING = @as(u32, 32);
pub const RVTI_LIST_OPTIONS_LEXICAL_SORT = @as(u32, 128);
pub const RVTI_LIST_OPTIONS_ALLOWPASTE = @as(u32, 256);
pub const RVTI_HTML_OPTIONS_NONE = @as(u32, 0);
pub const RVTI_HTML_OPTIONS_NOLISTVIEW = @as(u32, 1);
pub const RVTI_OCX_OPTIONS_NONE = @as(u32, 0);
pub const RVTI_OCX_OPTIONS_NOLISTVIEW = @as(u32, 1);
pub const RVTI_OCX_OPTIONS_CACHE_OCX = @as(u32, 2);
pub const MMC_DEFAULT_OPERATION_COPY = @as(u32, 1);
pub const MMC_ITEM_OVERLAY_STATE_MASK = @as(u32, 3840);
pub const MMC_ITEM_OVERLAY_STATE_SHIFT = @as(u32, 8);
pub const MMC_ITEM_STATE_MASK = @as(u32, 255);
// Section: Types (127)
const CLSID_Application_Value = Guid.initString("49b2791a-b1ae-4c90-9b8e-e860ba07f889");
pub const CLSID_Application = &CLSID_Application_Value;
const CLSID_AppEventsDHTMLConnector_Value = Guid.initString("ade6444b-c91f-4e37-92a4-5bb430a33340");
pub const CLSID_AppEventsDHTMLConnector = &CLSID_AppEventsDHTMLConnector_Value;
pub const MMC_PROPERTY_ACTION = enum(i32) {
pub const MMC_SNAPIN_PROPERTY = extern struct {
pszPropName: ?[*:0]const u16,
varValue: VARIANT,
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_ISnapinProperties_Value = Guid.initString("f7889da9-4a02-4837-bf89-1a6f2a021010");
pub const IID_ISnapinProperties = &IID_ISnapinProperties_Value;
pub const ISnapinProperties = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Initialize: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ISnapinProperties,
pProperties: ?*Properties,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ISnapinProperties,
pProperties: ?*Properties,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
QueryPropertyNames: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ISnapinProperties,
pCallback: ?*ISnapinPropertiesCallback,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ISnapinProperties,
pCallback: ?*ISnapinPropertiesCallback,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
PropertiesChanged: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ISnapinProperties,
cProperties: i32,
pProperties: [*]MMC_SNAPIN_PROPERTY,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ISnapinProperties,
cProperties: i32,
pProperties: [*]MMC_SNAPIN_PROPERTY,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ISnapinProperties_Initialize(self: *const T, pProperties: ?*Properties) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ISnapinProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Initialize(@as(*const ISnapinProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pProperties);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ISnapinProperties_QueryPropertyNames(self: *const T, pCallback: ?*ISnapinPropertiesCallback) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ISnapinProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).QueryPropertyNames(@as(*const ISnapinProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pCallback);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ISnapinProperties_PropertiesChanged(self: *const T, cProperties: i32, pProperties: [*]MMC_SNAPIN_PROPERTY) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ISnapinProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).PropertiesChanged(@as(*const ISnapinProperties, @ptrCast(self)), cProperties, pProperties);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_ISnapinPropertiesCallback_Value = Guid.initString("a50fa2e5-7e61-45eb-a8d4-9a07b3e851a8");
pub const IID_ISnapinPropertiesCallback = &IID_ISnapinPropertiesCallback_Value;
pub const ISnapinPropertiesCallback = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
AddPropertyName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ISnapinPropertiesCallback,
pszPropName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ISnapinPropertiesCallback,
pszPropName: ?[*:0]const u16,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ISnapinPropertiesCallback_AddPropertyName(self: *const T, pszPropName: ?[*:0]const u16, dwFlags: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ISnapinPropertiesCallback.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddPropertyName(@as(*const ISnapinPropertiesCallback, @ptrCast(self)), pszPropName, dwFlags);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
pub const _DocumentMode = enum(i32) {
Author = 0,
User = 1,
User_MDI = 2,
User_SDI = 3,
pub const DocumentMode_Author = _DocumentMode.Author;
pub const DocumentMode_User = _DocumentMode.User;
pub const DocumentMode_User_MDI = _DocumentMode.User_MDI;
pub const DocumentMode_User_SDI = _DocumentMode.User_SDI;
pub const _ListViewMode = enum(i32) {
Small_Icons = 0,
Large_Icons = 1,
List = 2,
Detail = 3,
Filtered = 4,
pub const ListMode_Small_Icons = _ListViewMode.Small_Icons;
pub const ListMode_Large_Icons = _ListViewMode.Large_Icons;
pub const ListMode_List = _ListViewMode.List;
pub const ListMode_Detail = _ListViewMode.Detail;
pub const ListMode_Filtered = _ListViewMode.Filtered;
pub const _ViewOptions = enum(i32) {
Default = 0,
ScopeTreeHidden = 1,
NoToolBars = 2,
NotPersistable = 4,
ActionPaneHidden = 8,
pub const ViewOption_Default = _ViewOptions.Default;
pub const ViewOption_ScopeTreeHidden = _ViewOptions.ScopeTreeHidden;
pub const ViewOption_NoToolBars = _ViewOptions.NoToolBars;
pub const ViewOption_NotPersistable = _ViewOptions.NotPersistable;
pub const ViewOption_ActionPaneHidden = _ViewOptions.ActionPaneHidden;
pub const _ExportListOptions = enum(i32) {
Default = 0,
Unicode = 1,
TabDelimited = 2,
SelectedItemsOnly = 4,
pub const ExportListOptions_Default = _ExportListOptions.Default;
pub const ExportListOptions_Unicode = _ExportListOptions.Unicode;
pub const ExportListOptions_TabDelimited = _ExportListOptions.TabDelimited;
pub const ExportListOptions_SelectedItemsOnly = _ExportListOptions.SelectedItemsOnly;
const IID__Application_Value = Guid.initString("a3afb9cc-b653-4741-86ab-f0470ec1384c");
pub const IID__Application = &IID__Application_Value;
pub const _Application = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
Help: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
Quit: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Document: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _Application,
Document: ?*?*Document,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const _Application,
Document: ?*?*Document,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Load: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _Application,
Filename: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _Application,
Filename: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Frame: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _Application,
Frame: ?*?*Frame,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const _Application,
Frame: ?*?*Frame,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Visible: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _Application,
Visible: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const _Application,
Visible: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Show: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Hide: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_UserControl: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _Application,
UserControl: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const _Application,
UserControl: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_UserControl: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _Application,
UserControl: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const _Application,
UserControl: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_VersionMajor: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _Application,
VersionMajor: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const _Application,
VersionMajor: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_VersionMinor: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _Application,
VersionMinor: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const _Application,
VersionMinor: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _Application_Help(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) void {
return @as(*const _Application.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Help(@as(*const _Application, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _Application_Quit(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) void {
return @as(*const _Application.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Quit(@as(*const _Application, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _Application_get_Document(self: *const T, _param_Document: ?*?*Document) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _Application.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Document(@as(*const _Application, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Document);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _Application_Load(self: *const T, Filename: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _Application.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Load(@as(*const _Application, @ptrCast(self)), Filename);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _Application_get_Frame(self: *const T, _param_Frame: ?*?*Frame) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _Application.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Frame(@as(*const _Application, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Frame);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _Application_get_Visible(self: *const T, Visible: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _Application.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Visible(@as(*const _Application, @ptrCast(self)), Visible);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _Application_Show(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _Application.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Show(@as(*const _Application, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _Application_Hide(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _Application.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Hide(@as(*const _Application, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _Application_get_UserControl(self: *const T, UserControl: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _Application.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_UserControl(@as(*const _Application, @ptrCast(self)), UserControl);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _Application_put_UserControl(self: *const T, UserControl: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _Application.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_UserControl(@as(*const _Application, @ptrCast(self)), UserControl);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _Application_get_VersionMajor(self: *const T, VersionMajor: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _Application.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_VersionMajor(@as(*const _Application, @ptrCast(self)), VersionMajor);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _Application_get_VersionMinor(self: *const T, VersionMinor: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _Application.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_VersionMinor(@as(*const _Application, @ptrCast(self)), VersionMinor);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID__AppEvents_Value = Guid.initString("de46cbdd-53f5-4635-af54-4fe71e923d3f");
pub const IID__AppEvents = &IID__AppEvents_Value;
pub const _AppEvents = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
OnQuit: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
Application: ?*_Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
Application: ?*_Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OnDocumentOpen: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
Document: ?*Document,
New: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
Document: ?*Document,
New: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OnDocumentClose: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
Document: ?*Document,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
Document: ?*Document,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OnSnapInAdded: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
Document: ?*Document,
SnapIn: ?*SnapIn,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
Document: ?*Document,
SnapIn: ?*SnapIn,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OnSnapInRemoved: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
Document: ?*Document,
SnapIn: ?*SnapIn,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
Document: ?*Document,
SnapIn: ?*SnapIn,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OnNewView: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
View: ?*View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
View: ?*View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OnViewClose: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
View: ?*View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
View: ?*View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OnViewChange: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
View: ?*View,
NewOwnerNode: ?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
View: ?*View,
NewOwnerNode: ?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OnSelectionChange: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
View: ?*View,
NewNodes: ?*Nodes,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
View: ?*View,
NewNodes: ?*Nodes,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OnContextMenuExecuted: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
MenuItem: ?*MenuItem,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
MenuItem: ?*MenuItem,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OnToolbarButtonClicked: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
OnListUpdated: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
View: ?*View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _AppEvents,
View: ?*View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _AppEvents_OnQuit(self: *const T, Application: ?*_Application) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _AppEvents.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnQuit(@as(*const _AppEvents, @ptrCast(self)), Application);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _AppEvents_OnDocumentOpen(self: *const T, _param_Document: ?*Document, New: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _AppEvents.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnDocumentOpen(@as(*const _AppEvents, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Document, New);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _AppEvents_OnDocumentClose(self: *const T, _param_Document: ?*Document) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _AppEvents.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnDocumentClose(@as(*const _AppEvents, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Document);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _AppEvents_OnSnapInAdded(self: *const T, _param_Document: ?*Document, _param_SnapIn: ?*SnapIn) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _AppEvents.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnSnapInAdded(@as(*const _AppEvents, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Document, _param_SnapIn);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _AppEvents_OnSnapInRemoved(self: *const T, _param_Document: ?*Document, _param_SnapIn: ?*SnapIn) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _AppEvents.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnSnapInRemoved(@as(*const _AppEvents, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Document, _param_SnapIn);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _AppEvents_OnNewView(self: *const T, _param_View: ?*View) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _AppEvents.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnNewView(@as(*const _AppEvents, @ptrCast(self)), _param_View);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _AppEvents_OnViewClose(self: *const T, _param_View: ?*View) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _AppEvents.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnViewClose(@as(*const _AppEvents, @ptrCast(self)), _param_View);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _AppEvents_OnViewChange(self: *const T, _param_View: ?*View, NewOwnerNode: ?*Node) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _AppEvents.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnViewChange(@as(*const _AppEvents, @ptrCast(self)), _param_View, NewOwnerNode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _AppEvents_OnSelectionChange(self: *const T, _param_View: ?*View, NewNodes: ?*Nodes) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _AppEvents.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnSelectionChange(@as(*const _AppEvents, @ptrCast(self)), _param_View, NewNodes);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _AppEvents_OnContextMenuExecuted(self: *const T, _param_MenuItem: ?*MenuItem) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _AppEvents.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnContextMenuExecuted(@as(*const _AppEvents, @ptrCast(self)), _param_MenuItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _AppEvents_OnToolbarButtonClicked(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _AppEvents.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnToolbarButtonClicked(@as(*const _AppEvents, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _AppEvents_OnListUpdated(self: *const T, _param_View: ?*View) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _AppEvents.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnListUpdated(@as(*const _AppEvents, @ptrCast(self)), _param_View);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_AppEvents_Value = Guid.initString("fc7a4252-78ac-4532-8c5a-563cfe138863");
pub const IID_AppEvents = &IID_AppEvents_Value;
pub const AppEvents = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID__EventConnector_Value = Guid.initString("c0bccd30-de44-4528-8403-a05a6a1cc8ea");
pub const IID__EventConnector = &IID__EventConnector_Value;
pub const _EventConnector = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
ConnectTo: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _EventConnector,
Application: ?*_Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _EventConnector,
Application: ?*_Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Disconnect: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const _EventConnector,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const _EventConnector,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _EventConnector_ConnectTo(self: *const T, Application: ?*_Application) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _EventConnector.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ConnectTo(@as(*const _EventConnector, @ptrCast(self)), Application);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn _EventConnector_Disconnect(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const _EventConnector.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Disconnect(@as(*const _EventConnector, @ptrCast(self)));
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_Frame_Value = Guid.initString("e5e2d970-5bb3-4306-8804-b0968a31c8e6");
pub const IID_Frame = &IID_Frame_Value;
pub const Frame = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
Maximize: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Frame,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Frame,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Minimize: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Frame,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Frame,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Restore: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Frame,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Frame,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Top: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Frame,
Top: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Frame,
Top: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Top: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Frame,
top: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Frame,
top: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Bottom: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Frame,
Bottom: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Frame,
Bottom: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Bottom: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Frame,
bottom: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Frame,
bottom: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Left: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Frame,
Left: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Frame,
Left: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Left: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Frame,
left: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Frame,
left: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Right: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Frame,
Right: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Frame,
Right: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Right: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Frame,
right: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Frame,
right: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Frame_Maximize(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Frame.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Maximize(@as(*const Frame, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Frame_Minimize(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Frame.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Minimize(@as(*const Frame, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Frame_Restore(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Frame.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Restore(@as(*const Frame, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Frame_get_Top(self: *const T, Top: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Frame.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Top(@as(*const Frame, @ptrCast(self)), Top);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Frame_put_Top(self: *const T, top: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Frame.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Top(@as(*const Frame, @ptrCast(self)), top);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Frame_get_Bottom(self: *const T, Bottom: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Frame.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Bottom(@as(*const Frame, @ptrCast(self)), Bottom);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Frame_put_Bottom(self: *const T, bottom: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Frame.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Bottom(@as(*const Frame, @ptrCast(self)), bottom);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Frame_get_Left(self: *const T, Left: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Frame.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Left(@as(*const Frame, @ptrCast(self)), Left);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Frame_put_Left(self: *const T, left: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Frame.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Left(@as(*const Frame, @ptrCast(self)), left);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Frame_get_Right(self: *const T, Right: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Frame.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Right(@as(*const Frame, @ptrCast(self)), Right);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Frame_put_Right(self: *const T, right: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Frame.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Right(@as(*const Frame, @ptrCast(self)), right);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_Node_Value = Guid.initString("f81ed800-7839-4447-945d-8e15da59ca55");
pub const IID_Node = &IID_Node_Value;
pub const Node = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Node,
Name: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Node,
Name: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Property: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Node,
PropertyName: ?BSTR,
PropertyValue: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Node,
PropertyName: ?BSTR,
PropertyValue: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Bookmark: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Node,
Bookmark: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Node,
Bookmark: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
IsScopeNode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Node,
IsScopeNode: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Node,
IsScopeNode: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Nodetype: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Node,
Nodetype: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Node,
Nodetype: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Node_get_Name(self: *const T, Name: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Node.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Name(@as(*const Node, @ptrCast(self)), Name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Node_get_Property(self: *const T, PropertyName: ?BSTR, PropertyValue: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Node.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Property(@as(*const Node, @ptrCast(self)), PropertyName, PropertyValue);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Node_get_Bookmark(self: *const T, Bookmark: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Node.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Bookmark(@as(*const Node, @ptrCast(self)), Bookmark);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Node_IsScopeNode(self: *const T, IsScopeNode: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Node.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).IsScopeNode(@as(*const Node, @ptrCast(self)), IsScopeNode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Node_get_Nodetype(self: *const T, Nodetype: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Node.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Nodetype(@as(*const Node, @ptrCast(self)), Nodetype);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_ScopeNamespace_Value = Guid.initString("ebbb48dc-1a3b-4d86-b786-c21b28389012");
pub const IID_ScopeNamespace = &IID_ScopeNamespace_Value;
pub const ScopeNamespace = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
GetParent: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ScopeNamespace,
Node: ?*Node,
Parent: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ScopeNamespace,
Node: ?*Node,
Parent: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetChild: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ScopeNamespace,
Node: ?*Node,
Child: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ScopeNamespace,
Node: ?*Node,
Child: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetNext: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ScopeNamespace,
Node: ?*Node,
Next: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ScopeNamespace,
Node: ?*Node,
Next: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetRoot: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ScopeNamespace,
Root: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ScopeNamespace,
Root: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Expand: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ScopeNamespace,
Node: ?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ScopeNamespace,
Node: ?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ScopeNamespace_GetParent(self: *const T, _param_Node: ?*Node, Parent: ?*?*Node) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ScopeNamespace.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetParent(@as(*const ScopeNamespace, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Node, Parent);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ScopeNamespace_GetChild(self: *const T, _param_Node: ?*Node, Child: ?*?*Node) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ScopeNamespace.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetChild(@as(*const ScopeNamespace, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Node, Child);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ScopeNamespace_GetNext(self: *const T, _param_Node: ?*Node, Next: ?*?*Node) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ScopeNamespace.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetNext(@as(*const ScopeNamespace, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Node, Next);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ScopeNamespace_GetRoot(self: *const T, Root: ?*?*Node) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ScopeNamespace.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetRoot(@as(*const ScopeNamespace, @ptrCast(self)), Root);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ScopeNamespace_Expand(self: *const T, _param_Node: ?*Node) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ScopeNamespace.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Expand(@as(*const ScopeNamespace, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Node);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_Document_Value = Guid.initString("225120d6-1e0f-40a3-93fe-1079e6a8017b");
pub const IID_Document = &IID_Document_Value;
pub const Document = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
Save: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SaveAs: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
Filename: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
Filename: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Close: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
SaveChanges: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
SaveChanges: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Views: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
Views: ?*?*Views,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
Views: ?*?*Views,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_SnapIns: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
SnapIns: ?*?*SnapIns,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
SnapIns: ?*?*SnapIns,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ActiveView: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
View: ?*?*View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
View: ?*?*View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
Name: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
Name: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
Name: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
Name: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Location: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
Location: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
Location: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_IsSaved: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
IsSaved: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
IsSaved: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Mode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
Mode: ?*_DocumentMode,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
Mode: ?*_DocumentMode,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Mode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
Mode: _DocumentMode,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
Mode: _DocumentMode,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_RootNode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
Node: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
Node: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ScopeNamespace: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
ScopeNamespace: ?*?*ScopeNamespace,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
ScopeNamespace: ?*?*ScopeNamespace,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CreateProperties: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
Properties: ?*?*Properties,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
Properties: ?*?*Properties,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Application: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Document,
Application: ?*?*_Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Document,
Application: ?*?*_Application,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_Save(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Save(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_SaveAs(self: *const T, Filename: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SaveAs(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), Filename);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_Close(self: *const T, SaveChanges: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Close(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), SaveChanges);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_get_Views(self: *const T, _param_Views: ?*?*Views) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Views(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Views);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_get_SnapIns(self: *const T, _param_SnapIns: ?*?*SnapIns) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_SnapIns(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), _param_SnapIns);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_get_ActiveView(self: *const T, _param_View: ?*?*View) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ActiveView(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), _param_View);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_get_Name(self: *const T, Name: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Name(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), Name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_put_Name(self: *const T, Name: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Name(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), Name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_get_Location(self: *const T, Location: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Location(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), Location);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_get_IsSaved(self: *const T, IsSaved: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_IsSaved(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), IsSaved);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_get_Mode(self: *const T, Mode: ?*_DocumentMode) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Mode(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), Mode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_put_Mode(self: *const T, Mode: _DocumentMode) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Mode(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), Mode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_get_RootNode(self: *const T, _param_Node: ?*?*Node) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_RootNode(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Node);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_get_ScopeNamespace(self: *const T, _param_ScopeNamespace: ?*?*ScopeNamespace) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ScopeNamespace(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), _param_ScopeNamespace);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_CreateProperties(self: *const T, _param_Properties: ?*?*Properties) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CreateProperties(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Properties);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Document_get_Application(self: *const T, Application: ?*?*_Application) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Document.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Application(@as(*const Document, @ptrCast(self)), Application);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_SnapIn_Value = Guid.initString("3be910f6-3459-49c6-a1bb-41e6be9df3ea");
pub const IID_SnapIn = &IID_SnapIn_Value;
pub const SnapIn = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
Name: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
Name: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Vendor: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
Vendor: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
Vendor: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Version: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
Version: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
Version: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Extensions: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
Extensions: ?*?*Extensions,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
Extensions: ?*?*Extensions,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_SnapinCLSID: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
SnapinCLSID: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
SnapinCLSID: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Properties: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
Properties: ?*?*Properties,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
Properties: ?*?*Properties,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
EnableAllExtensions: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
Enable: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const SnapIn,
Enable: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn SnapIn_get_Name(self: *const T, Name: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const SnapIn.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Name(@as(*const SnapIn, @ptrCast(self)), Name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn SnapIn_get_Vendor(self: *const T, Vendor: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const SnapIn.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Vendor(@as(*const SnapIn, @ptrCast(self)), Vendor);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn SnapIn_get_Version(self: *const T, Version: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const SnapIn.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Version(@as(*const SnapIn, @ptrCast(self)), Version);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn SnapIn_get_Extensions(self: *const T, _param_Extensions: ?*?*Extensions) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const SnapIn.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Extensions(@as(*const SnapIn, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Extensions);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn SnapIn_get_SnapinCLSID(self: *const T, SnapinCLSID: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const SnapIn.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_SnapinCLSID(@as(*const SnapIn, @ptrCast(self)), SnapinCLSID);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn SnapIn_get_Properties(self: *const T, _param_Properties: ?*?*Properties) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const SnapIn.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Properties(@as(*const SnapIn, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Properties);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn SnapIn_EnableAllExtensions(self: *const T, Enable: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const SnapIn.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EnableAllExtensions(@as(*const SnapIn, @ptrCast(self)), Enable);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_SnapIns_Value = Guid.initString("2ef3de1d-b12a-49d1-92c5-0b00798768f1");
pub const IID_SnapIns = &IID_SnapIns_Value;
pub const SnapIns = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const SnapIns,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const SnapIns,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const SnapIns,
Index: i32,
SnapIn: ?*?*SnapIn,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const SnapIns,
Index: i32,
SnapIn: ?*?*SnapIn,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const SnapIns,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const SnapIns,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Add: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const SnapIns,
SnapinNameOrCLSID: ?BSTR,
ParentSnapin: VARIANT,
Properties: VARIANT,
SnapIn: ?*?*SnapIn,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const SnapIns,
SnapinNameOrCLSID: ?BSTR,
ParentSnapin: VARIANT,
Properties: VARIANT,
SnapIn: ?*?*SnapIn,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Remove: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const SnapIns,
SnapIn: ?*SnapIn,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const SnapIns,
SnapIn: ?*SnapIn,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn SnapIns_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, retval: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const SnapIns.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const SnapIns, @ptrCast(self)), retval);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn SnapIns_Item(self: *const T, Index: i32, _param_SnapIn: ?*?*SnapIn) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const SnapIns.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Item(@as(*const SnapIns, @ptrCast(self)), Index, _param_SnapIn);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn SnapIns_get_Count(self: *const T, Count: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const SnapIns.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const SnapIns, @ptrCast(self)), Count);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn SnapIns_Add(self: *const T, SnapinNameOrCLSID: ?BSTR, ParentSnapin: VARIANT, _param_Properties: VARIANT, _param_SnapIn: ?*?*SnapIn) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const SnapIns.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Add(@as(*const SnapIns, @ptrCast(self)), SnapinNameOrCLSID, ParentSnapin, _param_Properties, _param_SnapIn);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn SnapIns_Remove(self: *const T, _param_SnapIn: ?*SnapIn) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const SnapIns.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Remove(@as(*const SnapIns, @ptrCast(self)), _param_SnapIn);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_Extension_Value = Guid.initString("ad4d6ca6-912f-409b-a26e-7fd234aef542");
pub const IID_Extension = &IID_Extension_Value;
pub const Extension = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Extension,
Name: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Extension,
Name: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Vendor: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Extension,
Vendor: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Extension,
Vendor: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Version: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Extension,
Version: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Extension,
Version: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Extensions: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Extension,
Extensions: ?*?*Extensions,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Extension,
Extensions: ?*?*Extensions,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_SnapinCLSID: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Extension,
SnapinCLSID: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Extension,
SnapinCLSID: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
EnableAllExtensions: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Extension,
Enable: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Extension,
Enable: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Enable: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Extension,
Enable: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Extension,
Enable: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Extension_get_Name(self: *const T, Name: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Extension.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Name(@as(*const Extension, @ptrCast(self)), Name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Extension_get_Vendor(self: *const T, Vendor: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Extension.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Vendor(@as(*const Extension, @ptrCast(self)), Vendor);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Extension_get_Version(self: *const T, Version: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Extension.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Version(@as(*const Extension, @ptrCast(self)), Version);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Extension_get_Extensions(self: *const T, _param_Extensions: ?*?*Extensions) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Extension.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Extensions(@as(*const Extension, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Extensions);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Extension_get_SnapinCLSID(self: *const T, SnapinCLSID: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Extension.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_SnapinCLSID(@as(*const Extension, @ptrCast(self)), SnapinCLSID);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Extension_EnableAllExtensions(self: *const T, Enable: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Extension.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EnableAllExtensions(@as(*const Extension, @ptrCast(self)), Enable);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Extension_Enable(self: *const T, Enable: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Extension.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Enable(@as(*const Extension, @ptrCast(self)), Enable);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_Extensions_Value = Guid.initString("82dbea43-8ca4-44bc-a2ca-d18741059ec8");
pub const IID_Extensions = &IID_Extensions_Value;
pub const Extensions = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Extensions,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Extensions,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Extensions,
Index: i32,
Extension: ?*?*Extension,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Extensions,
Index: i32,
Extension: ?*?*Extension,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Extensions,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Extensions,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Extensions_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, retval: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Extensions.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const Extensions, @ptrCast(self)), retval);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Extensions_Item(self: *const T, Index: i32, _param_Extension: ?*?*Extension) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Extensions.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Item(@as(*const Extensions, @ptrCast(self)), Index, _param_Extension);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Extensions_get_Count(self: *const T, Count: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Extensions.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const Extensions, @ptrCast(self)), Count);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_Columns_Value = Guid.initString("383d4d97-fc44-478b-b139-6323dc48611c");
pub const IID_Columns = &IID_Columns_Value;
pub const Columns = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Columns,
Index: i32,
Column: ?*?*Column,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Columns,
Index: i32,
Column: ?*?*Column,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Columns,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Columns,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Columns,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Columns,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Columns_Item(self: *const T, Index: i32, _param_Column: ?*?*Column) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Columns.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Item(@as(*const Columns, @ptrCast(self)), Index, _param_Column);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Columns_get_Count(self: *const T, Count: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Columns.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const Columns, @ptrCast(self)), Count);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Columns_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, retval: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Columns.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const Columns, @ptrCast(self)), retval);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
pub const _ColumnSortOrder = enum(i32) {
Ascending = 0,
Descending = 1,
pub const SortOrder_Ascending = _ColumnSortOrder.Ascending;
pub const SortOrder_Descending = _ColumnSortOrder.Descending;
const IID_Column_Value = Guid.initString("fd1c5f63-2b16-4d06-9ab3-f45350b940ab");
pub const IID_Column = &IID_Column_Value;
pub const Column = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Column,
Name: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Column,
Name: ?*?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Width: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Column,
Width: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Column,
Width: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Width: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Column,
Width: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Column,
Width: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_DisplayPosition: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Column,
DisplayPosition: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Column,
DisplayPosition: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_DisplayPosition: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Column,
Index: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Column,
Index: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Hidden: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Column,
Hidden: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Column,
Hidden: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Hidden: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Column,
Hidden: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Column,
Hidden: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetAsSortColumn: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Column,
SortOrder: _ColumnSortOrder,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Column,
SortOrder: _ColumnSortOrder,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
IsSortColumn: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Column,
IsSortColumn: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Column,
IsSortColumn: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Column_Name(self: *const T, Name: ?*?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Column.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Name(@as(*const Column, @ptrCast(self)), Name);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Column_get_Width(self: *const T, Width: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Column.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Width(@as(*const Column, @ptrCast(self)), Width);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Column_put_Width(self: *const T, Width: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Column.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Width(@as(*const Column, @ptrCast(self)), Width);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Column_get_DisplayPosition(self: *const T, DisplayPosition: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Column.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_DisplayPosition(@as(*const Column, @ptrCast(self)), DisplayPosition);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Column_put_DisplayPosition(self: *const T, Index: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Column.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_DisplayPosition(@as(*const Column, @ptrCast(self)), Index);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Column_get_Hidden(self: *const T, Hidden: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Column.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Hidden(@as(*const Column, @ptrCast(self)), Hidden);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Column_put_Hidden(self: *const T, Hidden: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Column.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Hidden(@as(*const Column, @ptrCast(self)), Hidden);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Column_SetAsSortColumn(self: *const T, SortOrder: _ColumnSortOrder) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Column.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetAsSortColumn(@as(*const Column, @ptrCast(self)), SortOrder);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Column_IsSortColumn(self: *const T, IsSortColumn: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Column.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).IsSortColumn(@as(*const Column, @ptrCast(self)), IsSortColumn);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_Views_Value = Guid.initString("d6b8c29d-a1ff-4d72-aab0-e381e9b9338d");
pub const IID_Views = &IID_Views_Value;
pub const Views = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Views,
Index: i32,
View: ?*?*View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Views,
Index: i32,
View: ?*?*View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Views,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Views,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Add: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Views,
Node: ?*Node,
viewOptions: _ViewOptions,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Views,
Node: ?*Node,
viewOptions: _ViewOptions,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Views,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Views,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Views_Item(self: *const T, Index: i32, _param_View: ?*?*View) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Views.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Item(@as(*const Views, @ptrCast(self)), Index, _param_View);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Views_get_Count(self: *const T, Count: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Views.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const Views, @ptrCast(self)), Count);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Views_Add(self: *const T, _param_Node: ?*Node, viewOptions: _ViewOptions) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Views.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Add(@as(*const Views, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Node, viewOptions);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Views_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, retval: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Views.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const Views, @ptrCast(self)), retval);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_View_Value = Guid.initString("6efc2da2-b38c-457e-9abb-ed2d189b8c38");
pub const IID_View = &IID_View_Value;
pub const View = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ActiveScopeNode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Node: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Node: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_ActiveScopeNode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Node: ?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Node: ?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Selection: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Nodes: ?*?*Nodes,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Nodes: ?*?*Nodes,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ListItems: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Nodes: ?*?*Nodes,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Nodes: ?*?*Nodes,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SnapinScopeObject: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
ScopeNodeObject: ?*?*IDispatch,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
ScopeNodeObject: ?*?*IDispatch,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SnapinSelectionObject: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
SelectionObject: ?*?*IDispatch,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
SelectionObject: ?*?*IDispatch,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Is: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
View: ?*View,
TheSame: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
View: ?*View,
TheSame: ?*i16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Document: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Document: ?*?*Document,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Document: ?*?*Document,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SelectAll: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Select: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Node: ?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Node: ?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Deselect: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Node: ?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Node: ?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
IsSelected: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Node: ?*Node,
IsSelected: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Node: ?*Node,
IsSelected: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DisplayScopeNodePropertySheet: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DisplaySelectionPropertySheet: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CopyScopeNode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CopySelection: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DeleteScopeNode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DeleteSelection: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
RenameScopeNode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
NewName: ?BSTR,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
NewName: ?BSTR,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
RenameSelectedItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
NewName: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
NewName: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ScopeNodeContextMenu: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
ContextMenu: ?*?*ContextMenu,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
ContextMenu: ?*?*ContextMenu,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_SelectionContextMenu: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
ContextMenu: ?*?*ContextMenu,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
ContextMenu: ?*?*ContextMenu,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
RefreshScopeNode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
RefreshSelection: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ExecuteSelectionMenuItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
MenuItemPath: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
MenuItemPath: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ExecuteScopeNodeMenuItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
MenuItemPath: ?BSTR,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
MenuItemPath: ?BSTR,
ScopeNode: VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ExecuteShellCommand: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Command: ?BSTR,
Directory: ?BSTR,
Parameters: ?BSTR,
WindowState: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Command: ?BSTR,
Directory: ?BSTR,
Parameters: ?BSTR,
WindowState: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Frame: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Frame: ?*?*Frame,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Frame: ?*?*Frame,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Close: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ScopeTreeVisible: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Visible: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Visible: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_ScopeTreeVisible: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Visible: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Visible: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Back: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Forward: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_StatusBarText: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
StatusBarText: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
StatusBarText: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Memento: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Memento: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Memento: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ViewMemento: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Memento: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Memento: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Columns: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Columns: ?*?*Columns,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Columns: ?*?*Columns,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_CellContents: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Node: ?*Node,
Column: i32,
CellContents: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Node: ?*Node,
Column: i32,
CellContents: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ExportList: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
File: ?BSTR,
exportoptions: _ExportListOptions,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
File: ?BSTR,
exportoptions: _ExportListOptions,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ListViewMode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Mode: ?*_ListViewMode,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Mode: ?*_ListViewMode,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_ListViewMode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
mode: _ListViewMode,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
mode: _ListViewMode,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_ControlObject: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const View,
Control: ?*?*IDispatch,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const View,
Control: ?*?*IDispatch,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_ActiveScopeNode(self: *const T, _param_Node: ?*?*Node) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ActiveScopeNode(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Node);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_put_ActiveScopeNode(self: *const T, _param_Node: ?*Node) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_ActiveScopeNode(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Node);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_Selection(self: *const T, _param_Nodes: ?*?*Nodes) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Selection(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Nodes);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_ListItems(self: *const T, _param_Nodes: ?*?*Nodes) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ListItems(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Nodes);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_SnapinScopeObject(self: *const T, ScopeNode: VARIANT, ScopeNodeObject: ?*?*IDispatch) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SnapinScopeObject(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), ScopeNode, ScopeNodeObject);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_SnapinSelectionObject(self: *const T, SelectionObject: ?*?*IDispatch) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SnapinSelectionObject(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), SelectionObject);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_Is(self: *const T, _param_View: ?*View, TheSame: ?*i16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Is(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_View, TheSame);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_Document(self: *const T, _param_Document: ?*?*Document) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Document(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Document);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_SelectAll(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SelectAll(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_Select(self: *const T, _param_Node: ?*Node) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Select(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Node);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_Deselect(self: *const T, _param_Node: ?*Node) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Deselect(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Node);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_IsSelected(self: *const T, _param_Node: ?*Node, IsSelected: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).IsSelected(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Node, IsSelected);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_DisplayScopeNodePropertySheet(self: *const T, ScopeNode: VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DisplayScopeNodePropertySheet(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), ScopeNode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_DisplaySelectionPropertySheet(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DisplaySelectionPropertySheet(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_CopyScopeNode(self: *const T, ScopeNode: VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CopyScopeNode(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), ScopeNode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_CopySelection(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CopySelection(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_DeleteScopeNode(self: *const T, ScopeNode: VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DeleteScopeNode(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), ScopeNode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_DeleteSelection(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DeleteSelection(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_RenameScopeNode(self: *const T, NewName: ?BSTR, ScopeNode: VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RenameScopeNode(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), NewName, ScopeNode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_RenameSelectedItem(self: *const T, NewName: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RenameSelectedItem(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), NewName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_ScopeNodeContextMenu(self: *const T, ScopeNode: VARIANT, _param_ContextMenu: ?*?*ContextMenu) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ScopeNodeContextMenu(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), ScopeNode, _param_ContextMenu);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_SelectionContextMenu(self: *const T, _param_ContextMenu: ?*?*ContextMenu) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_SelectionContextMenu(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_ContextMenu);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_RefreshScopeNode(self: *const T, ScopeNode: VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RefreshScopeNode(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), ScopeNode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_RefreshSelection(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RefreshSelection(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_ExecuteSelectionMenuItem(self: *const T, MenuItemPath: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ExecuteSelectionMenuItem(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), MenuItemPath);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_ExecuteScopeNodeMenuItem(self: *const T, MenuItemPath: ?BSTR, ScopeNode: VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ExecuteScopeNodeMenuItem(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), MenuItemPath, ScopeNode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_ExecuteShellCommand(self: *const T, Command: ?BSTR, Directory: ?BSTR, Parameters: ?BSTR, WindowState: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ExecuteShellCommand(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), Command, Directory, Parameters, WindowState);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_Frame(self: *const T, _param_Frame: ?*?*Frame) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Frame(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Frame);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_Close(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Close(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_ScopeTreeVisible(self: *const T, Visible: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ScopeTreeVisible(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), Visible);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_put_ScopeTreeVisible(self: *const T, Visible: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_ScopeTreeVisible(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), Visible);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_Back(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Back(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_Forward(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Forward(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_put_StatusBarText(self: *const T, StatusBarText: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_StatusBarText(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), StatusBarText);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_Memento(self: *const T, Memento: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Memento(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), Memento);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_ViewMemento(self: *const T, Memento: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ViewMemento(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), Memento);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_Columns(self: *const T, _param_Columns: ?*?*Columns) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Columns(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Columns);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_CellContents(self: *const T, _param_Node: ?*Node, _param_Column: i32, CellContents: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_CellContents(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), _param_Node, _param_Column, CellContents);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_ExportList(self: *const T, File: ?BSTR, exportoptions: _ExportListOptions) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ExportList(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), File, exportoptions);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_ListViewMode(self: *const T, Mode: ?*_ListViewMode) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ListViewMode(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), Mode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_put_ListViewMode(self: *const T, mode: _ListViewMode) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_ListViewMode(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), mode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn View_get_ControlObject(self: *const T, Control: ?*?*IDispatch) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const View.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_ControlObject(@as(*const View, @ptrCast(self)), Control);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_Nodes_Value = Guid.initString("313b01df-b22f-4d42-b1b8-483cdcf51d35");
pub const IID_Nodes = &IID_Nodes_Value;
pub const Nodes = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Nodes,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Nodes,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Nodes,
Index: i32,
Node: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Nodes,
Index: i32,
Node: ?*?*Node,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Nodes,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Nodes,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Nodes_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, retval: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Nodes.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const Nodes, @ptrCast(self)), retval);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Nodes_Item(self: *const T, Index: i32, _param_Node: ?*?*Node) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Nodes.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Item(@as(*const Nodes, @ptrCast(self)), Index, _param_Node);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Nodes_get_Count(self: *const T, Count: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Nodes.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const Nodes, @ptrCast(self)), Count);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_ContextMenu_Value = Guid.initString("dab39ce0-25e6-4e07-8362-ba9c95706545");
pub const IID_ContextMenu = &IID_ContextMenu_Value;
pub const ContextMenu = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ContextMenu,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const ContextMenu,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ContextMenu,
IndexOrPath: VARIANT,
MenuItem: ?*?*MenuItem,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const ContextMenu,
IndexOrPath: VARIANT,
MenuItem: ?*?*MenuItem,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ContextMenu,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const ContextMenu,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ContextMenu_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, retval: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ContextMenu.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const ContextMenu, @ptrCast(self)), retval);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ContextMenu_get_Item(self: *const T, IndexOrPath: VARIANT, _param_MenuItem: ?*?*MenuItem) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ContextMenu.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Item(@as(*const ContextMenu, @ptrCast(self)), IndexOrPath, _param_MenuItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ContextMenu_get_Count(self: *const T, Count: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ContextMenu.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const ContextMenu, @ptrCast(self)), Count);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_MenuItem_Value = Guid.initString("0178fad1-b361-4b27-96ad-67c57ebf2e1d");
pub const IID_MenuItem = &IID_MenuItem_Value;
pub const MenuItem = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_DisplayName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const MenuItem,
DisplayName: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const MenuItem,
DisplayName: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_LanguageIndependentName: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const MenuItem,
LanguageIndependentName: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const MenuItem,
LanguageIndependentName: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Path: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const MenuItem,
Path: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const MenuItem,
Path: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_LanguageIndependentPath: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const MenuItem,
LanguageIndependentPath: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const MenuItem,
LanguageIndependentPath: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Execute: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const MenuItem,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const MenuItem,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Enabled: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const MenuItem,
Enabled: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const MenuItem,
Enabled: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn MenuItem_get_DisplayName(self: *const T, DisplayName: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const MenuItem.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_DisplayName(@as(*const MenuItem, @ptrCast(self)), DisplayName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn MenuItem_get_LanguageIndependentName(self: *const T, LanguageIndependentName: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const MenuItem.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_LanguageIndependentName(@as(*const MenuItem, @ptrCast(self)), LanguageIndependentName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn MenuItem_get_Path(self: *const T, Path: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const MenuItem.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Path(@as(*const MenuItem, @ptrCast(self)), Path);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn MenuItem_get_LanguageIndependentPath(self: *const T, LanguageIndependentPath: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const MenuItem.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_LanguageIndependentPath(@as(*const MenuItem, @ptrCast(self)), LanguageIndependentPath);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn MenuItem_Execute(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const MenuItem.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Execute(@as(*const MenuItem, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn MenuItem_get_Enabled(self: *const T, Enabled: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const MenuItem.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Enabled(@as(*const MenuItem, @ptrCast(self)), Enabled);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_Properties_Value = Guid.initString("2886abc2-a425-42b2-91c6-e25c0e04581c");
pub const IID_Properties = &IID_Properties_Value;
pub const Properties = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get__NewEnum: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Properties,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Properties,
retval: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Item: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Properties,
Name: ?BSTR,
Property: ?*?*Property,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Properties,
Name: ?BSTR,
Property: ?*?*Property,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Count: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Properties,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Properties,
Count: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Remove: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Properties,
Name: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const Properties,
Name: ?BSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Properties_get__NewEnum(self: *const T, retval: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Properties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get__NewEnum(@as(*const Properties, @ptrCast(self)), retval);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Properties_Item(self: *const T, Name: ?BSTR, _param_Property: ?*?*Property) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Properties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Item(@as(*const Properties, @ptrCast(self)), Name, _param_Property);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Properties_get_Count(self: *const T, Count: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Properties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Count(@as(*const Properties, @ptrCast(self)), Count);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Properties_Remove(self: *const T, Name: ?BSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Properties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Remove(@as(*const Properties, @ptrCast(self)), Name);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const IID_Property_Value = Guid.initString("4600c3a5-e301-41d8-b6d0-ef2e4212e0ca");
pub const IID_Property = &IID_Property_Value;
pub const Property = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IDispatch.VTable,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Value: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Property,
Value: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Property,
Value: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
put_Value: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Property,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Property,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
get_Name: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const Property,
Name: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
// TODO: this function has a "SpecialName", should Zig do anything with this?
else => *const fn(
self: *const Property,
Name: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IDispatch.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Property_get_Value(self: *const T, Value: ?*VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Property.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Value(@as(*const Property, @ptrCast(self)), Value);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Property_put_Value(self: *const T, Value: VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Property.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).put_Value(@as(*const Property, @ptrCast(self)), Value);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn Property_get_Name(self: *const T, Name: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const Property.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).get_Name(@as(*const Property, @ptrCast(self)), Name);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
const CLSID_MMCVersionInfo_Value = Guid.initString("d6fedb1d-cf21-4bd9-af3b-c5468e9c6684");
pub const CLSID_MMCVersionInfo = &CLSID_MMCVersionInfo_Value;
const CLSID_ConsolePower_Value = Guid.initString("f0285374-dff1-11d3-b433-00c04f8ecd78");
pub const CLSID_ConsolePower = &CLSID_ConsolePower_Value;
pub const MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE = enum(i32) {
pub const MMC_CONTROL_TYPE = enum(i32) {
pub const MMC_CONSOLE_VERB = enum(i32) {
NONE = 0,
OPEN = 32768,
COPY = 32769,
PASTE = 32770,
DELETE = 32771,
RENAME = 32773,
REFRESH = 32774,
PRINT = 32775,
CUT = 32776,
MAX = 32777,
// FIRST = 32768, this enum value conflicts with OPEN
// LAST = 32776, this enum value conflicts with CUT
pub const MMCBUTTON = extern struct {
nBitmap: i32,
idCommand: i32,
fsState: u8,
fsType: u8,
lpButtonText: ?PWSTR,
lpTooltipText: ?PWSTR,
pub const MMC_BUTTON_STATE = enum(i32) {
pub const RESULTDATAITEM = extern struct {
mask: u32,
bScopeItem: BOOL,
itemID: isize,
nIndex: i32,
nCol: i32,
str: ?PWSTR,
nImage: i32,
nState: u32,
lParam: LPARAM,
iIndent: i32,
pub const RESULTFINDINFO = extern struct {
psz: ?PWSTR,
nStart: i32,
dwOptions: u32,
pub const SCOPEDATAITEM = extern struct {
mask: u32,
displayname: ?PWSTR,
nImage: i32,
nOpenImage: i32,
nState: u32,
cChildren: i32,
lParam: LPARAM,
relativeID: isize,
ID: isize,
pub const MMC_SCOPE_ITEM_STATE = enum(i32) {
BOLD = 2,
pub const CONTEXTMENUITEM = extern struct {
strName: ?PWSTR,
strStatusBarText: ?PWSTR,
lCommandID: i32,
lInsertionPointID: i32,
fFlags: i32,
fSpecialFlags: i32,
pub const MMC_MENU_COMMAND_IDS = enum(i32) {
T = -1,
pub const MENUBUTTONDATA = extern struct {
idCommand: i32,
x: i32,
y: i32,
pub const MMC_FILTER_TYPE = enum(i32) {
pub const MMC_FILTERDATA = extern struct {
pszText: ?PWSTR,
cchTextMax: i32,
lValue: i32,
pub const MMC_FILTER_CHANGE_CODE = enum(i32) {
pub const MMC_RESTORE_VIEW = extern struct {
dwSize: u32,
cookie: isize,
pViewType: ?PWSTR,
lViewOptions: i32,
pub const MMC_EXPANDSYNC_STRUCT = extern struct {
bHandled: BOOL,
bExpanding: BOOL,
hItem: isize,
pub const MMC_VISIBLE_COLUMNS = extern struct {
nVisibleColumns: i32,
rgVisibleCols: [1]i32,
pub const MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE = enum(i32) {
ACTIVATE = 32769,
ADD_IMAGES = 32770,
BTN_CLICK = 32771,
CLICK = 32772,
CUTORMOVE = 32775,
DBLCLICK = 32776,
DELETE = 32777,
EXPAND = 32779,
HELP = 32780,
MINIMIZED = 32782,
PASTE = 32783,
QUERY_PASTE = 32785,
REFRESH = 32786,
RENAME = 32788,
SELECT = 32789,
SHOW = 32790,
VIEW_CHANGE = 32791,
INITOCX = 32794,
PRINT = 32798,
PRELOAD = 32799,
LISTPAD = 32800,
pub const DATA_OBJECT_TYPES = enum(i32) {
SCOPE = 32768,
RESULT = 32769,
pub const SMMCDataObjects = extern struct {
count: u32,
lpDataObject: [1]?*IDataObject,
pub const SMMCObjectTypes = extern struct {
count: u32,
guid: [1]Guid,
pub const SNodeID = extern struct {
cBytes: u32,
id: [1]u8,
pub const SNodeID2 = extern struct {
dwFlags: u32,
cBytes: u32,
id: [1]u8,
pub const SColumnSetID = extern struct {
dwFlags: u32,
cBytes: u32,
id: [1]u8,
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IComponentData_Value = Guid.initString("955ab28a-5218-11d0-a985-00c04fd8d565");
pub const IID_IComponentData = &IID_IComponentData_Value;
pub const IComponentData = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Initialize: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
pUnknown: ?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
pUnknown: ?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CreateComponent: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
ppComponent: ?*?*IComponent,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
ppComponent: ?*?*IComponent,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Notify: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
arg: LPARAM,
param3: LPARAM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
arg: LPARAM,
param3: LPARAM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Destroy: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
QueryDataObject: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
cookie: isize,
ppDataObject: ?*?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
cookie: isize,
ppDataObject: ?*?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetDisplayInfo: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
pScopeDataItem: ?*SCOPEDATAITEM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
pScopeDataItem: ?*SCOPEDATAITEM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CompareObjects: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
lpDataObjectA: ?*IDataObject,
lpDataObjectB: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponentData,
lpDataObjectA: ?*IDataObject,
lpDataObjectB: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponentData_Initialize(self: *const T, pUnknown: ?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponentData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Initialize(@as(*const IComponentData, @ptrCast(self)), pUnknown);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponentData_CreateComponent(self: *const T, ppComponent: ?*?*IComponent) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponentData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CreateComponent(@as(*const IComponentData, @ptrCast(self)), ppComponent);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponentData_Notify(self: *const T, lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject, event: MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE, arg: LPARAM, param3: LPARAM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponentData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Notify(@as(*const IComponentData, @ptrCast(self)), lpDataObject, event, arg, param3);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponentData_Destroy(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponentData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Destroy(@as(*const IComponentData, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponentData_QueryDataObject(self: *const T, cookie: isize, type_: DATA_OBJECT_TYPES, ppDataObject: ?*?*IDataObject) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponentData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).QueryDataObject(@as(*const IComponentData, @ptrCast(self)), cookie, type_, ppDataObject);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponentData_GetDisplayInfo(self: *const T, pScopeDataItem: ?*SCOPEDATAITEM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponentData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetDisplayInfo(@as(*const IComponentData, @ptrCast(self)), pScopeDataItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponentData_CompareObjects(self: *const T, lpDataObjectA: ?*IDataObject, lpDataObjectB: ?*IDataObject) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponentData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CompareObjects(@as(*const IComponentData, @ptrCast(self)), lpDataObjectA, lpDataObjectB);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IComponent_Value = Guid.initString("43136eb2-d36c-11cf-adbc-00aa00a80033");
pub const IID_IComponent = &IID_IComponent_Value;
pub const IComponent = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Initialize: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponent,
lpConsole: ?*IConsole,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponent,
lpConsole: ?*IConsole,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Notify: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponent,
lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
arg: LPARAM,
param3: LPARAM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponent,
lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
arg: LPARAM,
param3: LPARAM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Destroy: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponent,
cookie: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponent,
cookie: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
QueryDataObject: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponent,
cookie: isize,
ppDataObject: ?*?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponent,
cookie: isize,
ppDataObject: ?*?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetResultViewType: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponent,
cookie: isize,
ppViewType: ?*?PWSTR,
pViewOptions: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponent,
cookie: isize,
ppViewType: ?*?PWSTR,
pViewOptions: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetDisplayInfo: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponent,
pResultDataItem: ?*RESULTDATAITEM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponent,
pResultDataItem: ?*RESULTDATAITEM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CompareObjects: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponent,
lpDataObjectA: ?*IDataObject,
lpDataObjectB: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponent,
lpDataObjectA: ?*IDataObject,
lpDataObjectB: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponent_Initialize(self: *const T, lpConsole: ?*IConsole) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponent.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Initialize(@as(*const IComponent, @ptrCast(self)), lpConsole);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponent_Notify(self: *const T, lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject, event: MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE, arg: LPARAM, param3: LPARAM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponent.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Notify(@as(*const IComponent, @ptrCast(self)), lpDataObject, event, arg, param3);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponent_Destroy(self: *const T, cookie: isize) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponent.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Destroy(@as(*const IComponent, @ptrCast(self)), cookie);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponent_QueryDataObject(self: *const T, cookie: isize, type_: DATA_OBJECT_TYPES, ppDataObject: ?*?*IDataObject) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponent.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).QueryDataObject(@as(*const IComponent, @ptrCast(self)), cookie, type_, ppDataObject);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponent_GetResultViewType(self: *const T, cookie: isize, ppViewType: ?*?PWSTR, pViewOptions: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponent.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetResultViewType(@as(*const IComponent, @ptrCast(self)), cookie, ppViewType, pViewOptions);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponent_GetDisplayInfo(self: *const T, pResultDataItem: ?*RESULTDATAITEM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponent.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetDisplayInfo(@as(*const IComponent, @ptrCast(self)), pResultDataItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponent_CompareObjects(self: *const T, lpDataObjectA: ?*IDataObject, lpDataObjectB: ?*IDataObject) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponent.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CompareObjects(@as(*const IComponent, @ptrCast(self)), lpDataObjectA, lpDataObjectB);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IResultDataCompare_Value = Guid.initString("e8315a52-7a1a-11d0-a2d2-00c04fd909dd");
pub const IID_IResultDataCompare = &IID_IResultDataCompare_Value;
pub const IResultDataCompare = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Compare: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultDataCompare,
lUserParam: LPARAM,
cookieA: isize,
cookieB: isize,
pnResult: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultDataCompare,
lUserParam: LPARAM,
cookieA: isize,
cookieB: isize,
pnResult: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultDataCompare_Compare(self: *const T, lUserParam: LPARAM, cookieA: isize, cookieB: isize, pnResult: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultDataCompare.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Compare(@as(*const IResultDataCompare, @ptrCast(self)), lUserParam, cookieA, cookieB, pnResult);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IResultOwnerData_Value = Guid.initString("9cb396d8-ea83-11d0-aef1-00c04fb6dd2c");
pub const IID_IResultOwnerData = &IID_IResultOwnerData_Value;
pub const IResultOwnerData = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
FindItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultOwnerData,
pnFoundIndex: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultOwnerData,
pnFoundIndex: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
CacheHint: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultOwnerData,
nStartIndex: i32,
nEndIndex: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultOwnerData,
nStartIndex: i32,
nEndIndex: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SortItems: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultOwnerData,
nColumn: i32,
dwSortOptions: u32,
lUserParam: LPARAM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultOwnerData,
nColumn: i32,
dwSortOptions: u32,
lUserParam: LPARAM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultOwnerData_FindItem(self: *const T, pFindInfo: ?*RESULTFINDINFO, pnFoundIndex: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultOwnerData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindItem(@as(*const IResultOwnerData, @ptrCast(self)), pFindInfo, pnFoundIndex);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultOwnerData_CacheHint(self: *const T, nStartIndex: i32, nEndIndex: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultOwnerData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CacheHint(@as(*const IResultOwnerData, @ptrCast(self)), nStartIndex, nEndIndex);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultOwnerData_SortItems(self: *const T, nColumn: i32, dwSortOptions: u32, lUserParam: LPARAM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultOwnerData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SortItems(@as(*const IResultOwnerData, @ptrCast(self)), nColumn, dwSortOptions, lUserParam);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IConsole_Value = Guid.initString("43136eb1-d36c-11cf-adbc-00aa00a80033");
pub const IID_IConsole = &IID_IConsole_Value;
pub const IConsole = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
SetHeader: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole,
pHeader: ?*IHeaderCtrl,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole,
pHeader: ?*IHeaderCtrl,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetToolbar: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole,
pToolbar: ?*IToolbar,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole,
pToolbar: ?*IToolbar,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
QueryResultView: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole,
pUnknown: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole,
pUnknown: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
QueryScopeImageList: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole,
ppImageList: ?*?*IImageList,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole,
ppImageList: ?*?*IImageList,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
QueryResultImageList: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole,
ppImageList: ?*?*IImageList,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole,
ppImageList: ?*?*IImageList,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
UpdateAllViews: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole,
lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
data: LPARAM,
hint: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole,
lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
data: LPARAM,
hint: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
MessageBox: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole,
lpszText: ?[*:0]const u16,
lpszTitle: ?[*:0]const u16,
fuStyle: u32,
piRetval: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole,
lpszText: ?[*:0]const u16,
lpszTitle: ?[*:0]const u16,
fuStyle: u32,
piRetval: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
QueryConsoleVerb: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole,
ppConsoleVerb: ?*?*IConsoleVerb,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole,
ppConsoleVerb: ?*?*IConsoleVerb,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SelectScopeItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole,
hScopeItem: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole,
hScopeItem: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetMainWindow: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole,
phwnd: ?*?HWND,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole,
phwnd: ?*?HWND,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
NewWindow: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole,
hScopeItem: isize,
lOptions: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole,
hScopeItem: isize,
lOptions: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole_SetHeader(self: *const T, pHeader: ?*IHeaderCtrl) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetHeader(@as(*const IConsole, @ptrCast(self)), pHeader);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole_SetToolbar(self: *const T, pToolbar: ?*IToolbar) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetToolbar(@as(*const IConsole, @ptrCast(self)), pToolbar);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole_QueryResultView(self: *const T, pUnknown: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).QueryResultView(@as(*const IConsole, @ptrCast(self)), pUnknown);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole_QueryScopeImageList(self: *const T, ppImageList: ?*?*IImageList) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).QueryScopeImageList(@as(*const IConsole, @ptrCast(self)), ppImageList);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole_QueryResultImageList(self: *const T, ppImageList: ?*?*IImageList) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).QueryResultImageList(@as(*const IConsole, @ptrCast(self)), ppImageList);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole_UpdateAllViews(self: *const T, lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject, data: LPARAM, hint: isize) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).UpdateAllViews(@as(*const IConsole, @ptrCast(self)), lpDataObject, data, hint);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole_MessageBox(self: *const T, lpszText: ?[*:0]const u16, lpszTitle: ?[*:0]const u16, fuStyle: u32, piRetval: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).MessageBox(@as(*const IConsole, @ptrCast(self)), lpszText, lpszTitle, fuStyle, piRetval);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole_QueryConsoleVerb(self: *const T, ppConsoleVerb: ?*?*IConsoleVerb) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).QueryConsoleVerb(@as(*const IConsole, @ptrCast(self)), ppConsoleVerb);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole_SelectScopeItem(self: *const T, hScopeItem: isize) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SelectScopeItem(@as(*const IConsole, @ptrCast(self)), hScopeItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole_GetMainWindow(self: *const T, phwnd: ?*?HWND) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetMainWindow(@as(*const IConsole, @ptrCast(self)), phwnd);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole_NewWindow(self: *const T, hScopeItem: isize, lOptions: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).NewWindow(@as(*const IConsole, @ptrCast(self)), hScopeItem, lOptions);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IHeaderCtrl_Value = Guid.initString("43136eb3-d36c-11cf-adbc-00aa00a80033");
pub const IID_IHeaderCtrl = &IID_IHeaderCtrl_Value;
pub const IHeaderCtrl = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
InsertColumn: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl,
nCol: i32,
title: ?[*:0]const u16,
nFormat: i32,
nWidth: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl,
nCol: i32,
title: ?[*:0]const u16,
nFormat: i32,
nWidth: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DeleteColumn: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl,
nCol: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl,
nCol: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetColumnText: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl,
nCol: i32,
title: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl,
nCol: i32,
title: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetColumnText: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl,
nCol: i32,
pText: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl,
nCol: i32,
pText: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetColumnWidth: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl,
nCol: i32,
nWidth: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl,
nCol: i32,
nWidth: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetColumnWidth: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl,
nCol: i32,
pWidth: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl,
nCol: i32,
pWidth: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IHeaderCtrl_InsertColumn(self: *const T, nCol: i32, title: ?[*:0]const u16, nFormat: i32, nWidth: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IHeaderCtrl.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).InsertColumn(@as(*const IHeaderCtrl, @ptrCast(self)), nCol, title, nFormat, nWidth);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IHeaderCtrl_DeleteColumn(self: *const T, nCol: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IHeaderCtrl.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DeleteColumn(@as(*const IHeaderCtrl, @ptrCast(self)), nCol);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IHeaderCtrl_SetColumnText(self: *const T, nCol: i32, title: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IHeaderCtrl.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetColumnText(@as(*const IHeaderCtrl, @ptrCast(self)), nCol, title);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IHeaderCtrl_GetColumnText(self: *const T, nCol: i32, pText: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IHeaderCtrl.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetColumnText(@as(*const IHeaderCtrl, @ptrCast(self)), nCol, pText);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IHeaderCtrl_SetColumnWidth(self: *const T, nCol: i32, nWidth: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IHeaderCtrl.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetColumnWidth(@as(*const IHeaderCtrl, @ptrCast(self)), nCol, nWidth);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IHeaderCtrl_GetColumnWidth(self: *const T, nCol: i32, pWidth: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IHeaderCtrl.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetColumnWidth(@as(*const IHeaderCtrl, @ptrCast(self)), nCol, pWidth);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
pub const CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID = enum(i32) {
MASK_SPECIAL = -65536,
MASK_SHARED = -2147483648,
MASK_ADD_PRIMARY = 536870912,
MASK_ADD_3RDPARTY = 268435456,
MASK_RESERVED = 268369920,
PRIMARY_TOP = -1610612736,
PRIMARY_NEW = -1610612735,
PRIMARY_TASK = -1610612734,
PRIMARY_VIEW = -1610612733,
PRIMARY_HELP = -1610612732,
@"3RDPARTY_NEW" = -1879048191,
@"3RDPARTY_TASK" = -1879048190,
// ROOT_MENU = -2147483648, this enum value conflicts with MASK_SHARED
pub const CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED = enum(i32) {
TOP = 1,
NEW = 2,
TASK = 4,
VIEW = 8,
pub const CCM_COMMANDID_MASK_CONSTANTS = enum(u32) {
D = 4294901760,
pub const CCM_SPECIAL = enum(i32) {
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IContextMenuCallback_Value = Guid.initString("43136eb7-d36c-11cf-adbc-00aa00a80033");
pub const IID_IContextMenuCallback = &IID_IContextMenuCallback_Value;
pub const IContextMenuCallback = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
AddItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContextMenuCallback,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContextMenuCallback,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContextMenuCallback_AddItem(self: *const T, pItem: ?*CONTEXTMENUITEM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContextMenuCallback.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddItem(@as(*const IContextMenuCallback, @ptrCast(self)), pItem);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IContextMenuProvider_Value = Guid.initString("43136eb6-d36c-11cf-adbc-00aa00a80033");
pub const IID_IContextMenuProvider = &IID_IContextMenuProvider_Value;
pub const IContextMenuProvider = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IContextMenuCallback.VTable,
EmptyMenuList: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContextMenuProvider,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContextMenuProvider,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
AddPrimaryExtensionItems: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContextMenuProvider,
piExtension: ?*IUnknown,
piDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContextMenuProvider,
piExtension: ?*IUnknown,
piDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
AddThirdPartyExtensionItems: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContextMenuProvider,
piDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContextMenuProvider,
piDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ShowContextMenu: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContextMenuProvider,
hwndParent: ?HWND,
xPos: i32,
yPos: i32,
plSelected: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContextMenuProvider,
hwndParent: ?HWND,
xPos: i32,
yPos: i32,
plSelected: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IContextMenuCallback.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContextMenuProvider_EmptyMenuList(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContextMenuProvider.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EmptyMenuList(@as(*const IContextMenuProvider, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContextMenuProvider_AddPrimaryExtensionItems(self: *const T, piExtension: ?*IUnknown, piDataObject: ?*IDataObject) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContextMenuProvider.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddPrimaryExtensionItems(@as(*const IContextMenuProvider, @ptrCast(self)), piExtension, piDataObject);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContextMenuProvider_AddThirdPartyExtensionItems(self: *const T, piDataObject: ?*IDataObject) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContextMenuProvider.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddThirdPartyExtensionItems(@as(*const IContextMenuProvider, @ptrCast(self)), piDataObject);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContextMenuProvider_ShowContextMenu(self: *const T, hwndParent: ?HWND, xPos: i32, yPos: i32, plSelected: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContextMenuProvider.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ShowContextMenu(@as(*const IContextMenuProvider, @ptrCast(self)), hwndParent, xPos, yPos, plSelected);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IExtendContextMenu_Value = Guid.initString("4f3b7a4f-cfac-11cf-b8e3-00c04fd8d5b0");
pub const IID_IExtendContextMenu = &IID_IExtendContextMenu_Value;
pub const IExtendContextMenu = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
AddMenuItems: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendContextMenu,
piDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
piCallback: ?*IContextMenuCallback,
pInsertionAllowed: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendContextMenu,
piDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
piCallback: ?*IContextMenuCallback,
pInsertionAllowed: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Command: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendContextMenu,
lCommandID: i32,
piDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendContextMenu,
lCommandID: i32,
piDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendContextMenu_AddMenuItems(self: *const T, piDataObject: ?*IDataObject, piCallback: ?*IContextMenuCallback, pInsertionAllowed: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendContextMenu.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddMenuItems(@as(*const IExtendContextMenu, @ptrCast(self)), piDataObject, piCallback, pInsertionAllowed);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendContextMenu_Command(self: *const T, lCommandID: i32, piDataObject: ?*IDataObject) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendContextMenu.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Command(@as(*const IExtendContextMenu, @ptrCast(self)), lCommandID, piDataObject);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IImageList_Value = Guid.initString("43136eb8-d36c-11cf-adbc-00aa00a80033");
pub const IID_IImageList = &IID_IImageList_Value;
pub const IImageList = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
ImageListSetIcon: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IImageList,
pIcon: ?*isize,
nLoc: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IImageList,
pIcon: ?*isize,
nLoc: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ImageListSetStrip: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IImageList,
pBMapSm: ?*isize,
pBMapLg: ?*isize,
nStartLoc: i32,
cMask: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IImageList,
pBMapSm: ?*isize,
pBMapLg: ?*isize,
nStartLoc: i32,
cMask: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IImageList_ImageListSetIcon(self: *const T, pIcon: ?*isize, nLoc: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IImageList.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ImageListSetIcon(@as(*const IImageList, @ptrCast(self)), pIcon, nLoc);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IImageList_ImageListSetStrip(self: *const T, pBMapSm: ?*isize, pBMapLg: ?*isize, nStartLoc: i32, cMask: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IImageList.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ImageListSetStrip(@as(*const IImageList, @ptrCast(self)), pBMapSm, pBMapLg, nStartLoc, cMask);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IResultData_Value = Guid.initString("31da5fa0-e0eb-11cf-9f21-00aa003ca9f6");
pub const IID_IResultData = &IID_IResultData_Value;
pub const IResultData = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
InsertItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DeleteItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
itemID: isize,
nCol: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
itemID: isize,
nCol: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindItemByLParam: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
lParam: LPARAM,
pItemID: ?*isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
lParam: LPARAM,
pItemID: ?*isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DeleteAllRsltItems: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetNextItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ModifyItemState: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
nIndex: i32,
itemID: isize,
uAdd: u32,
uRemove: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
nIndex: i32,
itemID: isize,
uAdd: u32,
uRemove: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ModifyViewStyle: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetViewMode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
lViewMode: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
lViewMode: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetViewMode: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
lViewMode: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
lViewMode: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
UpdateItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
itemID: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
itemID: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Sort: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
nColumn: i32,
dwSortOptions: u32,
lUserParam: LPARAM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
nColumn: i32,
dwSortOptions: u32,
lUserParam: LPARAM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetDescBarText: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
DescText: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
DescText: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetItemCount: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData,
nItemCount: i32,
dwOptions: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData,
nItemCount: i32,
dwOptions: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_InsertItem(self: *const T, item: ?*RESULTDATAITEM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).InsertItem(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), item);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_DeleteItem(self: *const T, itemID: isize, nCol: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DeleteItem(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), itemID, nCol);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_FindItemByLParam(self: *const T, lParam: LPARAM, pItemID: ?*isize) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindItemByLParam(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), lParam, pItemID);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_DeleteAllRsltItems(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DeleteAllRsltItems(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_SetItem(self: *const T, item: ?*RESULTDATAITEM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetItem(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), item);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_GetItem(self: *const T, item: ?*RESULTDATAITEM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetItem(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), item);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_GetNextItem(self: *const T, item: ?*RESULTDATAITEM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetNextItem(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), item);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_ModifyItemState(self: *const T, nIndex: i32, itemID: isize, uAdd: u32, uRemove: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ModifyItemState(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), nIndex, itemID, uAdd, uRemove);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_ModifyViewStyle(self: *const T, add: MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE, remove: MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ModifyViewStyle(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), add, remove);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_SetViewMode(self: *const T, lViewMode: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetViewMode(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), lViewMode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_GetViewMode(self: *const T, lViewMode: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetViewMode(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), lViewMode);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_UpdateItem(self: *const T, itemID: isize) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).UpdateItem(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), itemID);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_Sort(self: *const T, nColumn: i32, dwSortOptions: u32, lUserParam: LPARAM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Sort(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), nColumn, dwSortOptions, lUserParam);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_SetDescBarText(self: *const T, DescText: ?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetDescBarText(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), DescText);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData_SetItemCount(self: *const T, nItemCount: i32, dwOptions: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetItemCount(@as(*const IResultData, @ptrCast(self)), nItemCount, dwOptions);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IConsoleNameSpace_Value = Guid.initString("bedeb620-f24d-11cf-8afc-00aa003ca9f6");
pub const IID_IConsoleNameSpace = &IID_IConsoleNameSpace_Value;
pub const IConsoleNameSpace = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
InsertItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DeleteItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
hItem: isize,
fDeleteThis: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
hItem: isize,
fDeleteThis: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetChildItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
item: isize,
pItemChild: ?*isize,
pCookie: ?*isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
item: isize,
pItemChild: ?*isize,
pCookie: ?*isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetNextItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
item: isize,
pItemNext: ?*isize,
pCookie: ?*isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
item: isize,
pItemNext: ?*isize,
pCookie: ?*isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetParentItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
item: isize,
pItemParent: ?*isize,
pCookie: ?*isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace,
item: isize,
pItemParent: ?*isize,
pCookie: ?*isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleNameSpace_InsertItem(self: *const T, item: ?*SCOPEDATAITEM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleNameSpace.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).InsertItem(@as(*const IConsoleNameSpace, @ptrCast(self)), item);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleNameSpace_DeleteItem(self: *const T, hItem: isize, fDeleteThis: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleNameSpace.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DeleteItem(@as(*const IConsoleNameSpace, @ptrCast(self)), hItem, fDeleteThis);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleNameSpace_SetItem(self: *const T, item: ?*SCOPEDATAITEM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleNameSpace.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetItem(@as(*const IConsoleNameSpace, @ptrCast(self)), item);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleNameSpace_GetItem(self: *const T, item: ?*SCOPEDATAITEM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleNameSpace.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetItem(@as(*const IConsoleNameSpace, @ptrCast(self)), item);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleNameSpace_GetChildItem(self: *const T, item: isize, pItemChild: ?*isize, pCookie: ?*isize) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleNameSpace.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetChildItem(@as(*const IConsoleNameSpace, @ptrCast(self)), item, pItemChild, pCookie);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleNameSpace_GetNextItem(self: *const T, item: isize, pItemNext: ?*isize, pCookie: ?*isize) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleNameSpace.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetNextItem(@as(*const IConsoleNameSpace, @ptrCast(self)), item, pItemNext, pCookie);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleNameSpace_GetParentItem(self: *const T, item: isize, pItemParent: ?*isize, pCookie: ?*isize) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleNameSpace.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetParentItem(@as(*const IConsoleNameSpace, @ptrCast(self)), item, pItemParent, pCookie);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IConsoleNameSpace2_Value = Guid.initString("255f18cc-65db-11d1-a7dc-00c04fd8d565");
pub const IID_IConsoleNameSpace2 = &IID_IConsoleNameSpace2_Value;
pub const IConsoleNameSpace2 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IConsoleNameSpace.VTable,
Expand: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace2,
hItem: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace2,
hItem: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
AddExtension: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace2,
hItem: isize,
lpClsid: ?*Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleNameSpace2,
hItem: isize,
lpClsid: ?*Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IConsoleNameSpace.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleNameSpace2_Expand(self: *const T, hItem: isize) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleNameSpace2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Expand(@as(*const IConsoleNameSpace2, @ptrCast(self)), hItem);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleNameSpace2_AddExtension(self: *const T, hItem: isize, lpClsid: ?*Guid) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleNameSpace2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddExtension(@as(*const IConsoleNameSpace2, @ptrCast(self)), hItem, lpClsid);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IPropertySheetCallback_Value = Guid.initString("85de64dd-ef21-11cf-a285-00c04fd8dbe6");
pub const IID_IPropertySheetCallback = &IID_IPropertySheetCallback_Value;
pub const IPropertySheetCallback = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
AddPage: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetCallback,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetCallback,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
RemovePage: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetCallback,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetCallback,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IPropertySheetCallback_AddPage(self: *const T, hPage: ?HPROPSHEETPAGE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IPropertySheetCallback.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddPage(@as(*const IPropertySheetCallback, @ptrCast(self)), hPage);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IPropertySheetCallback_RemovePage(self: *const T, hPage: ?HPROPSHEETPAGE) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IPropertySheetCallback.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RemovePage(@as(*const IPropertySheetCallback, @ptrCast(self)), hPage);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IPropertySheetProvider_Value = Guid.initString("85de64de-ef21-11cf-a285-00c04fd8dbe6");
pub const IID_IPropertySheetProvider = &IID_IPropertySheetProvider_Value;
pub const IPropertySheetProvider = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
CreatePropertySheet: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetProvider,
title: ?[*:0]const u16,
type: u8,
cookie: isize,
pIDataObjectm: ?*IDataObject,
dwOptions: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetProvider,
title: ?[*:0]const u16,
type: u8,
cookie: isize,
pIDataObjectm: ?*IDataObject,
dwOptions: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindPropertySheet: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetProvider,
hItem: isize,
lpComponent: ?*IComponent,
lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetProvider,
hItem: isize,
lpComponent: ?*IComponent,
lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
AddPrimaryPages: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetProvider,
lpUnknown: ?*IUnknown,
bCreateHandle: BOOL,
hNotifyWindow: ?HWND,
bScopePane: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetProvider,
lpUnknown: ?*IUnknown,
bCreateHandle: BOOL,
hNotifyWindow: ?HWND,
bScopePane: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
AddExtensionPages: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetProvider,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetProvider,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Show: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetProvider,
window: isize,
page: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IPropertySheetProvider,
window: isize,
page: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IPropertySheetProvider_CreatePropertySheet(self: *const T, title: ?[*:0]const u16, type_: u8, cookie: isize, pIDataObjectm: ?*IDataObject, dwOptions: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IPropertySheetProvider.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CreatePropertySheet(@as(*const IPropertySheetProvider, @ptrCast(self)), title, type_, cookie, pIDataObjectm, dwOptions);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IPropertySheetProvider_FindPropertySheet(self: *const T, hItem: isize, lpComponent: ?*IComponent, lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IPropertySheetProvider.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindPropertySheet(@as(*const IPropertySheetProvider, @ptrCast(self)), hItem, lpComponent, lpDataObject);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IPropertySheetProvider_AddPrimaryPages(self: *const T, lpUnknown: ?*IUnknown, bCreateHandle: BOOL, hNotifyWindow: ?HWND, bScopePane: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IPropertySheetProvider.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddPrimaryPages(@as(*const IPropertySheetProvider, @ptrCast(self)), lpUnknown, bCreateHandle, hNotifyWindow, bScopePane);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IPropertySheetProvider_AddExtensionPages(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IPropertySheetProvider.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddExtensionPages(@as(*const IPropertySheetProvider, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IPropertySheetProvider_Show(self: *const T, window: isize, page: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IPropertySheetProvider.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Show(@as(*const IPropertySheetProvider, @ptrCast(self)), window, page);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IExtendPropertySheet_Value = Guid.initString("85de64dc-ef21-11cf-a285-00c04fd8dbe6");
pub const IID_IExtendPropertySheet = &IID_IExtendPropertySheet_Value;
pub const IExtendPropertySheet = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
CreatePropertyPages: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendPropertySheet,
lpProvider: ?*IPropertySheetCallback,
handle: isize,
lpIDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendPropertySheet,
lpProvider: ?*IPropertySheetCallback,
handle: isize,
lpIDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
QueryPagesFor: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendPropertySheet,
lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendPropertySheet,
lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendPropertySheet_CreatePropertyPages(self: *const T, lpProvider: ?*IPropertySheetCallback, handle: isize, lpIDataObject: ?*IDataObject) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendPropertySheet.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).CreatePropertyPages(@as(*const IExtendPropertySheet, @ptrCast(self)), lpProvider, handle, lpIDataObject);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendPropertySheet_QueryPagesFor(self: *const T, lpDataObject: ?*IDataObject) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendPropertySheet.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).QueryPagesFor(@as(*const IExtendPropertySheet, @ptrCast(self)), lpDataObject);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IControlbar_Value = Guid.initString("69fb811e-6c1c-11d0-a2cb-00c04fd909dd");
pub const IID_IControlbar = &IID_IControlbar_Value;
pub const IControlbar = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Create: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IControlbar,
pExtendControlbar: ?*IExtendControlbar,
ppUnknown: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IControlbar,
pExtendControlbar: ?*IExtendControlbar,
ppUnknown: ?*?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Attach: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IControlbar,
lpUnknown: ?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IControlbar,
lpUnknown: ?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Detach: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IControlbar,
lpUnknown: ?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IControlbar,
lpUnknown: ?*IUnknown,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IControlbar_Create(self: *const T, nType: MMC_CONTROL_TYPE, pExtendControlbar: ?*IExtendControlbar, ppUnknown: ?*?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IControlbar.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Create(@as(*const IControlbar, @ptrCast(self)), nType, pExtendControlbar, ppUnknown);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IControlbar_Attach(self: *const T, nType: MMC_CONTROL_TYPE, lpUnknown: ?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IControlbar.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Attach(@as(*const IControlbar, @ptrCast(self)), nType, lpUnknown);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IControlbar_Detach(self: *const T, lpUnknown: ?*IUnknown) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IControlbar.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Detach(@as(*const IControlbar, @ptrCast(self)), lpUnknown);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IExtendControlbar_Value = Guid.initString("49506520-6f40-11d0-a98b-00c04fd8d565");
pub const IID_IExtendControlbar = &IID_IExtendControlbar_Value;
pub const IExtendControlbar = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
SetControlbar: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendControlbar,
pControlbar: ?*IControlbar,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendControlbar,
pControlbar: ?*IControlbar,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ControlbarNotify: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendControlbar,
arg: LPARAM,
param2: LPARAM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendControlbar,
arg: LPARAM,
param2: LPARAM,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendControlbar_SetControlbar(self: *const T, pControlbar: ?*IControlbar) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendControlbar.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetControlbar(@as(*const IExtendControlbar, @ptrCast(self)), pControlbar);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendControlbar_ControlbarNotify(self: *const T, event: MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE, arg: LPARAM, param2: LPARAM) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendControlbar.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ControlbarNotify(@as(*const IExtendControlbar, @ptrCast(self)), event, arg, param2);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IToolbar_Value = Guid.initString("43136eb9-d36c-11cf-adbc-00aa00a80033");
pub const IID_IToolbar = &IID_IToolbar_Value;
pub const IToolbar = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
AddBitmap: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IToolbar,
nImages: i32,
hbmp: ?HBITMAP,
cxSize: i32,
cySize: i32,
crMask: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IToolbar,
nImages: i32,
hbmp: ?HBITMAP,
cxSize: i32,
cySize: i32,
crMask: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
AddButtons: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IToolbar,
nButtons: i32,
lpButtons: ?*MMCBUTTON,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IToolbar,
nButtons: i32,
lpButtons: ?*MMCBUTTON,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
InsertButton: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IToolbar,
nIndex: i32,
lpButton: ?*MMCBUTTON,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IToolbar,
nIndex: i32,
lpButton: ?*MMCBUTTON,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DeleteButton: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IToolbar,
nIndex: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IToolbar,
nIndex: i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetButtonState: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IToolbar,
idCommand: i32,
pState: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IToolbar,
idCommand: i32,
pState: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetButtonState: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IToolbar,
idCommand: i32,
bState: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IToolbar,
idCommand: i32,
bState: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IToolbar_AddBitmap(self: *const T, nImages: i32, hbmp: ?HBITMAP, cxSize: i32, cySize: i32, crMask: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IToolbar.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddBitmap(@as(*const IToolbar, @ptrCast(self)), nImages, hbmp, cxSize, cySize, crMask);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IToolbar_AddButtons(self: *const T, nButtons: i32, lpButtons: ?*MMCBUTTON) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IToolbar.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddButtons(@as(*const IToolbar, @ptrCast(self)), nButtons, lpButtons);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IToolbar_InsertButton(self: *const T, nIndex: i32, lpButton: ?*MMCBUTTON) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IToolbar.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).InsertButton(@as(*const IToolbar, @ptrCast(self)), nIndex, lpButton);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IToolbar_DeleteButton(self: *const T, nIndex: i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IToolbar.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DeleteButton(@as(*const IToolbar, @ptrCast(self)), nIndex);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IToolbar_GetButtonState(self: *const T, idCommand: i32, nState: MMC_BUTTON_STATE, pState: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IToolbar.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetButtonState(@as(*const IToolbar, @ptrCast(self)), idCommand, nState, pState);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IToolbar_SetButtonState(self: *const T, idCommand: i32, nState: MMC_BUTTON_STATE, bState: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IToolbar.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetButtonState(@as(*const IToolbar, @ptrCast(self)), idCommand, nState, bState);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IConsoleVerb_Value = Guid.initString("e49f7a60-74af-11d0-a286-00c04fd8fe93");
pub const IID_IConsoleVerb = &IID_IConsoleVerb_Value;
pub const IConsoleVerb = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
GetVerbState: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleVerb,
pState: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleVerb,
pState: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetVerbState: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleVerb,
bState: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleVerb,
bState: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetDefaultVerb: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleVerb,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleVerb,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetDefaultVerb: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsoleVerb,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsoleVerb,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleVerb_GetVerbState(self: *const T, eCmdID: MMC_CONSOLE_VERB, nState: MMC_BUTTON_STATE, pState: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleVerb.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetVerbState(@as(*const IConsoleVerb, @ptrCast(self)), eCmdID, nState, pState);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleVerb_SetVerbState(self: *const T, eCmdID: MMC_CONSOLE_VERB, nState: MMC_BUTTON_STATE, bState: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleVerb.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetVerbState(@as(*const IConsoleVerb, @ptrCast(self)), eCmdID, nState, bState);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleVerb_SetDefaultVerb(self: *const T, eCmdID: MMC_CONSOLE_VERB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleVerb.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetDefaultVerb(@as(*const IConsoleVerb, @ptrCast(self)), eCmdID);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsoleVerb_GetDefaultVerb(self: *const T, peCmdID: ?*MMC_CONSOLE_VERB) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsoleVerb.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetDefaultVerb(@as(*const IConsoleVerb, @ptrCast(self)), peCmdID);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_ISnapinAbout_Value = Guid.initString("1245208c-a151-11d0-a7d7-00c04fd909dd");
pub const IID_ISnapinAbout = &IID_ISnapinAbout_Value;
pub const ISnapinAbout = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
GetSnapinDescription: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ISnapinAbout,
lpDescription: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ISnapinAbout,
lpDescription: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetProvider: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ISnapinAbout,
lpName: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ISnapinAbout,
lpName: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetSnapinVersion: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ISnapinAbout,
lpVersion: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ISnapinAbout,
lpVersion: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetSnapinImage: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ISnapinAbout,
hAppIcon: ?*?HICON,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ISnapinAbout,
hAppIcon: ?*?HICON,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetStaticFolderImage: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ISnapinAbout,
hSmallImage: ?*?HBITMAP,
hSmallImageOpen: ?*?HBITMAP,
hLargeImage: ?*?HBITMAP,
cMask: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ISnapinAbout,
hSmallImage: ?*?HBITMAP,
hSmallImageOpen: ?*?HBITMAP,
hLargeImage: ?*?HBITMAP,
cMask: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ISnapinAbout_GetSnapinDescription(self: *const T, lpDescription: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ISnapinAbout.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetSnapinDescription(@as(*const ISnapinAbout, @ptrCast(self)), lpDescription);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ISnapinAbout_GetProvider(self: *const T, lpName: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ISnapinAbout.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetProvider(@as(*const ISnapinAbout, @ptrCast(self)), lpName);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ISnapinAbout_GetSnapinVersion(self: *const T, lpVersion: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ISnapinAbout.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetSnapinVersion(@as(*const ISnapinAbout, @ptrCast(self)), lpVersion);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ISnapinAbout_GetSnapinImage(self: *const T, hAppIcon: ?*?HICON) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ISnapinAbout.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetSnapinImage(@as(*const ISnapinAbout, @ptrCast(self)), hAppIcon);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ISnapinAbout_GetStaticFolderImage(self: *const T, hSmallImage: ?*?HBITMAP, hSmallImageOpen: ?*?HBITMAP, hLargeImage: ?*?HBITMAP, cMask: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ISnapinAbout.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetStaticFolderImage(@as(*const ISnapinAbout, @ptrCast(self)), hSmallImage, hSmallImageOpen, hLargeImage, cMask);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IMenuButton_Value = Guid.initString("951ed750-d080-11d0-b197-000000000000");
pub const IID_IMenuButton = &IID_IMenuButton_Value;
pub const IMenuButton = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
AddButton: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IMenuButton,
idCommand: i32,
lpButtonText: ?PWSTR,
lpTooltipText: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IMenuButton,
idCommand: i32,
lpButtonText: ?PWSTR,
lpTooltipText: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetButton: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IMenuButton,
idCommand: i32,
lpButtonText: ?PWSTR,
lpTooltipText: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IMenuButton,
idCommand: i32,
lpButtonText: ?PWSTR,
lpTooltipText: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetButtonState: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IMenuButton,
idCommand: i32,
bState: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IMenuButton,
idCommand: i32,
bState: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IMenuButton_AddButton(self: *const T, idCommand: i32, lpButtonText: ?PWSTR, lpTooltipText: ?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IMenuButton.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddButton(@as(*const IMenuButton, @ptrCast(self)), idCommand, lpButtonText, lpTooltipText);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IMenuButton_SetButton(self: *const T, idCommand: i32, lpButtonText: ?PWSTR, lpTooltipText: ?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IMenuButton.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetButton(@as(*const IMenuButton, @ptrCast(self)), idCommand, lpButtonText, lpTooltipText);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IMenuButton_SetButtonState(self: *const T, idCommand: i32, nState: MMC_BUTTON_STATE, bState: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IMenuButton.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetButtonState(@as(*const IMenuButton, @ptrCast(self)), idCommand, nState, bState);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_ISnapinHelp_Value = Guid.initString("a6b15ace-df59-11d0-a7dd-00c04fd909dd");
pub const IID_ISnapinHelp = &IID_ISnapinHelp_Value;
pub const ISnapinHelp = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
GetHelpTopic: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ISnapinHelp,
lpCompiledHelpFile: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ISnapinHelp,
lpCompiledHelpFile: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ISnapinHelp_GetHelpTopic(self: *const T, lpCompiledHelpFile: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ISnapinHelp.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetHelpTopic(@as(*const ISnapinHelp, @ptrCast(self)), lpCompiledHelpFile);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IExtendPropertySheet2_Value = Guid.initString("b7a87232-4a51-11d1-a7ea-00c04fd909dd");
pub const IID_IExtendPropertySheet2 = &IID_IExtendPropertySheet2_Value;
pub const IExtendPropertySheet2 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IExtendPropertySheet.VTable,
GetWatermarks: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendPropertySheet2,
lpIDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
lphWatermark: ?*?HBITMAP,
lphHeader: ?*?HBITMAP,
lphPalette: ?*?HPALETTE,
bStretch: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendPropertySheet2,
lpIDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
lphWatermark: ?*?HBITMAP,
lphHeader: ?*?HBITMAP,
lphPalette: ?*?HPALETTE,
bStretch: ?*BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IExtendPropertySheet.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendPropertySheet2_GetWatermarks(self: *const T, lpIDataObject: ?*IDataObject, lphWatermark: ?*?HBITMAP, lphHeader: ?*?HBITMAP, lphPalette: ?*?HPALETTE, bStretch: ?*BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendPropertySheet2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetWatermarks(@as(*const IExtendPropertySheet2, @ptrCast(self)), lpIDataObject, lphWatermark, lphHeader, lphPalette, bStretch);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IHeaderCtrl2_Value = Guid.initString("9757abb8-1b32-11d1-a7ce-00c04fd8d565");
pub const IID_IHeaderCtrl2 = &IID_IHeaderCtrl2_Value;
pub const IHeaderCtrl2 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IHeaderCtrl.VTable,
SetChangeTimeOut: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl2,
uTimeout: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl2,
uTimeout: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetColumnFilter: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl2,
nColumn: u32,
dwType: u32,
pFilterData: ?*MMC_FILTERDATA,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl2,
nColumn: u32,
dwType: u32,
pFilterData: ?*MMC_FILTERDATA,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetColumnFilter: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl2,
nColumn: u32,
pdwType: ?*u32,
pFilterData: ?*MMC_FILTERDATA,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IHeaderCtrl2,
nColumn: u32,
pdwType: ?*u32,
pFilterData: ?*MMC_FILTERDATA,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IHeaderCtrl.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IHeaderCtrl2_SetChangeTimeOut(self: *const T, uTimeout: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IHeaderCtrl2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetChangeTimeOut(@as(*const IHeaderCtrl2, @ptrCast(self)), uTimeout);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IHeaderCtrl2_SetColumnFilter(self: *const T, nColumn: u32, dwType: u32, pFilterData: ?*MMC_FILTERDATA) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IHeaderCtrl2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetColumnFilter(@as(*const IHeaderCtrl2, @ptrCast(self)), nColumn, dwType, pFilterData);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IHeaderCtrl2_GetColumnFilter(self: *const T, nColumn: u32, pdwType: ?*u32, pFilterData: ?*MMC_FILTERDATA) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IHeaderCtrl2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetColumnFilter(@as(*const IHeaderCtrl2, @ptrCast(self)), nColumn, pdwType, pFilterData);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_ISnapinHelp2_Value = Guid.initString("4861a010-20f9-11d2-a510-00c04fb6dd2c");
pub const IID_ISnapinHelp2 = &IID_ISnapinHelp2_Value;
pub const ISnapinHelp2 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: ISnapinHelp.VTable,
GetLinkedTopics: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const ISnapinHelp2,
lpCompiledHelpFiles: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const ISnapinHelp2,
lpCompiledHelpFiles: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace ISnapinHelp.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn ISnapinHelp2_GetLinkedTopics(self: *const T, lpCompiledHelpFiles: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const ISnapinHelp2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetLinkedTopics(@as(*const ISnapinHelp2, @ptrCast(self)), lpCompiledHelpFiles);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
pub const MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_TYPE = enum(i32) {
pub const MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_SYMBOL = extern struct {
szFontFamilyName: ?PWSTR,
szSymbolString: ?PWSTR,
pub const MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_BITMAP = extern struct {
szMouseOverBitmap: ?PWSTR,
szMouseOffBitmap: ?PWSTR,
pub const MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_OBJECT = extern struct {
Anonymous: extern union {
pub const MMC_ACTION_TYPE = enum(i32) {
ID = 0,
LINK = 1,
pub const MMC_TASK = extern struct {
szText: ?PWSTR,
szHelpString: ?PWSTR,
Anonymous: extern union {
nCommandID: isize,
szActionURL: ?PWSTR,
szScript: ?PWSTR,
pub const MMC_LISTPAD_INFO = extern struct {
szTitle: ?PWSTR,
szButtonText: ?PWSTR,
nCommandID: isize,
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IEnumTASK_Value = Guid.initString("338698b1-5a02-11d1-9fec-00600832db4a");
pub const IID_IEnumTASK = &IID_IEnumTASK_Value;
pub const IEnumTASK = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Next: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumTASK,
celt: u32,
rgelt: [*]MMC_TASK,
pceltFetched: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumTASK,
celt: u32,
rgelt: [*]MMC_TASK,
pceltFetched: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Skip: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumTASK,
celt: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumTASK,
celt: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Reset: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumTASK,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumTASK,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Clone: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IEnumTASK,
ppenum: ?*?*IEnumTASK,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IEnumTASK,
ppenum: ?*?*IEnumTASK,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumTASK_Next(self: *const T, celt: u32, rgelt: [*]MMC_TASK, pceltFetched: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumTASK.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Next(@as(*const IEnumTASK, @ptrCast(self)), celt, rgelt, pceltFetched);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumTASK_Skip(self: *const T, celt: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumTASK.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Skip(@as(*const IEnumTASK, @ptrCast(self)), celt);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumTASK_Reset(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumTASK.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Reset(@as(*const IEnumTASK, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IEnumTASK_Clone(self: *const T, ppenum: ?*?*IEnumTASK) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IEnumTASK.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Clone(@as(*const IEnumTASK, @ptrCast(self)), ppenum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IExtendTaskPad_Value = Guid.initString("8dee6511-554d-11d1-9fea-00600832db4a");
pub const IID_IExtendTaskPad = &IID_IExtendTaskPad_Value;
pub const IExtendTaskPad = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
TaskNotify: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendTaskPad,
pdo: ?*IDataObject,
arg: ?*VARIANT,
param2: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendTaskPad,
pdo: ?*IDataObject,
arg: ?*VARIANT,
param2: ?*VARIANT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
EnumTasks: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendTaskPad,
pdo: ?*IDataObject,
szTaskGroup: ?PWSTR,
ppEnumTASK: ?*?*IEnumTASK,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendTaskPad,
pdo: ?*IDataObject,
szTaskGroup: ?PWSTR,
ppEnumTASK: ?*?*IEnumTASK,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetTitle: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendTaskPad,
pszGroup: ?PWSTR,
pszTitle: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendTaskPad,
pszGroup: ?PWSTR,
pszTitle: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetDescriptiveText: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendTaskPad,
pszGroup: ?PWSTR,
pszDescriptiveText: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendTaskPad,
pszGroup: ?PWSTR,
pszDescriptiveText: ?*?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetBackground: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendTaskPad,
pszGroup: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendTaskPad,
pszGroup: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetListPadInfo: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendTaskPad,
pszGroup: ?PWSTR,
lpListPadInfo: ?*MMC_LISTPAD_INFO,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendTaskPad,
pszGroup: ?PWSTR,
lpListPadInfo: ?*MMC_LISTPAD_INFO,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendTaskPad_TaskNotify(self: *const T, pdo: ?*IDataObject, arg: ?*VARIANT, param2: ?*VARIANT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendTaskPad.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).TaskNotify(@as(*const IExtendTaskPad, @ptrCast(self)), pdo, arg, param2);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendTaskPad_EnumTasks(self: *const T, pdo: ?*IDataObject, szTaskGroup: ?PWSTR, ppEnumTASK: ?*?*IEnumTASK) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendTaskPad.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EnumTasks(@as(*const IExtendTaskPad, @ptrCast(self)), pdo, szTaskGroup, ppEnumTASK);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendTaskPad_GetTitle(self: *const T, pszGroup: ?PWSTR, pszTitle: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendTaskPad.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetTitle(@as(*const IExtendTaskPad, @ptrCast(self)), pszGroup, pszTitle);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendTaskPad_GetDescriptiveText(self: *const T, pszGroup: ?PWSTR, pszDescriptiveText: ?*?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendTaskPad.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetDescriptiveText(@as(*const IExtendTaskPad, @ptrCast(self)), pszGroup, pszDescriptiveText);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendTaskPad_GetBackground(self: *const T, pszGroup: ?PWSTR, pTDO: ?*MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_OBJECT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendTaskPad.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetBackground(@as(*const IExtendTaskPad, @ptrCast(self)), pszGroup, pTDO);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendTaskPad_GetListPadInfo(self: *const T, pszGroup: ?PWSTR, lpListPadInfo: ?*MMC_LISTPAD_INFO) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendTaskPad.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetListPadInfo(@as(*const IExtendTaskPad, @ptrCast(self)), pszGroup, lpListPadInfo);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IConsole2_Value = Guid.initString("103d842a-aa63-11d1-a7e1-00c04fd8d565");
pub const IID_IConsole2 = &IID_IConsole2_Value;
pub const IConsole2 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IConsole.VTable,
Expand: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole2,
hItem: isize,
bExpand: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole2,
hItem: isize,
bExpand: BOOL,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
IsTaskpadViewPreferred: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole2,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole2,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetStatusText: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole2,
pszStatusText: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole2,
pszStatusText: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IConsole.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole2_Expand(self: *const T, hItem: isize, bExpand: BOOL) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Expand(@as(*const IConsole2, @ptrCast(self)), hItem, bExpand);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole2_IsTaskpadViewPreferred(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).IsTaskpadViewPreferred(@as(*const IConsole2, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole2_SetStatusText(self: *const T, pszStatusText: ?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetStatusText(@as(*const IConsole2, @ptrCast(self)), pszStatusText);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IDisplayHelp_Value = Guid.initString("cc593830-b926-11d1-8063-0000f875a9ce");
pub const IID_IDisplayHelp = &IID_IDisplayHelp_Value;
pub const IDisplayHelp = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
ShowTopic: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IDisplayHelp,
pszHelpTopic: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IDisplayHelp,
pszHelpTopic: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IDisplayHelp_ShowTopic(self: *const T, pszHelpTopic: ?PWSTR) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IDisplayHelp.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ShowTopic(@as(*const IDisplayHelp, @ptrCast(self)), pszHelpTopic);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IRequiredExtensions_Value = Guid.initString("72782d7a-a4a0-11d1-af0f-00c04fb6dd2c");
pub const IID_IRequiredExtensions = &IID_IRequiredExtensions_Value;
pub const IRequiredExtensions = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
EnableAllExtensions: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IRequiredExtensions,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IRequiredExtensions,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetFirstExtension: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IRequiredExtensions,
pExtCLSID: ?*Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IRequiredExtensions,
pExtCLSID: ?*Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetNextExtension: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IRequiredExtensions,
pExtCLSID: ?*Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IRequiredExtensions,
pExtCLSID: ?*Guid,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IRequiredExtensions_EnableAllExtensions(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IRequiredExtensions.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).EnableAllExtensions(@as(*const IRequiredExtensions, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IRequiredExtensions_GetFirstExtension(self: *const T, pExtCLSID: ?*Guid) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IRequiredExtensions.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetFirstExtension(@as(*const IRequiredExtensions, @ptrCast(self)), pExtCLSID);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IRequiredExtensions_GetNextExtension(self: *const T, pExtCLSID: ?*Guid) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IRequiredExtensions.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetNextExtension(@as(*const IRequiredExtensions, @ptrCast(self)), pExtCLSID);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IStringTable_Value = Guid.initString("de40b7a4-0f65-11d2-8e25-00c04f8ecd78");
pub const IID_IStringTable = &IID_IStringTable_Value;
pub const IStringTable = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
AddString: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
pszAdd: ?[*:0]const u16,
pStringID: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
pszAdd: ?[*:0]const u16,
pStringID: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetString: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
StringID: u32,
cchBuffer: u32,
lpBuffer: [*:0]u16,
pcchOut: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
StringID: u32,
cchBuffer: u32,
lpBuffer: [*:0]u16,
pcchOut: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetStringLength: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
StringID: u32,
pcchString: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
StringID: u32,
pcchString: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DeleteString: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
StringID: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
StringID: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
DeleteAllStrings: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
FindString: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
pszFind: ?[*:0]const u16,
pStringID: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
pszFind: ?[*:0]const u16,
pStringID: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Enumerate: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
ppEnum: ?*?*IEnumString,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IStringTable,
ppEnum: ?*?*IEnumString,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStringTable_AddString(self: *const T, pszAdd: ?[*:0]const u16, pStringID: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStringTable.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddString(@as(*const IStringTable, @ptrCast(self)), pszAdd, pStringID);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStringTable_GetString(self: *const T, StringID: u32, cchBuffer: u32, lpBuffer: [*:0]u16, pcchOut: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStringTable.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetString(@as(*const IStringTable, @ptrCast(self)), StringID, cchBuffer, lpBuffer, pcchOut);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStringTable_GetStringLength(self: *const T, StringID: u32, pcchString: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStringTable.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetStringLength(@as(*const IStringTable, @ptrCast(self)), StringID, pcchString);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStringTable_DeleteString(self: *const T, StringID: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStringTable.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DeleteString(@as(*const IStringTable, @ptrCast(self)), StringID);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStringTable_DeleteAllStrings(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStringTable.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).DeleteAllStrings(@as(*const IStringTable, @ptrCast(self)));
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStringTable_FindString(self: *const T, pszFind: ?[*:0]const u16, pStringID: ?*u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStringTable.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).FindString(@as(*const IStringTable, @ptrCast(self)), pszFind, pStringID);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IStringTable_Enumerate(self: *const T, ppEnum: ?*?*IEnumString) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IStringTable.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Enumerate(@as(*const IStringTable, @ptrCast(self)), ppEnum);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
pub const MMC_COLUMN_DATA = extern struct {
nColIndex: i32,
dwFlags: u32,
nWidth: i32,
ulReserved: usize,
pub const MMC_COLUMN_SET_DATA = extern struct {
cbSize: i32,
nNumCols: i32,
pub const MMC_SORT_DATA = extern struct {
nColIndex: i32,
dwSortOptions: u32,
ulReserved: usize,
pub const MMC_SORT_SET_DATA = extern struct {
cbSize: i32,
nNumItems: i32,
pSortData: ?*MMC_SORT_DATA,
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IColumnData_Value = Guid.initString("547c1354-024d-11d3-a707-00c04f8ef4cb");
pub const IID_IColumnData = &IID_IColumnData_Value;
pub const IColumnData = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
SetColumnConfigData: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IColumnData,
pColID: ?*SColumnSetID,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IColumnData,
pColID: ?*SColumnSetID,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetColumnConfigData: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IColumnData,
pColID: ?*SColumnSetID,
ppColSetData: ?*?*MMC_COLUMN_SET_DATA,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IColumnData,
pColID: ?*SColumnSetID,
ppColSetData: ?*?*MMC_COLUMN_SET_DATA,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetColumnSortData: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IColumnData,
pColID: ?*SColumnSetID,
pColSortData: ?*MMC_SORT_SET_DATA,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IColumnData,
pColID: ?*SColumnSetID,
pColSortData: ?*MMC_SORT_SET_DATA,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetColumnSortData: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IColumnData,
pColID: ?*SColumnSetID,
ppColSortData: ?*?*MMC_SORT_SET_DATA,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IColumnData,
pColID: ?*SColumnSetID,
ppColSortData: ?*?*MMC_SORT_SET_DATA,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IColumnData_SetColumnConfigData(self: *const T, pColID: ?*SColumnSetID, pColSetData: ?*MMC_COLUMN_SET_DATA) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IColumnData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetColumnConfigData(@as(*const IColumnData, @ptrCast(self)), pColID, pColSetData);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IColumnData_GetColumnConfigData(self: *const T, pColID: ?*SColumnSetID, ppColSetData: ?*?*MMC_COLUMN_SET_DATA) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IColumnData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetColumnConfigData(@as(*const IColumnData, @ptrCast(self)), pColID, ppColSetData);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IColumnData_SetColumnSortData(self: *const T, pColID: ?*SColumnSetID, pColSortData: ?*MMC_SORT_SET_DATA) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IColumnData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetColumnSortData(@as(*const IColumnData, @ptrCast(self)), pColID, pColSortData);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IColumnData_GetColumnSortData(self: *const T, pColID: ?*SColumnSetID, ppColSortData: ?*?*MMC_SORT_SET_DATA) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IColumnData.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetColumnSortData(@as(*const IColumnData, @ptrCast(self)), pColID, ppColSortData);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
pub const IconIdentifier = enum(i32) {
None = 0,
Error = 32513,
Question = 32514,
Warning = 32515,
Information = 32516,
// First = 32513, this enum value conflicts with Error
// Last = 32516, this enum value conflicts with Information
pub const Icon_None = IconIdentifier.None;
pub const Icon_Error = IconIdentifier.Error;
pub const Icon_Question = IconIdentifier.Question;
pub const Icon_Warning = IconIdentifier.Warning;
pub const Icon_Information = IconIdentifier.Information;
pub const Icon_First = IconIdentifier.Error;
pub const Icon_Last = IconIdentifier.Information;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IMessageView_Value = Guid.initString("80f94174-fccc-11d2-b991-00c04f8ecd78");
pub const IID_IMessageView = &IID_IMessageView_Value;
pub const IMessageView = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
SetTitleText: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IMessageView,
pszTitleText: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IMessageView,
pszTitleText: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetBodyText: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IMessageView,
pszBodyText: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IMessageView,
pszBodyText: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
SetIcon: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IMessageView,
id: IconIdentifier,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IMessageView,
id: IconIdentifier,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
Clear: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IMessageView,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IMessageView,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IMessageView_SetTitleText(self: *const T, pszTitleText: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IMessageView.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetTitleText(@as(*const IMessageView, @ptrCast(self)), pszTitleText);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IMessageView_SetBodyText(self: *const T, pszBodyText: ?[*:0]const u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IMessageView.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetBodyText(@as(*const IMessageView, @ptrCast(self)), pszBodyText);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IMessageView_SetIcon(self: *const T, id: IconIdentifier) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IMessageView.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetIcon(@as(*const IMessageView, @ptrCast(self)), id);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IMessageView_Clear(self: *const T) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IMessageView.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Clear(@as(*const IMessageView, @ptrCast(self)));
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
pub const RDITEMHDR = extern struct {
dwFlags: u32,
cookie: isize,
lpReserved: LPARAM,
pub const RDCOMPARE = extern struct {
cbSize: u32,
dwFlags: u32,
nColumn: i32,
lUserParam: LPARAM,
prdch1: ?*RDITEMHDR,
prdch2: ?*RDITEMHDR,
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IResultDataCompareEx_Value = Guid.initString("96933476-0251-11d3-aeb0-00c04f8ecd78");
pub const IID_IResultDataCompareEx = &IID_IResultDataCompareEx_Value;
pub const IResultDataCompareEx = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
Compare: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultDataCompareEx,
prdc: ?*RDCOMPARE,
pnResult: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultDataCompareEx,
prdc: ?*RDCOMPARE,
pnResult: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultDataCompareEx_Compare(self: *const T, prdc: ?*RDCOMPARE, pnResult: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultDataCompareEx.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).Compare(@as(*const IResultDataCompareEx, @ptrCast(self)), prdc, pnResult);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
pub const MMC_VIEW_TYPE = enum(i32) {
LIST = 0,
HTML = 1,
OCX = 2,
pub const RESULT_VIEW_TYPE_INFO = extern struct {
pstrPersistableViewDescription: ?PWSTR,
dwMiscOptions: u32,
Anonymous: extern union {
dwListOptions: u32,
Anonymous1: extern struct {
dwHTMLOptions: u32,
pstrURL: ?PWSTR,
Anonymous2: extern struct {
dwOCXOptions: u32,
pUnkControl: ?*IUnknown,
pub const CONTEXTMENUITEM2 = extern struct {
strName: ?PWSTR,
strStatusBarText: ?PWSTR,
lCommandID: i32,
lInsertionPointID: i32,
fFlags: i32,
fSpecialFlags: i32,
strLanguageIndependentName: ?PWSTR,
pub const MMC_EXT_VIEW_DATA = extern struct {
viewID: Guid,
pszURL: ?[*:0]const u16,
pszViewTitle: ?[*:0]const u16,
pszTooltipText: ?[*:0]const u16,
bReplacesDefaultView: BOOL,
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IComponentData2_Value = Guid.initString("cca0f2d2-82de-41b5-bf47-3b2076273d5c");
pub const IID_IComponentData2 = &IID_IComponentData2_Value;
pub const IComponentData2 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IComponentData.VTable,
QueryDispatch: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponentData2,
cookie: isize,
ppDispatch: ?*?*IDispatch,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponentData2,
cookie: isize,
ppDispatch: ?*?*IDispatch,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IComponentData.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponentData2_QueryDispatch(self: *const T, cookie: isize, type_: DATA_OBJECT_TYPES, ppDispatch: ?*?*IDispatch) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponentData2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).QueryDispatch(@as(*const IComponentData2, @ptrCast(self)), cookie, type_, ppDispatch);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IComponent2_Value = Guid.initString("79a2d615-4a10-4ed4-8c65-8633f9335095");
pub const IID_IComponent2 = &IID_IComponent2_Value;
pub const IComponent2 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IComponent.VTable,
QueryDispatch: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponent2,
cookie: isize,
ppDispatch: ?*?*IDispatch,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponent2,
cookie: isize,
ppDispatch: ?*?*IDispatch,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
GetResultViewType2: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponent2,
cookie: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponent2,
cookie: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
RestoreResultView: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IComponent2,
cookie: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IComponent2,
cookie: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IComponent.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponent2_QueryDispatch(self: *const T, cookie: isize, type_: DATA_OBJECT_TYPES, ppDispatch: ?*?*IDispatch) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponent2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).QueryDispatch(@as(*const IComponent2, @ptrCast(self)), cookie, type_, ppDispatch);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponent2_GetResultViewType2(self: *const T, cookie: isize, pResultViewType: ?*RESULT_VIEW_TYPE_INFO) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponent2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetResultViewType2(@as(*const IComponent2, @ptrCast(self)), cookie, pResultViewType);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IComponent2_RestoreResultView(self: *const T, cookie: isize, pResultViewType: ?*RESULT_VIEW_TYPE_INFO) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IComponent2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RestoreResultView(@as(*const IComponent2, @ptrCast(self)), cookie, pResultViewType);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IContextMenuCallback2_Value = Guid.initString("e178bc0e-2ed0-4b5e-8097-42c9087e8b33");
pub const IID_IContextMenuCallback2 = &IID_IContextMenuCallback2_Value;
pub const IContextMenuCallback2 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
AddItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IContextMenuCallback2,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IContextMenuCallback2,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IContextMenuCallback2_AddItem(self: *const T, pItem: ?*CONTEXTMENUITEM2) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IContextMenuCallback2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddItem(@as(*const IContextMenuCallback2, @ptrCast(self)), pItem);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IMMCVersionInfo_Value = Guid.initString("a8d2c5fe-cdcb-4b9d-bde5-a27343ff54bc");
pub const IID_IMMCVersionInfo = &IID_IMMCVersionInfo_Value;
pub const IMMCVersionInfo = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
GetMMCVersion: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IMMCVersionInfo,
pVersionMajor: ?*i32,
pVersionMinor: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IMMCVersionInfo,
pVersionMajor: ?*i32,
pVersionMinor: ?*i32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IMMCVersionInfo_GetMMCVersion(self: *const T, pVersionMajor: ?*i32, pVersionMinor: ?*i32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IMMCVersionInfo.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetMMCVersion(@as(*const IMMCVersionInfo, @ptrCast(self)), pVersionMajor, pVersionMinor);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IExtendView_Value = Guid.initString("89995cee-d2ed-4c0e-ae5e-df7e76f3fa53");
pub const IID_IExtendView = &IID_IExtendView_Value;
pub const IExtendView = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
GetViews: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IExtendView,
pDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
pViewExtensionCallback: ?*IViewExtensionCallback,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IExtendView,
pDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
pViewExtensionCallback: ?*IViewExtensionCallback,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IExtendView_GetViews(self: *const T, pDataObject: ?*IDataObject, pViewExtensionCallback: ?*IViewExtensionCallback) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IExtendView.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetViews(@as(*const IExtendView, @ptrCast(self)), pDataObject, pViewExtensionCallback);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IViewExtensionCallback_Value = Guid.initString("34dd928a-7599-41e5-9f5e-d6bc3062c2da");
pub const IID_IViewExtensionCallback = &IID_IViewExtensionCallback_Value;
pub const IViewExtensionCallback = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
AddView: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IViewExtensionCallback,
pExtViewData: ?*MMC_EXT_VIEW_DATA,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IViewExtensionCallback,
pExtViewData: ?*MMC_EXT_VIEW_DATA,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IViewExtensionCallback_AddView(self: *const T, pExtViewData: ?*MMC_EXT_VIEW_DATA) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IViewExtensionCallback.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).AddView(@as(*const IViewExtensionCallback, @ptrCast(self)), pExtViewData);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IConsolePower_Value = Guid.initString("1cfbdd0e-62ca-49ce-a3af-dbb2de61b068");
pub const IID_IConsolePower = &IID_IConsolePower_Value;
pub const IConsolePower = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
SetExecutionState: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsolePower,
dwAdd: u32,
dwRemove: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsolePower,
dwAdd: u32,
dwRemove: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
ResetIdleTimer: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsolePower,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsolePower,
dwFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsolePower_SetExecutionState(self: *const T, dwAdd: u32, dwRemove: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsolePower.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).SetExecutionState(@as(*const IConsolePower, @ptrCast(self)), dwAdd, dwRemove);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsolePower_ResetIdleTimer(self: *const T, dwFlags: u32) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsolePower.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).ResetIdleTimer(@as(*const IConsolePower, @ptrCast(self)), dwFlags);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IConsolePowerSink_Value = Guid.initString("3333759f-fe4f-4975-b143-fec0a5dd6d65");
pub const IID_IConsolePowerSink = &IID_IConsolePowerSink_Value;
pub const IConsolePowerSink = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
OnPowerBroadcast: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsolePowerSink,
nEvent: u32,
lParam: LPARAM,
plReturn: ?*LRESULT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsolePowerSink,
nEvent: u32,
lParam: LPARAM,
plReturn: ?*LRESULT,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsolePowerSink_OnPowerBroadcast(self: *const T, nEvent: u32, lParam: LPARAM, plReturn: ?*LRESULT) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsolePowerSink.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).OnPowerBroadcast(@as(*const IConsolePowerSink, @ptrCast(self)), nEvent, lParam, plReturn);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_INodeProperties_Value = Guid.initString("15bc4d24-a522-4406-aa55-0749537a6865");
pub const IID_INodeProperties = &IID_INodeProperties_Value;
pub const INodeProperties = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IUnknown.VTable,
GetProperty: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const INodeProperties,
pDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
szPropertyName: ?BSTR,
pbstrProperty: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const INodeProperties,
pDataObject: ?*IDataObject,
szPropertyName: ?BSTR,
pbstrProperty: ?*?*u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IUnknown.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn INodeProperties_GetProperty(self: *const T, pDataObject: ?*IDataObject, szPropertyName: ?BSTR, pbstrProperty: ?*?*u16) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const INodeProperties.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).GetProperty(@as(*const INodeProperties, @ptrCast(self)), pDataObject, szPropertyName, pbstrProperty);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IConsole3_Value = Guid.initString("4f85efdb-d0e1-498c-8d4a-d010dfdd404f");
pub const IID_IConsole3 = &IID_IConsole3_Value;
pub const IConsole3 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IConsole2.VTable,
RenameScopeItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IConsole3,
hScopeItem: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IConsole3,
hScopeItem: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IConsole2.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IConsole3_RenameScopeItem(self: *const T, hScopeItem: isize) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IConsole3.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RenameScopeItem(@as(*const IConsole3, @ptrCast(self)), hScopeItem);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
const IID_IResultData2_Value = Guid.initString("0f36e0eb-a7f1-4a81-be5a-9247f7de4b1b");
pub const IID_IResultData2 = &IID_IResultData2_Value;
pub const IResultData2 = extern struct {
pub const VTable = extern struct {
base: IResultData.VTable,
RenameResultItem: switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
self: *const IResultData2,
itemID: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
else => *const fn(
self: *const IResultData2,
itemID: isize,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) HRESULT,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub fn MethodMixin(comptime T: type) type { return struct {
pub usingnamespace IResultData.MethodMixin(T);
// NOTE: method is namespaced with interface name to avoid conflicts for now
pub fn IResultData2_RenameResultItem(self: *const T, itemID: isize) callconv(.Inline) HRESULT {
return @as(*const IResultData2.VTable, @ptrCast(self.vtable)).RenameResultItem(@as(*const IResultData2, @ptrCast(self)), itemID);
pub usingnamespace MethodMixin(@This());
// Section: Functions (0)
// Section: Unicode Aliases (0)
const thismodule = @This();
pub usingnamespace switch (@import("../zig.zig").unicode_mode) {
.ansi => struct {
.wide => struct {
.unspecified => if (@import("builtin").is_test) struct {
} else struct {
// Section: Imports (17)
const Guid = @import("../zig.zig").Guid;
const BOOL = @import("../foundation.zig").BOOL;
const BSTR = @import("../foundation.zig").BSTR;
const HBITMAP = @import("../graphics/gdi.zig").HBITMAP;
const HICON = @import("../ui/windows_and_messaging.zig").HICON;
const HPALETTE = @import("../graphics/gdi.zig").HPALETTE;
const HPROPSHEETPAGE = @import("../ui/controls.zig").HPROPSHEETPAGE;
const HRESULT = @import("../foundation.zig").HRESULT;
const HWND = @import("../foundation.zig").HWND;
const IDataObject = @import("../system/com.zig").IDataObject;
const IDispatch = @import("../system/com.zig").IDispatch;
const IEnumString = @import("../system/com.zig").IEnumString;
const IUnknown = @import("../system/com.zig").IUnknown;
const LPARAM = @import("../foundation.zig").LPARAM;
const LRESULT = @import("../foundation.zig").LRESULT;
const PWSTR = @import("../foundation.zig").PWSTR;
const VARIANT = @import("../system/com.zig").VARIANT;
test {
comptime @import("std").meta.declarations(@This()).len * 3
// reference all the pub declarations
if (!@import("builtin").is_test) return;
inline for (comptime @import("std").meta.declarations(@This())) |decl| {
_ = @field(@This(), decl.name);