
251 lines
8.5 KiB

//! NOTE: this file is autogenerated, DO NOT MODIFY
// Section: Constants (5)
pub const CCH_RM_SESSION_KEY = @as(u32, 32);
pub const CCH_RM_MAX_APP_NAME = @as(u32, 255);
pub const CCH_RM_MAX_SVC_NAME = @as(u32, 63);
pub const RM_INVALID_TS_SESSION = @as(i32, -1);
pub const RM_INVALID_PROCESS = @as(i32, -1);
// Section: Types (10)
pub const RM_APP_TYPE = enum(i32) {
UnknownApp = 0,
MainWindow = 1,
OtherWindow = 2,
Service = 3,
Explorer = 4,
Console = 5,
Critical = 1000,
pub const RmUnknownApp = RM_APP_TYPE.UnknownApp;
pub const RmMainWindow = RM_APP_TYPE.MainWindow;
pub const RmOtherWindow = RM_APP_TYPE.OtherWindow;
pub const RmService = RM_APP_TYPE.Service;
pub const RmExplorer = RM_APP_TYPE.Explorer;
pub const RmConsole = RM_APP_TYPE.Console;
pub const RmCritical = RM_APP_TYPE.Critical;
pub const RM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE = enum(i32) {
ForceShutdown = 1,
ShutdownOnlyRegistered = 16,
pub const RmForceShutdown = RM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE.ForceShutdown;
pub const RmShutdownOnlyRegistered = RM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE.ShutdownOnlyRegistered;
pub const RM_APP_STATUS = enum(i32) {
Unknown = 0,
Running = 1,
Stopped = 2,
StoppedOther = 4,
Restarted = 8,
ErrorOnStop = 16,
ErrorOnRestart = 32,
ShutdownMasked = 64,
RestartMasked = 128,
pub const RmStatusUnknown = RM_APP_STATUS.Unknown;
pub const RmStatusRunning = RM_APP_STATUS.Running;
pub const RmStatusStopped = RM_APP_STATUS.Stopped;
pub const RmStatusStoppedOther = RM_APP_STATUS.StoppedOther;
pub const RmStatusRestarted = RM_APP_STATUS.Restarted;
pub const RmStatusErrorOnStop = RM_APP_STATUS.ErrorOnStop;
pub const RmStatusErrorOnRestart = RM_APP_STATUS.ErrorOnRestart;
pub const RmStatusShutdownMasked = RM_APP_STATUS.ShutdownMasked;
pub const RmStatusRestartMasked = RM_APP_STATUS.RestartMasked;
pub const RM_REBOOT_REASON = enum(i32) {
None = 0,
PermissionDenied = 1,
SessionMismatch = 2,
CriticalProcess = 4,
CriticalService = 8,
DetectedSelf = 16,
pub const RmRebootReasonNone = RM_REBOOT_REASON.None;
pub const RmRebootReasonPermissionDenied = RM_REBOOT_REASON.PermissionDenied;
pub const RmRebootReasonSessionMismatch = RM_REBOOT_REASON.SessionMismatch;
pub const RmRebootReasonCriticalProcess = RM_REBOOT_REASON.CriticalProcess;
pub const RmRebootReasonCriticalService = RM_REBOOT_REASON.CriticalService;
pub const RmRebootReasonDetectedSelf = RM_REBOOT_REASON.DetectedSelf;
pub const RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS = extern struct {
dwProcessId: u32,
ProcessStartTime: FILETIME,
pub const RM_PROCESS_INFO = extern struct {
strAppName: [256]u16,
strServiceShortName: [64]u16,
ApplicationType: RM_APP_TYPE,
AppStatus: u32,
TSSessionId: u32,
bRestartable: BOOL,
pub const RM_FILTER_TRIGGER = enum(i32) {
Invalid = 0,
File = 1,
Process = 2,
Service = 3,
pub const RmFilterTriggerInvalid = RM_FILTER_TRIGGER.Invalid;
pub const RmFilterTriggerFile = RM_FILTER_TRIGGER.File;
pub const RmFilterTriggerProcess = RM_FILTER_TRIGGER.Process;
pub const RmFilterTriggerService = RM_FILTER_TRIGGER.Service;
pub const RM_FILTER_ACTION = enum(i32) {
InvalidFilterAction = 0,
NoRestart = 1,
NoShutdown = 2,
pub const RmInvalidFilterAction = RM_FILTER_ACTION.InvalidFilterAction;
pub const RmNoRestart = RM_FILTER_ACTION.NoRestart;
pub const RmNoShutdown = RM_FILTER_ACTION.NoShutdown;
pub const RM_FILTER_INFO = extern struct {
cbNextOffset: u32,
Anonymous: extern union {
strFilename: ?PWSTR,
strServiceShortName: ?PWSTR,
pub const RM_WRITE_STATUS_CALLBACK = switch (@import("builtin").zig_backend) {
.stage1 => fn(
nPercentComplete: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
else => *const fn(
nPercentComplete: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) void,
} ;
// Section: Functions (11)
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "rstrtmgr" fn RmStartSession(
pSessionHandle: ?*u32,
dwSessionFlags: u32,
strSessionKey: ?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "rstrtmgr" fn RmJoinSession(
pSessionHandle: ?*u32,
strSessionKey: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "rstrtmgr" fn RmEndSession(
dwSessionHandle: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "rstrtmgr" fn RmRegisterResources(
dwSessionHandle: u32,
nFiles: u32,
rgsFileNames: ?[*]?PWSTR,
nApplications: u32,
rgApplications: ?[*]RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS,
nServices: u32,
rgsServiceNames: ?[*]?PWSTR,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "rstrtmgr" fn RmGetList(
dwSessionHandle: u32,
pnProcInfoNeeded: ?*u32,
pnProcInfo: ?*u32,
rgAffectedApps: ?[*]RM_PROCESS_INFO,
lpdwRebootReasons: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "rstrtmgr" fn RmShutdown(
dwSessionHandle: u32,
lActionFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "rstrtmgr" fn RmRestart(
dwSessionHandle: u32,
dwRestartFlags: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "rstrtmgr" fn RmCancelCurrentTask(
dwSessionHandle: u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "rstrtmgr" fn RmAddFilter(
dwSessionHandle: u32,
strModuleName: ?[*:0]const u16,
strServiceShortName: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "rstrtmgr" fn RmRemoveFilter(
dwSessionHandle: u32,
strModuleName: ?[*:0]const u16,
strServiceShortName: ?[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// TODO: this type is limited to platform 'windows6.0.6000'
pub extern "rstrtmgr" fn RmGetFilterList(
dwSessionHandle: u32,
// TODO: what to do with BytesParamIndex 2?
pbFilterBuf: ?*u8,
cbFilterBuf: u32,
cbFilterBufNeeded: ?*u32,
) callconv(@import("std").os.windows.WINAPI) u32;
// Section: Unicode Aliases (0)
const thismodule = @This();
pub usingnamespace switch (@import("../zig.zig").unicode_mode) {
.ansi => struct {
.wide => struct {
.unspecified => if (@import("builtin").is_test) struct {
} else struct {
// Section: Imports (3)
const BOOL = @import("../foundation.zig").BOOL;
const FILETIME = @import("../foundation.zig").FILETIME;
const PWSTR = @import("../foundation.zig").PWSTR;
test {
// The following '_ = <FuncPtrType>' lines are a workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4476
comptime @import("std").meta.declarations(@This()).len * 3
// reference all the pub declarations
if (!@import("builtin").is_test) return;
inline for (comptime @import("std").meta.declarations(@This())) |decl| {
_ = @field(@This(), decl.name);